When i put higher I look like a complete idiot. Cos I'm small and everything..
1 advice : Stop trying to act cool for a moment in your life. lol.
screw those people who think they are perfect and verything and so called "advanced".
you wont get flamed if you didnt act like a douche in the first place.
C'mon lah, stop being dumb. obviously if you listen to blink 182 and other pop-punk/punk rock bands you would think hanging your guitar low will make you look cool. who dosent. and your'e learning alternate palm muting because you think is cool too. lol
And how you want us to forgive you for your noob question when your signiture is ''No Sympathy For Fools'' , And your not really matured also![]()
do you know the meaning of "screw"? I suppose you think that using words like "screw" is cool right?
So its obvious that you are trying to act "diplomatic" here and try to "verbally kill" me with your nonsense. And you are trying to act like a pro like the others here.
i dont have to act, im proer than you, and probaly everyone else here is too.
probaly everyone else here is too.