Alternate Palm Mute

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hey but i sling my les paul low too , got used to it after awhile . If its too low , your playing will suck (unless you're slash) and if its too high , you look funny . So sling it in between la .
It'll be no longer cool to look good with the guitar but can't play it. Any technique that helps you to play will be a good thing, so concentrate on getting those techniques right first. Everything else is secondary.
Actually its in between.. And I just got used to it, I can palm mute and everything now.. And it was actually a bit but I made it higher a bit. Now its comfortable and everything..

Thanks to those who gave me tips and advice and everything and screw those people who think they are perfect and verything and so called "advanced". I'm asking for help here, not flaming about your height and everything. And the stupid plus sign... Really childish stuff.

I may be a rookie, or a noob or small, or a "plus sign", but so what?
C'mon lah, stop being dumb. obviously if you listen to blink 182 and other pop-punk/punk rock bands you would think hanging your guitar low will make you look cool. who dosent. and your'e learning alternate palm muting because you think is cool too. lol
And how you want us to forgive you for your noob question when your signiture is ''No Sympathy For Fools'' , And your not really matured also :D
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C'mon lah, stop being dumb. obviously if you listen to blink 182 and other pop-punk/punk rock bands you would think hanging your guitar low will make you look cool. who dosent. and your'e learning alternate palm muting because you think is cool too. lol
And how you want us to forgive you for your noob question when your signiture is ''No Sympathy For Fools'' , And your not really matured also :D

About the alternate muting, look back at the pages, and see one post that I stated "SOME SONGS DO NEED ALTERNATE MUTING" Aliens Exist is neeeded. It sounds very different if you do not use alternate muting. And its not LOW, its in the middle i got it all wrong its jsut that im not used to standing and strumming now i'm okay with it.

And its a song, a signature. And you don't have a big authority to "forgive" me because you're a noob yourself, so don't try to act pro here and everything.

And about the childish thing, i only stated the plus sign as chilidish it has nothing to with myself. And who are you to call me not so matured. Look at yourself, everyday, you say VERY childish jokes like "Muslim Terrrorist" "Allah is a dog" and everything and you don't realise that. And you talk sh!twhich you dunno anything about and assume you ARE ALWAYS right. And you are perfect and everything. And you talk me acting cool with my sling heigh. How about you? Your sling height is ALMOST the same as mine, and that mine is HIGHER.

So its obvious that you are trying to act "diplomatic" here and try to "verbally kill" me with your nonsense. And you are trying to act like a pro like the others here.
So its obvious that you are trying to act "diplomatic" here and try to "verbally kill" me with your nonsense. And you are trying to act like a pro like the others here.

i dont have to act, im proer than you, and probaly everyone else here is too.
Dosent mean someone whos pro-er in skill wise can only provide you information. a noob with suffiecient knowledge can also give you answers.
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