James, Can you post up the Video - of Brandon Playing the Chinese Rock Song (not the Ballad one) - The one that he Throw the Sticks Up .... Can ? Thank You.
hey RD...heres the link..of the "making of" the music video of "tiao zhan"..which will be up on cable and youtube soon.. in the mean time..you can enjoy it here..
and heres the link of the ballad performed at dragonfly
thank you all for a memorable experience at the drumXchange, I hope it was a learning as enjoyable for you all as it was for me.
Singapore drumxchange has definatly progressed to a better enviorement for learning about the art of "drumming" as compared to when i first attended one of the xchanges very early last year *if im not wrong*
i hope you all learnt something at this xchange... i tried to squeeze in as much things as possible within the limited time i have....if any of you have any queries ...please do drop me a PM. I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.
hopefully it can inspire, educate, and help younger drummers aspire to be like any of the featured drummers in the next few up coming drumxchanges. if an artiste can inspire everyday, then i feel that his/her goal is achived and being realized everyday.
so keep an open mind to everything..thats when you'll only start to really learn.
"dont close your mind to great possibilities" - Virgil Donati
..on behalf of my manager (Bernard Ang) and simon yong of (zero sequence) we'd like to thank the people of singapore drumXchange for a job well done.
and a speacial mention to (Mr' Tama Goh) for helping to selflessly supply the P.A. systems, Guitar Amplifiers and the mixerboard.
your efforts in making singapore drumxchange a better place has not gone to waste.
kudoz to you.
warmest regards
brandon khoo