why are they all just ignorant..

bla bla bla :/

The only reason synyster gates can't kick jimi's ass is because hes dead. joke..

Anyway theres alot of over-generalization ah.. :/ what core band this that bla bla, most of those ang mohs could probably kick our asses AND shred/drum/scream/gore us to death. and thats fact!

yeah. show others respect and you can expect some back from the other party.
it works both ways.
i understand man..

my friends keep saying a7x is the best.. i respect a7x.. but at least i think the rock bands knows their rock history instead of their fans.. LOL

anyway.. wassup with indie and their skank??

i went to this gig with my friends.. i didn't skank cause i dunno hw to and i dun wish to know hw.. and my friends were like dancing like monkeys.. and they thought i was not sporting in rock..

Heck, wads skank gt to do with rock?

and they think metallica is too heavy (which i listen ).. and they prefer paramore ,click 5 and ska songs are much more better. They even say a7x is much more better than metallica..( which i dun think its true..) isn't it?
do you think if synester gates, kirk hammett and jimi hendrix got together, any of them would actually give a damn about who was the better guitarist?

it's all subjective. I doubt they'd give a damn, so why do you?
hi..to me

a good guitarist don't have to be good in shedd/solos

that's my point of view

so yeah...everyone is good!!!
anyway.. wassup with indie and their skank??

and they think metallica is too heavy (which i listen ).. and they prefer paramore ,click 5 and ska songs are much more better. They even say a7x is much more better than metallica..( which i dun think its true..) isn't it?

I thought skanking was the form of dancing to ska bands?

So these days, Paramore and Click 5 are considered indie? Hmm...

uh dude why hendrix?hendrix is not a metal guitarist.syn and kirk are.

Hammett admitted to stealing licks from Hendrix. Check out some of the interviews he did with Guitar World/ Player pre-Load days.
I just find it weird when people tells me stupid things like I think Synester Gates is better than John Petrucci.

I mean, c'mon, they play two completely different genres with different needs in their music. I don't see a base for comparison. To compare a7x to Metallica is like comparing a sports car to a giant truck.

What's there to compare? Stop comparing and just appreciate. Music is about appreciation, not comparison.
That's stereotyping, not everyone is like that.
Also, mainly people are listening to their kind of music, and don't really know much, but I myself, prefer to listen to all those names over bands like a7x and such, but then again, good and best is only subjective.

totally agreed bro.ha.keyword is like i said not evryone are like that.evryone determines thier own particlar best and evryone has their heroes.my main point here is its alright to be ignorant but to do it with much disrespect is so totlally uncool man.haha.even if you dunt like sumthng u shouldnt be like painting black all over the things you dunt like.haha.cheers
It's mutual respect for genres. Of course some people have their own ideas on what their music should sound like. But if you don't agree with them, it's best that you guys don't work together. Interests are bound to clash. For example, I'm forming a band with melodeath influences. It isn't wise to get a drummer who listens to thrash or rock.

On the other hand, of course I do respect the likes of metalcore and hardcore although I don't like it. You can don't like it, but if you don't respect what others are doing, I don't think you're being fair and open.

uve got the point bro!haha.cheers
thing is was im writng now aint based on angst.and i anit exactly wnna gain fans or anyone just a bunch of ppl with same common intrests to have fun maybe just realse a diy demo for our own purpose its lke so cool wen we are old one day and our offsprings are like dad u gt a demo ar?cool thing man!haha.sorry to be lame
who the f**k is synester gates? is he related to that douchebag bill?
if i get a dime for every emo kid i kill, i'll be a millionaire in no time, hey that sounds like a good song write
Aiyah, every teen since the dawn of time has gone through emo phases lah. Raging hormones, lack of money etc. It's just that now they have the fashion style(or lack thereof) to show for it.
Why in the blue hell do i keep seeing Synster Gates name coming up here?

As a guitarist, i'll admit he's a good guitarist IN HIS OWN WAY, but compared to legends like Hammet, Malmsteen, Petrucci, Michael Romeo, Marty Friedman (just to name a few),he'd probably get his ass kicked.

I'll agree that a lot of those Indie scene kids dont know their roots, but so what? Progress will always be there. i know my roots, but i prefer to use my roots to create something new and ahead of its time.

i heard this quote somewhere before : " Whoever controls the past controls the present, whoever controls the present controls the future."

I'm not saying we that we can control the past, but understanding it and appreciating it will help us embrace our present music scene and also forge ahead to create a future for our music. as much as we love our old school 80's rock and metal bands (hell yeah for the 80's!!!!), sometimes we have to learn to let go and embrace our present as well.

and so much the better for us that we understand our past and our roots as well. because we know it, and we can create the future. and it'll be us creating the future, NOT them.

We have that advantage. Lets use it wisely.
I once saw a guy wearing a Led Zep tshirt. So i asked him what song did he like from Led Zep.

His answer " no lah, t-shirt cool. old sch music merepek(nonsense in malay)

i think as a teen myself, its really sad to see kids around my age following trends or scenes without knowing what it is all about. Im very influenced by Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Kurt Cobain,Eric Clapton. Old stuff. But im also influence by new guitar players like Synester Gates of A7X and Justin Shekoski of Saosin. I tell myself that when it comes to music i should stay open minded and learn as many things as possible. Socially it benefits, i can sit down with my dad and talk about Rainbow and Ritchie Blackmore, i can talk to 20-somethings about Nirvana or Incubus and also i can talk to my friends about new bands from the "core" genres. And as a kid who wants to be a good musician, it gives me alot of freedom to experiment with sounds taken from various timelines of rock music and make it into my own.

yes why do people stay so ignorent to the fact that the roots of everything is very important and sometimes following something blindly makes them look dumb rather than cool

im so sorry if you dont understand what im saying, my english isnt good actually, i needed to let off some steam about this issue:mrgreen:
scene kids...haa.its like having a police out on a war zone and the worst part is when they talk and have that 'i know what its all about' look.sick man.sick.

well just let them be la.its good to have them in the scene in a sense.makes us look like guitar gods on stage where they only play 3 pathetic power chords in a whole song.so its a plus for local shredders and technical players.right RazrAsh!
heh meh heh

scene kids...haa.its like having a police out on a war zone and the worst part is when they talk and have that 'i know what its all about' look.sick man.sick.

well just let them be la.its good to have them in the scene in a sense.makes us look like guitar gods on stage where they only play 3 pathetic power chords in a whole song.so its a plus for local shredders and technical players.right RazrAsh!

spoken like a true balding old man..
