drunk drivers kill thousands.
drinking > smoking. you want then kill yourself la dun kill those innocent ones around you mah.
Try waking up and having to drag yourself to work/school the day after that.
I think it's pretty damn amazing how everyone goes around announcing a drinking/smoking habit. You wanna do then keep it to yourself lah knn. Nobody would give a sh*t even if you could shove 20 sticks up your arse and breathe the smoke through your nostrils.
^ which parent in the right mind would allow his juvenile child to smoke?
FGL-ji im sure you're a father yourself?
Time to lock this thread Mr. Woo
If kids think smoking makes them look cool and attention grabbing, they're fooling themselves big time. That's because nobody gives them a shit anyway! Really...nobody. Nobody thinks, cares or gives a damn whether they look cool except the kid's own insecure beliefs and imagination. The only "attention" these kids may have is their stinking tobacco breath in a crowded MRT. Cool eh?
My point being stop announcing your habits to the entire world. No one cares.