Y east? Chill Out @ Marine Cove

Hi FGL, no prob man, I also busy busy at my end, every week got gig/s to settle. Just call or sms me when you guys wanna come for rehersal session.

Bump!! 2 more day till another Y'East session. Check previous post for lineup, come and support our local band. Free gig for everyone to enjoy.
Yeah, pics time again, for 25/03/2006 Y'East Gig. There were 3 bands instead of the 4 lined up, as one of the band pulled out.

If any of the bands with their pics taken by me want the raw pic, as these posted are already downsized 50%, just PM me with your email.















On behalf of Your Livid Rag Doll, I'd like to thank Anthony for giving us the opportunity to perform, as well as to Mike for the sound setup & pics.

Great acoustic sets as well by the other 2 performing bands!
sorry if this really late but better than never. On behalf of Trijoy, THANK YOU guys! Equipment was decent and sound was good for that setup. Could not ask for more.
nice pix... heartrocksg: how abt concept evenings i.e. blues night jam, World Music night, retro night ? .... same idea - resident band (with rotating line up?) with various players etc .... just my tots
hey ho.....let`s go!!!!!!!!!!

good idea....but it would`ve stopped new bands from playing rite?....

i mean...Y East is supposed to be a platform for new n young bands who wanna perform..be it acoustics or slow rock numbers..

if there is a resident band with rotating line-up....we would see the same faces every weekend lah..m i correct to say this? 8)
bro fat cat,

I actually meant a resident band for the 1 ngt with multiple guest "frontman" e.g like the Bob Dylan & other tribute shows. Even the resident band line up could be interchangable... like sessionists

Dat way it wud a great opportunity for all genre musos to play & interact with each other...

Or if a frontman performing wud say rather have his / her own bassist / drummer etc etc...ok can - free format...

Ultimate objective - all softies to meet, play & interact.. wat do U think?
Theme is fine...resident band, no no. Let's also not put people who are not softies uneasy. Many of the bands who performed at HeartRock gigs are not softies. Let's be softies when we are online....but at HeartRock gigs, we are all HeartRockers. No offence to ppl who are sentimental.
well resident band - not in the actual sense of th word but rather a collection of individuals from diffirent bands backing up the various artistes .. they cud be from soft, heartrocksg, working musos - talented newbies etc...

I have played with some really great players in the past and I have seen some really talented young players in various bands recently and was thinking it would be great to be able play alongside these new young guns for a one off gig....just my observations.... 8)
We can work the technicalities out fgl. I like the idea of a marathon, but it must not be an impromtu free jam. The bands must be prepared in advance what and when to come in. I think the audience would love a show that is smooth, seamless and every muso shows precise knowledge of the total set and do it with utmost professionalism.

All the waiting, asking, and trying should be done in the jam studio.

Line-up for 22nd April

7PM Pink Stilleto
8PM Fasttrack
9PM Terminal Cry (Acoustic Set)

Line-up for 29th April

6PM Rendulous
7PM Psychedelic 4
8PM Funkadelics
9 PM Scarlet Ash
Just a reminder, tonight Y'East session at EastCoast Macdonald Amphiteathre starts at 7pm. If you are free, just pop by and support local musicians, it's a free for everyone.