10th Soft Drum Xchange Singapore (Meetup) - 26th Jan 2008 !

LordNagrath/Nate, I'll see you there tomorrow! Heehee!

1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. plainsman
4. y0shiki
5. Myner
6. spinninsticks (bringing iron cobra double)
7. Frummer
8. marcdadrummer
9. Zong Geng (Asaph)
10. mel80
11. Lepak (hope i remember)
12. BadgerS88 (hope i remember too)
13. xenOgenesis
14. phlemingo
15. jenocide
16. Krist(1st appearance)
17. Hans (1st appearance)
18. Caijunlong (I'll be bring cobras, sabian paragon ride, paiste dimensions crash)
19. rayz.
20. Benson (a drummer now a friend I met at Tanglin CC)
21. smildrumez(elims and me 16'' china)
22. metzalx (always the last minute confirm one lol)
23. drummeright
24. Phat_Phunk
25. LordNagrath
26. killerbee
1. James (Soft)
2. RudimentalDrummer
3. plainsman
4. y0shiki
5. Myner
6. spinninsticks (bringing iron cobra double)
7. Frummer
8. marcdadrummer
9. Zong Geng (Asaph)
10. mel80
11. Lepak (hope i remember)
12. BadgerS88 (hope i remember too)
13. xenOgenesis
14. phlemingo
15. jenocide
16. Krist(1st appearance)
17. Hans (1st appearance)
18. Caijunlong (paiste dimensions crash)
19. rayz.
20. Benson (a drummer now a friend I met at Tanglin CC)
21. smildrumez(elims and me 16'' china)
22. metzalx (always the last minute confirm one lol)
23. drummeright
24. Phat_Phunk
25. LordNagrath
26. killerbee

Thank you Spinningsticks and mel80! I've got test on saturday morning so I'll just bring cymbals along. :D
Complimentary Tickets To be Given Out - ev-uh-loo-shun

I have 10 Complimentary Tickets to be Given Out on This Meetup - for

The Concert: ev-uh-loo-shun

On the same day at7.30pm at Victoria Concert Hall - for any of you that wants to go see it.

This Concert is by Jurong Green MUSART Wind Orchestra - There will be a Big-Band there too.

ev-uh-loo-shun - means A Gradual Process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.......

SO - Anyone here wanna witness The Change ... Get the Tickets from me Tomorrow.

I'll see you you Bros/Sis.

Moving Mapex Kit to NEW home at - - Jurong Green CC MUSART Room tomorrow after 10th Meetup at 5.00pm

James will be helping us to transport the Mapex Kit after 5pm - to Jurong Green CC MUSART Room (our Banners/Drum Reso Logos everything). The MUSART Orchestra will be playing at Victoria Concert Hall so they won't be there as above - so we DXS just move our Kit there - - Anyone wanting to join us - do come along - visit our NEW Home .... !

God - I will sly miss Ulu Pandan CC and all it's beautiful people there - but we will be there somedays again for visits....
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26. killerbee

HEY! That's you Lennat! What a coincidence! I'm Lesley's brother, your fellow KittyWuian actually I'm the KittyWu only rodie haha :)
confirm none of you remember me
its been awhile since i log in
i've been busy with studies
and SHIT!!
its metal meet up!
and i miss it cause i have to do some recording
well i miss u guys there
hope the next meet up i can turn up
hello boys and girls,

Trust all of you enjoyed yesterdays meetup.. which I did very much, cos we all got to see up close and personal one of a rare metal drummer who has taken the leap to understanding the world and all the music it has to offer without losing sight of his musical roots.

do not be fooled by his poprock sensibility and versatility, deep down inside I see a true blue METAL SOUL...

see you guys and enjoy your sunday!! (piccies from camera will be up soon)
pictures from my camera




why everybody see until mouth open :o (except my comm members who are definitely not camera shy lor..)

guess whose head issit????

lookatthis STUD!!!! (check out that nice shirt too)
alright its 430... metal xchange's over.. go easy on it man

all hard at work dismantling..

foreground: hardworking members
background: members eating snake
******* special **********
frummer the drummer

it ain't the best but its all we got (n we're moving on...)

Thanks for the nice pics Alfe! :D

It was a very nicely done and informative segment by Brandon. I personally found the part when he showed how one can squeeze metal influences into pop and vice versa. What he said about gaining better understanding of a particular genre (ie. metal) after going through/playing other genres is very true. His understanding of metal grooves and odd time signatures in metal is very educational too.

Thanks for spending close almost 2 hours (woah!) of your Saturday to share your knowledge with us Brandon. I'm sure many folks here benefited much from it. :D Ohhh and those Paragon cymbals! *drools*

The Frummer animated pic is hilarious! Frummer the 'Chocolate Starfish' Drummer! LOL! :p
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Thanks for the pictures alfe!

Brandon segment was really educational. He applied everything he learn to metal. That's really amazing. And his knowledge on odd time signatures is a killer!

Myner and Smildrumez were great too! I admire their courage to show what they know and share it with our fellow members.

Frummer! Next time can you show more LBK drumming. Haha. It brought me back to 7 years ago when I first listen to them!
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Brandon was great man.Super down to earth to... (someone please remember to replace the swearing with "lovin") ahaha...

Wah alfe you ah! haha...next time don't let you hold camera already. My image is ruined! HAHA...

Haha...Limp Bizkit...those were the days...yeah lets all get addicted to them again! haha
Hi again! Fwah, u guys work damn fast hor...pics up already. Anyway, just wanna say that I really enjoyed my FIRST ever DXS meetup yesterday. I think it was a fantastic job by the organisers and I felt welcome even though I was prob the newest one there. Glad I signed up!

Now only starting to recognise the faces to the names...like what Frummer looks like, what Myner looks like, etc, etc. Looking forward to the next one!