9th Soft's DXS-15th Dec 2007--Jazz Do It ! Guest Drummer(Boon Gee, Audrey, Mark Chan)

1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
9. phlemingo
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
hey guys i just heard boon gee might not be doing a jazz thing and more of a general thing.

so i;d be doing explanation on the chicargo shuffle and a break down of a funk rhythm.

wat u guys say to tht
yes, i talked to boon gee quite a bit the other evening when i was over with friends for drinks.

he is more comfortable with a general thing, guys do feel free to ask him any questions, am sure he'll try to answer it to the best of his ability.

the segment outline for first half would be thus follows:

- audrey segment
- audrey & boon gee duet
- boon gee segment
- mark segment
jammed over at anaki on thurs and guessed who opened up the place for us. BOON GEE hahaha! felt quite bad cos he had to wait for us to finish our jam session before he could leave. heard him playing in the drum practice room and he was pretty darn awesome!

i've gotta leave at 3ish so i hope i dont miss any of the segments!
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
9. phlemingo
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Himawari
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Himawari

Grahh I can't make it! JC Band Fest clashes. What a shame, when the focus is jazz too...
hey i'd like to go but i don't really know anyone and i've never been to one of these meetings do u have to like be a member of something first???

1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. HimawariDarn,

I cannot go again. Got businees trip la, again.

Dear Ender, just pop your head in to Ulu Pandan CC and you will be a member. Don't worry we at DXS don't eat people up. You will feel like home over there. :)
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Himawari
26. Ender

See you guys there!! =)))
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (left foot clave + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Himawari
26. Ender

See you guys there!! =)))
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
9. phlemingo
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Darkcrisp (Should be bringing along my craviotto snare. :) )
DXS 15th Dec 2007 -- Jazz Do It!

Hi All!

I just want to say that Boon Gee and I are really excited to do this workshop together.

I'm bringing in a couple of friends to play with us: Wah Yong on bass & Sebastian on guitar. The extra instrumentation will help to give the jazz drumming some music context.

We'll try to cover as much as possible with the following:

Afro 6/8 influence
Second Line -- New Orleans style
Funk -- swung 16th notes

If there is time, we will talk a bit about using the metronome to practice jazz (yes, it can be done). And maybe cover Jazz Waltz.

Boon Gee and I talked about doing a duet with just brushes -- so James, you won't need to whip out your earplugs, haha!! ;)

Boon Gee has to leave at 2:30pm sharp. So we will try to set up and be ready to start by 12:30pm. So if you don't wanna miss anything, come on time and we'll have 2 hours of the Jazz workshop. We'll try to squeeze in some Q&A. After which, Mark's gonna do his thang!

Depending on the weather, the condition of my drums -- and my joints -- I may bring my 1960's (?) Gretsch 16" modified bass drum with my Ludwig Super Classic Custom toms & snare. But I'll definitely bring my Bosphorus Masters Series 22" ride, Zildjian K 20" ride & my Istanbul Agop Mel Lewis hats. So pray it don't rain, haha! And I'd gladly appreciate volunteer TLC roadies ;)

For the killa rocker bros & sistah's out there, we are hoping that you'd benefit from this workshop too. Wish there was more time and musicians to demo and show how what killa rockers do has been increasingly relevant in the Jazz Genre. Well, maybe if you are interested, I, or others in the know, can recommend recordings and/or videos.

See y'all this Sat!

1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
9. phlemingo
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Darkcrisp (Should be bringing along my craviotto snare. :) )
26. metzalx (will be leaving at 2pm to fetch a friend who's bringing 2 friends, then coming back again.)
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Good Afternnon Drummers !.... and tomorrow is the Xchange.

We need help here, can some of you volunteer to come earlier at around 11.45pm to 12.00pm exactly - as we need to help Audrey who is so kind enough to bring the below Equipments there - but she need us to help carry it to the Ulu Pandan Symphony Orchestra Room.

Drum Sets, a Bass & A Guitar Amplifier, Mixer & Speakers, Mics for the Band...

Thank you all and your kind assistance - highly appreciated.

I had spoken to audrey and managed to secure the help of a few committee members who will be there on time to help.

That said, it would be great if more softies come early to help as well... many hands make quick work!! :D

Aside to all softies too,

had a good talk with audrey this week and she mentioned about getting more softies to come up and play and have their playing reviewed, i really hope some of the younger guys, esp guys like ah buah, frummer, etc. will be open-minded and not hesitate to come up.

we won't always have the luxury of two jazz professionals doing something like this - pls grab 'em and pick their knowledge trove as much while you can!!!!

have a smashing time tomorrow!!!

1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
9. phlemingo
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Darkcrisp (Should be bringing along my craviotto snare. )
26. metzalx (will be leaving at 2pm to fetch a friend who's bringing 2 friends, then coming back again.)
27. Frummer ( will be bringing my peace maple wood hooped snare...to get it tuned again...somehow it detuned when i lent it to my school band )

wah alfe...die la...ive had a traumatic experience with jazz...im just there to listen :)

drummer buah sure can!
thts a nice kit u got there frummer, looks like its set up really nicely with alot of care as well. ur wood hoops did u buy them separate
Thanks man!Nope it came together.Actually im using a different snare for main now.

Sudden out of tune-ness ( expected it to happen sooner or later haha )..and i havent had time to tune it yet.So i thought might as well bring to exchange and get it done by some of the best.haha

heres a more recent pic My Kit =)

...yeah...im a snare whore.haha
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
9. phlemingo
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Darkcrisp (Should be bringing along my craviotto snare. )
26. metzalx (will be leaving at 2pm to fetch a friend who's bringing 2 friends, then coming back again.)
27. Frummer ( will be bringing my peace maple wood hooped snare...to get it tuned again...somehow it detuned when i lent it to my school band )
28: BlahBlahX
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. Marcdadrummer (Wuhan 18" chinese cymbal, Cymbal spring)
4. Drum_Hobbyist (Bosphorus New Orleans 14" HH,Antique 15" Crash,Traditional 17" Crash,Turk 20" Ride)
5. jeepers; sweet cymbals fuman! i still owe you lunch ah dont forget!
6. spinninsticks
7. sidmontu (should be able to make it)
8. killerbee
9. phlemingo
10. mel80
11. snow
13. nkf31
16. Paradiddle
17. beboptang
18. chewy (jazz me)
19. rla (moderator since alfie cant make it + 13x6.5 Tama Metalworks snare)
20. alvyn (can bring double pedals or snare!)
21. Reuben
22. BebopIggy
23. Emman91
24. Caijunlong
25. Darkcrisp (Should be bringing along my craviotto snare. )
26. metzalx (will be leaving at 2pm to fetch a friend who's bringing 2 friends, then coming back again.)
27. Frummer ( will be bringing my peace maple wood hooped snare...to get it tuned again...somehow it detuned when i lent it to my school band )
28: BlahBlahX
29. Jonathan