Baybeats '08

this year's baybeats didn't disappoint, i had much fun catching bands over at the nokia powerhouse stage over the first two days, force vomit and faspitch really brought great stuffs. moshing was crazy though, that i must add. *laughs*

i checked out analog girl over at the concourse on friday, she pulled a great set too, something to chill out with after the crazy moshing and stuff.

anyhoots with the moshing culture growing... don't anyone headbang anymore? cos i feel that faspitch songs are more headbang-able to than moshing. (even the band members were headbanging) :D

biopro dude, i loved the lightstick stuff, must have more ok next year? :P
the oslo castaways, abuse the youth and amberhaze was awesome man...the oslo castaways were like..wahhhh... gt b quartet vox as guest. he spoke some lyrical poetry..awesome
art. epic
Ya Oslo Castaways were awesome. Really enjoyed Jebediah, esp when the bassist give that shag face and complained that it was so hot, probably just too damn humid onstage lol. Transition was really cool too, was stunned to see so many people standing and lining up the front when i went there, i thought no space to take photo already :p
went for all three days and the best band I caught definitely was the Otherside Orchestra. They were pretty tight, I love the crazy synths and the kickass drummer. Too bad everybody was sitting down.

My Little Airport didn't disappoint as well and I caught analog girl and the karl maka together with amberhaze over at the chillout stage, which I thought had disappointing (read: too soft) sound.

There was quite a bit of support during the start of Transitions set, I wish the same kind of support could extend itself to the local bands too, though I see no such occurences during the event.
i have a sound question about the new Arena stage

i noticed that with the new Arena
they placed the sound board with the sound guy on the side of the stage
rather than at the back, together with the video equipment at the back
behind the audience

i would think placing the sound guy with the audience is so that
the sound guy can hear exactly what the audience hear
and mix it the sound properly

is it a problem of space? did esplanade build the tech area behind the audience too small to fit in all the sound equipment? will all future gigs at the arena have to put the sound guy at the side of the stage?

also i noticed
out of all the acts that performed at the Arena over the weekend
the only musician i saw who asked the sound
for his instrument
to be turned down
instead of up

was Pat Chng, Oddfellows, halfway thro his set


there are two sets of soundmen, one at the side of the stage to handle the stage sound, the other at the back of the audience to handle the main sound. It's the same at the powerhouse stage, too.

As such, Patrick would have asked the STAGE soundman to turn down his guitar or vocals in his monitor, presumably because he wanted to be able to hear his bandmates better. There is no way for him to know how the house sound would be like, unless perhaps he went wireless and running into the audience.
there are two sets of soundmen, one at the side of the stage to handle the stage sound, the other at the back of the audience to handle the main sound.

ahhhh soh.

on a different note
anyone caught 4 imaginary boys set over at the concourse
tunes they played were pretty good

lucky soul, with verve, with some bowie, and a little bit of ramones

Haykal magic was with Oslo Castaways. Seriously. I had goosebumps twice when he was reciting poetry... Pure magic.

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