why are they all just ignorant..

i couldnt agree more,even though i started listening to Marilyn Manson before Nine Inch Nails and we know who came out first.lol.Without the past,the present will never exist and the future,gone.Had there been no Bathory,Celtic Frost or King Diamond,bands like Dimmu Borgir and the like will never exist and if a kid comes up to me and says that these bands are boring yet Cradle Of Filth is acceptable,i'll give him a proper rollicking bout it.You have your MCR's,MSI's and AX7's but if these guys never listened to the oldies,would they even exist at all?In the words of Marliyn Manson,"Mutilation is the sincerest form of flattery".Kids these days,do they even know what the lyrics actually mean beneath?
I thought skanking was the form of dancing to ska bands?

So these days, Paramore and Click 5 are considered indie? Hmm...

yeah it is ska.. its just that mostly of them are indie kids.. thats wad they call themselves..

i didn't say that paramore and click 5 are indie.. i said that my friends thinks that metallica is too heavy.. they just think that paramore and those emo bands are much more better..
yeah it is ska.. its just that mostly of them are indie kids.. thats wad they call themselves..

i didn't say that paramore and click 5 are indie.. i said that my friends thinks that metallica is too heavy.. they just think that paramore and those emo bands are much more better..

Well if that the case i will recommend to slayer than!!!!Haha!!! tell them emo bands are bad for their mindset..........
Well if that the case i will recommend to slayer than!!!!Haha!!! tell them emo bands are bad for their mindset..........

and slayer is good for them? no offence..
we'll have a WHOLE different problem once those emokids start listening to slayer..

Well i think to like a band alot is okay. but to think that the band you like is alot better than others is just wrong.Everybody is entitled to their own opinion
I dunno man, seems like im an EMOkid cause im young and listen to music that i dont clearly know what genre they belong to. Hmm if eveyone here starts branding people who listens to certain music some funny names then what the hell is music for, for people to brand other EMOkids ?

Just let those kids be themselves, like the beatles song " Let it be".

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be.

I've heard guitarists calling the likes of Slash POSERS, outrageous but I dont care. Why should i care what they think or why should you? Like what MR Soft had said, " Just eat lah".

I want to listen what i like, weather its MCR, A7x, Beatles, Led Zep, Symphony X or Bullet for my valentine.

Cmon man its still music, maybe somewhere else in this world someone has read this thread and saying to himself, " WHO THE HELL IS JIMI HENDRIX COMPARED TO *insert guitarist name couple of decades ago*?"
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i find the post about that fag who wore a led zep shirt SOLELY to act cool, and even calling old school music merepek (nonsense) really fcked up. that guy should be stoned to death.
Metal, a headbangers journey!

The one about the Blink 182 being experimental and the mathcore and the pong pong got me a little ticked off.
Just wondering, how old is he, 14?
(I'm just guessing cuz I got similar things from 14 year olds).
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anyone who tells me blink182 is better than metallica i'll take a coconut and assasinate them i tell ya.
heeeyyy dime. like they say, ''better'' is subjective.

blink182 is better than metallica!! come on and boo me!!
hahah. ok im kidding. of coz metallica is better la!
alright let me find a nicely shaped coconut to use as a weapon.haha.jk.

METALLICA! my fellow metalheads\m/

damn the blues got me.
I was passing by the bukit batok nature park today and I saw this dude walking with a limp.. he was waving a middle finger at me from a coconut tree and shouting : "eh dude! BLINK182 is better than metallica+dimebag+gilbertruccistrianimalmclaphendrix!"

I was damn shocked man.. :/
ahhh. the new generation ppl know nuts uh .
once i went to a friendster page. and the song was hallowed be thy name.
and the person wrote a comment. ' Cradle of Filth eh ? '
then i was like , oh please ! Iron Maiden sang that song.
then i told em its COF cover of Iron maiden .
and the person asked me wads cover. -.-

and lagi bagus ,
a guy teaching me bout metal ,
he tell me bullet for my valentine is heavy metal .
and i was more ---.---

omg. kids these days.
oyea ! one more.

a guy asked me about guitar.
and i asked him why he suddenly wants to learn
and he told me cuz he thinks its cool.
LOL. yeah bro Dime. we technical plaers are SUPPOSED to get the glory. these days, shred and solo and u get shit from bandmates and audience saying you're wasting track time.

and actually, i like blink 182. i just dont see in what way are the experimental.

Pedialite bro, emo's cut only. they dont cut and BURN.

cutting + burning= hardcore!!
scene kids...haa.its like having a police out on a war zone and the worst part is when they talk and have that 'i know what its all about' look.sick man.sick.

its like having police in a war zone carry those police playset kinda toys from the void deck mamashop.

in other words, pathethic, useless, and a bloody joke.