why are they all just ignorant..

I'm coming in as a person exploding and wanting to say something about the moronic ideas that young "musicians" in Singapore have.

"I am the best musician in the world because I can list my favourite pop stars and I can sing." When they don't even know pitching.

"I am the most awesome guitar player because I learnt piano before and I never saw another guitarist who can actually play better than me." Go look around and stop acting like you know everything under the sun.

"I wanna do it because I want to be a rockstar. I'm very passionate about music." So are you passionate or are you wanting to be a rockstar? True passion talks about spending time UNDERSTANDING it, and APPRECIATING it, not acting like some big weaner parading his tiny one on stage. -_-

Of course I'm being very exaggerated here. What am I trying to get at here? I'm a person who came from classical background, with a lot of influences from pop of course (there's such a strong pop culture in Singapore) and then I went into jazz. I've been opening my ears to melodic death metal, metal, rock, prog rock, fusion (my favourite), funk, pop, alternative, electronic, R&B, hip hop, list goes on. I must admit for quite a few of them I'm barely scratching the surface but I at least try my best to listen to them.

Whereas there are a lot of "hotshots" who know less than me about a genre, claiming themselves to be experts in that field.

Even worse, my favourite fields, fusion, funk, jazz and latin, gets tons of people talking tons of bullshit about it claiming that they know A LOT about it. -_-

And each of them think they know a lot about music.

And when you ask them for their influences in those genres? One or two names. Maximum. And guess what? Michael Buble is the main influence for jazz. -_-||| Any jazz purist would disembowel you on the spot for saying that when you say "I love jazz".

People are blind and don't know it. And still think that they own the world and continue their rockstar attitude. And yes, they are usually the ones who go in for the chicks and for the fame etc.

Because if you love music, you're never good enough for yourself, you always want to find out more, and learn more. You know where you stand but you'll know what you lack. These people don't.

People don't just not know the legends. People don't care. They think that they know everything.

Let them be, I'd say. Because at the end of the day, the only respect and dignity they will get is from more morons.
they're not ignorant, different people just like different things.
some people like hendrix, some people like synyster masturbates
just because a band or musician came first or was born earlier doesn't mean they are better and we have to like them.
take hardcore punk bands for example, the legends of this genre are bands like black flag and minor threat. and if you listen to their songs and recordings, you cannot blame kids for not liking them.
Actually yes that's a taste call.

But how many people can actually say what they dislike about one player and what they like about one player? Like how this player has repetitive licks and the other constantly comes up with new ideas?

Things like that. The only way to tell whether it's really a matter of taste rather than ignorance is asking them EXACTLY they like and don't like.

The problem is... Usually they don't. "I just don't like." That's not a matter of taste. That's just faking it when you don't know what you're talking about when you're just being biased.
Worse are the people who act like they like the legends, but don't know their songs.

The people who think that synyster are better than jimi, thats just an opinion formed based on what they've heard/seen. and thats straight up honesty, why diss that, if someone hates jimi and likes synyster, why kick such a big fuss about it.

Thats called being yourself, if some people like to eat shit, you're gonna hate them? Well, thats an extreme but think about it.. Im not saying music from the "legends" isn't nice, they got to where they are cause of their skills and the support from the fans.

"Oh! So im a musician, I gotta like the legends"

This is just a bunch of words I put together cause I just watched two videos of 'emos' in mexico getting beaten up by metal/hardcore/<insert>-core kids. and this wasn't like a small incident, there were hundreds/thousands of kids on the streets from all the 'violent' 'br00tal' genres rioting and beating the 'emo' kids up. what the fck man..

I think people care, or should I say obsess, too much about things that don't matter nowadays..

We need mother teresa, ghandi and john lennon revived to play peaceful positive hardcore pop punk to save the world..

just let them be la.if anyone who compares hendrix and gates in terms of skill then they are retarded.comparing a 70s player to a modern player.how can that be?if compare in terms of compostion then makes it a better debate.

but all in all comparing the past and the future is like comparing an elephant to a monkey.two different type under one content.impossible.

people who talk about hendrix but dont know nuts about him and say gates is the best then should be beaten up like them emo kids in mexico.scene kids...hah...they never learn...
that must be during that beat up an emo kid day... hahaha.... 666. 6th of June 2006

Who gives a crap about these little kids?

As MUSICIANS just walk away lah. Be the man with the bigger balls and walk away. An argument like that is dumb to start so let them bath in their own stupidity

And heres a tip to EVERYONE lah, dont talk shit or act smart about stuff you dunno. Thats how gang fights are started.(not blaming anyone lah but lets all use our brains when we talk, unike these morons)

Dont stoop to they're level bro, not worth it
lol. honestly. my knowledge about legends is rather limited. i work in a guitar shop so my colleagues are always talking about legends and i get lost sometimes.

but i try to pick up whatever i can and i'd never DISSS a legend man
One fine day , they will realised that legends is still legends, modern is modern.

No point arguing. Once they found out how stupid they are, they will stop comparing and dissing.

But still , ... sigh. better not say here :)
Then in 2060 Synyster Gates becomes a lengend and a new popular guitarist will take over and then we'll still be here argue-ing only now we have beards and long hair and can finally circle headbang but neck pain.
Who gives a crap about these little kids?

As MUSICIANS just walk away lah. Be the man with the bigger balls and walk away. An argument like that is dumb to start so let them bath in their own stupidity

And heres a tip to EVERYONE lah, dont talk shit or act smart about stuff you dunno. Thats how gang fights are started.(not blaming anyone lah but lets all use our brains when we talk, unike these morons)

Dont stoop to they're level bro, not worth it

ha pardon my chinses i suddenyl rember the talking cock movie KUA SI MI haha yeaah man.true.animosity kills
who knows these scene kids might turn to be singapore's very own guitar legend which i hope doesnt happen.
i guess its just a singaporean thing to embrace everything for its brand.. what we wear, what car we drive, what school we go to, and now what music we listen to.
I actually don't like those scene kids because most of them(or at least as far as I'd seen and personally experienced) don't really know what's called appreciation of music.

It's true to we shouldn't scoop to those idiotic pussies' level. Talk about music in a civilized and cultured way.

Never diss anyone but respect what they'd done for music. It's all in the name of goodwill and learning to be open.
yah but when real musicians like ourselves make it big and the scene kids become our fans and give us their money... i don't think anyone will mind