but not sex, thats something we all need more
i like ur way bro...
this days no point for youngsters to start smoking...
the prices are like 9.80,10,11.50 per pack. last time wen i started was like 2.30?
if budget still can buy salem 6 sticks for 1.60. or even 'rokok bukak' (loose cig) for 30 per stick.
tis days i seen kids who ARE reli kids sitting down anywhere smoking.
the only thing in my head was... "where the hell did they get the $?"
parents this days might be blindly givin their kids $.
they might think its cool but its not. i dun think its cool, it sucks coz my grandpa died from cancer.
but hell, i still smoke heavily oso...
stop if u think its bad.
just like bro shinobi said... have sex! its definitely more fun than smoking alone.
my thoughts: smoking a stick of cigarette is best after ur sex