Yo! I'm Jordan, the bassist/keyboardist from fasttrack here..
Really big thanks anthony for giving us the opportunity to perform! Hope we can do more of these kind of gigs and improve everytime we get on stage. Really surprised by the huge coverage of photos and videos of this first gig that we played! Thanks Lombardo for the wonderful pics and vids and not mention mike as well..and Pink Stilleto! You guys ROCKED! Fad, big thanks for your keyboard man..it was so essential..though i din really noe how to operate it properly though..like setting the octaves...neverthe less top class sounds from a TRITON LE! Guess its the same sound engine as the orignial triton..I think Ill probably invest in a keyboard soon..maybe a korg or yamaha without a sequencer? Haha..
Managed to catch REI too..you guys rock too man!..too bad i couldnt catch terminal cry...