Where is the Best Place to chill for youngster and can smoke in peace?

DONT SMOKE...it's not hard to quit,i quitted smoking 2 months back again.
the money you accumulated on ciggs can used it for gas=\!
Wow..such a thread actually exists.

It is very very VERY simple to figure out the threadstarter is a minor, and by youngsters he (I'm quite confident of the gender) really means "kids". The last few words gave him away. "Smoke in peace"?

God. Bestow upon these children some real, tangible intelligence. With that, a "pre-mature" teenager can even find the best public place to go at it with his sweatheart (not a spelling mistake), without posting such questions on cyber discussion lists. Mr James, please report the user to the authorities, it's a legal obligation ;)
^ which parent in the right mind would allow his juvenile child to smoke?

FGL-ji im sure you're a father yourself?


Time to lock this thread Mr. Woo

I think this is a social issuse that is worth discussing. Most of us know that smoking is harmful and the worst is for children to get into it.

Well, I hope that this thread will remind everyone to do the right thing, for themselve.
drinking > smoking. you want then kill yourself la dun kill those innocent ones around you mah.

Try waking up and having to drag yourself to work/school the day after that.

I think it's pretty damn amazing how everyone goes around announcing a drinking/smoking habit. You wanna do then keep it to yourself lah knn. Nobody would give a sh*t even if you could shove 20 sticks up your arse and breathe the smoke through your nostrils.
Try waking up and having to drag yourself to work/school the day after that.

I think it's pretty damn amazing how everyone goes around announcing a drinking/smoking habit. You wanna do then keep it to yourself lah knn. Nobody would give a sh*t even if you could shove 20 sticks up your arse and breathe the smoke through your nostrils.

you point being...?

and yea i agree hangover sucks. haha i quit drinking after my first major hangover =x
smoking = cool?

If kids think smoking makes them look cool and attention grabbing, they're fooling themselves big time. That's because nobody gives them a shit anyway! Really...nobody. Nobody thinks, cares or gives a damn whether they look cool except the kid's own insecure beliefs and imagination. The only "attention" these kids may have is their stinking tobacco breath in a crowded MRT. Cool eh?
hur hur hur....

For the old farts... we've all been young once. we've been invincible... nothing can hurt us then.

Smoke till cough blood. Drink till puke foam. Set on repeat mode, and sometimes shuffle mode. Pause once in a while but never the stop button. I remember that. It was FUN but then it hurt a lot. Even now it hurts a bit.

When wanna quit? Go step into those deathbeds at any hospital. See your friends and colleagues dying of throat cancer or other cancer doesn't matter. See your healthy chubby 90kg good buddy becomes 40kg, burnt from radiotheraphy and can't talk. Thats the time to quit.

Don't have any friends or relatives like that? Keep doing what you're doing. You can be THE example to them in future. Well someone's gotta do it, might as well be YOU. Thanks in advance! My future children will appreciate your sacrifice cos there's only so much a parent can do to stop their children from sex/drugs/rocknroll.
Drink only when it's cold weather and you're freezing. Alcohol and wine were beverages in cold countries to start out with. I don't get why Asians have to drink, especially in Singapore which is a tropical place.
oh hell no.... ever heard of "lawnmower" brews? light beer to gulp down after a summer lawnmowing workout.

There's a reason why lagers and pilsners are more popular in asia than ales and stouts. No many even heard of barley wine.

Anytime is a good time for beer and there's always a right beer for the right time. :mrgreen:
If kids think smoking makes them look cool and attention grabbing, they're fooling themselves big time. That's because nobody gives them a shit anyway! Really...nobody. Nobody thinks, cares or gives a damn whether they look cool except the kid's own insecure beliefs and imagination. The only "attention" these kids may have is their stinking tobacco breath in a crowded MRT. Cool eh?

woohoo +21430487576894 to that!

i dont really smoke that much like 1 stick in 2 mths.really.the supply comes from my friends tho.what so addictive of these cigs anyway?damn smelly after smoking.dont see or feel the coolness of smoking.
My point being stop announcing your habits to the entire world. No one cares.

isnt that the point of this thread lol. threadstarter started this thread to announce to the world that "hey im underage and i smoke lulz im kewl" which isnt the truth. of course nobody cares if you live or die, but i care if some smoker decides to smoke right next to me and stink the whole place up.

edder: sex and rock'n'roll is good xD ok i dunno about the sex part, but rock'n'roll is definitely good!