why are they all just ignorant..

Sheesh, I have heard of people who think MCR are heavy and they like it.

It's really subjective, eh? But to downplay great bands like Led Zeppelin, that kid really needs to wash his brain or something.

Music is solely about appreciation of its beauty. Perhaps kids today should stop gloryifying the likes of music in a very wrong way and stop doing stupid things(think of all the music fads and all that shit).

For a start, learn to appreciate music!
Kids will be kids till they grow up to be more open about music. No point being Mr Old Fart At Kopitiam Know It All Cos Those Days Policeman Wear Shorts to the kids. You can't jam music down their ears and ask them to appreciate it. Try talking to my dad and he'll wax lyrical about Engelbert Humperdick, Neil Sedaka, Dean Martin.... can I relate? Probably yes cos I'm older now but those days... its like WTF with those lame old crooners?

During my formative years, my elder bro went ballistic on me about classic rock(Led Zep, Deep Purple, Rainbow, Uriah Heep etc etc), prog rock(Yes, Asia, ELP, King Crimson yadda yadda yadda BUT NOT Dream Theater cos they ain't from the 70's/80's) which still turns me off a bit till this day, whats with the wanking? Hey I was 17 and Kirk Hammett was god!

Its like only the old stuff is good and the new is rubbish. Sounds familiar? Yeah I'm having that problem with current music now as I'm stuck in the 80's/90's.

While I learn to appreciate some bands like Led Zep, Jimi, Clapton, Cream thro my bro... its self discovery in music that makes it more fulfilling.

Live and let live. Not all early music is good and not everyone can appreciate it.
ahahah in the early 90s when 'indie'/alternative was gettin increasing interest n' coverage the ole rokkers probably thought it was all gay crap. Now we hear the lil emo-punk watever bands and we think they're super gay!!!
I had a Mat Rock friend (big puffy hair, stretch jeans, hicut LA GEAR) from a pretty well known metal band in Malaysia thought that the music that I was listening to was crap. :mrgreen:
Whatever you all out there think,

I still and solely appreciate the topic ts has brought on..

though 80srock/metal maybe "dead" in this era,

all it needs is a few strong believers to make a difference..

\m/..long live rock n roll..!!
Hello everybody. This issue has been burning for the longest time. Relax...
Why so concerned bout what the 'emokids' or 'posuers' think and say? It's really okay with whatever they say. Just say "Okay..Sure." and :)

I, like edder, am stuck in a certain decade. (esp 90s, me growing up on Cranberries, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, GunsNRoses and etc..) Notice we don't use short forms then. Haha. Thing is, let them youngsters be. They will soon discover more about their interest. Although some will not and remain 'scene kids' (as you condemn them), it's okay. At least they go to our local shows and have fun. (I bet you guys don't mind all these kids coming and watching your show right? )

This thread really has no point. You can guide them but let them educate themselves. Im sure you guys who claims, arent 'scene kids' , 'poseurs' and 'wannabes' were actually something like that a few years back. If you aren't gullible AT ALL when you first discovered "cool music", i totally respect you. Hah.

A7x betta then Metallica man...MCR is the shiet...Paramore makes the best music in the world, who is led zep?! is jimmy page guitarist of bullet...?

Things like that..just answer Yea. or no..jimmy page belongs to led zepplin. Fullstop. Things like that. No need to show off your music encyclopedia. Chill. :)
...lets all lock all of these noobs in an enclosed cage and play Deathcrush on repeat.That ought to teach them.lol

LOL! Deathcrush? Haha, yeah I think this will do the trick.

On the other hand, when I first started off listening to metal, I wasn't definitely like those kids out there nowadays. I mean, I just listened to it and started to appreciate it. Luckily I growed up listening to Michael Learns To Rock, Eagles, Air Supply, Byran Adams and Eric Clapton.
im here to play what i like and to play my originals with full conviction that what im playing is what i truly like and love.if the crowds love its a bonus..im just sick and tired of all these ppl who just be in bands to get to big festivals,money,girls and all the attention..i beilive they have lost what it means to be a muscian..they arent havin fun anymore..

agree to wht u say, dude. play wht u like, dun care abt wht others think.

if u wanna girls and attention, go double o, cheap booze and lotsa chicks!
there's always jeffrey chung models for hire if u can afford it.

think there is a local company called nbtd. they have a modelling agency whereby u can hire models also, male and female. they also have a forum, call nbtd forum. its a local forum, like soft, just that the topics are not abt music, but is abt parties, clubbing, entertainment, night life etc...

oh well, here is something that may be relevant to softies: nbtd company helps to organise gigs, and even offer to sell tics.
sigh... sccccccccccene kids...
"wow they play metal, thats fuckin hardcore they rock",
"Eeewww, whose this john mayer guy man?"
think there is a local company called nbtd. they have a modelling agency whereby u can hire models also, male and female. they also have a forum, call nbtd forum. its a local forum, like soft, just that the topics are not abt music, but is abt parties, clubbing, entertainment, night life etc...

oh well, here is something that may be relevant to softies: nbtd company helps to organise gigs, and even offer to sell tics.

oooh. got link?
thing is.music as quoted is an art.to criticse another form of gnre is alright but to totally paint it black witout any knowledge whatosever is just not eally cool man.prerfence is our freedom of choice.we hav n o right to say what is right and wrong.haha..i created this thread not coz of angst coz honsetly in my mind is thier choice.but i fel for my friend s la.he 'kene kutuk' by his frens for just listning to his own vintage rock stuff kena label old fart and that his music wont make it anywhere.sad man..then another case is i aint those traditnalist tpye o person either.i listne to both modern and old school stuff.i encourage modern music especially those like priestess whose take on stoner rock is a young fresh take that youngsers can appriciate.and the sword too whose llike a modern day black sabbath.other than that i do dig newr bands like killswitch,norma jean,and among others to make some thing dated sound fresh is a treu accomplishment...i dont have a blog so this is where i believe i can give my insght into somethng.i mite not be right but well id like to listen to wad are the ppls though as well.ha.im not here to prove anthing be it vocabular or historical.just a normal guy who want to learn more.cheers guys