Great to see lively discussion here!!! hehe
Just sharing complete information - I bought 2 sets via ishibashi, shipped via EMS.
The Damage
this is the actual breakdown of the costing per set.
Taking current exchange rate (100 yen = S$1.53)
Pearl RT-545N Pure White 37,100 yen S$567
PSC-RT & PSC-HBC Bag Set 14,800 yen S$226
Shipping + Insurance for all items 37,200 yen S$569
7% GST charged by SingPost S$95
(for goods valued S$400 and above)
Total S$1457
Without shipping, the whole thing, bags n all cost just all of
$793 . OMG !!! if only we lived in Japan ...
Thats the "problem" ... it was never meant to be a 1k and beyond priced drumset....
Question: Why don't they sell this ... seemingly "superior" design (deeper, fuller kick sounding) drums in Asia & America as well?
I was asking myself the same question.
You see, I did a mass order of another fantastic Pearl drum product, the Multi-way Piccolo Mini snare drum some years back. Full story here:
This is just the sequel to yet another "Made in Taiwan , for Japan only" market.
Why? I have no idea. We can only speculate.
That said, the Asia/US RT , with the original bass drum (18x6) big-band swing-style bass drum isn't bad too. It probably is less thumpier and more ideal as a practice kit at home (less risk of neighbours complaining hearing your kick drum thump thru their wall)
If you can't stomach paying $500 for shipping anything, just buy the local Rhythm Traveller instead ! Its good in its own way
The Sound
Throughout the last xchange, I did ask around what everyone thought of the sound, particularly the snare and the toms.
While reviews were for the most part positive, I thought I'd give my own input to this now, after spending some time playing with this.
For me, the toms, without bottom heads design, sounds just ...
different.. from regular 2-heads toms.
Question: Can this kind of tom sound be used for gigs?
Most bands ... by that I mean, singers, guitarists, bassists, don't usually have an opinion on what a tom should sound like.
They only have a problem if it bothers them (too weird/loud/ringy/can't hear etc.)
So if you don't have a problem with how they sound, then... there probably isn't a problem
Only in certain cases where you're playing shows where the arranger/band leader/producer just has to have that exact sound right down to the toms tone. then you better use another drumset to be safe (!)
Its ... addictive
After spending some time on this, I have commented to folks that ... this thing is just ... addictive, and begging to be grooved on.
Since I bought it, when I sit down, I can just have happy time grooving for long and forget the time... esp playing breakbeats/dnb patterns, regular grooves, its very addictive...
I have not idea why... every drumkit should feel the same, yet.. when you start playing this, perhaps because its quite tinny sounding (its not boomy and mid/low-range heavy) ... its extremely easy to sit down and just play a groove for 100 bars and dont wanna stop...
The Workmanship
With regards to bearing edges, both me and Mel agreed they are better than the RTs we've seen and used in the past.
But w've probably gone through at most 20 rhythm traveller drumsets in our life combined. I may not be in best position to judge overall workmanship (SG probably had shipment of 500-100 RTs in last 10 years)
Hardware wise, a lotta guys commented they love the black finish, and perceive higher quality/value. How much of this translates to actual value (really better than chrome hoops/lugs??) is really up to you.
I should get round to taking more photos of the thing. Maybe at future date, will bring it again to xchange for you guys to check out , and draw your own conclusions.
The Conclusion
So... is this thing worth paying the extra $550-$600 Shipping/GST for?
Let me end with a personal story.
One of the great joys of my life, is sitting back in bed after a long day, shopping online for great, and fantastic buys.... eshopping/amazon/ebay has got to be one of the greatest invention of mankind

that, and also my naturally curious mind.
If i see something interesting, I wanna try it. I just gotta try it.
So I did !
Thats how I ended up buying a crap ton of stuff I probably didn't need. Like that old film lens that I can use on my DSLR. The DW practice pad kit. and so on.
I don't know if I ended up the more better for it.
But I guess, I satisfied the urge. Lol ....
Can this thing really be used for all gigs?
I definitely would not venture to say that. I'll tell you though, out of artistic curiousity, I'm gonna try my luck !!! (not all the time... no way I'm bringing this kit to a metal show

Have a good time guys