Where is the Best Place to chill for youngster and can smoke in peace?

Do it cuz you love it. Your old enough to think. If you love smoking, do it! you only live one life.

Where to smoke ah? hahaha at your age NOWHERE.

Good Luck
my god , please dont smoke just because you think its cool , its cliche but true and if you do it , do it with style , dont bother hiding , cause then its just being a loser if your underaged and have to hide in the school toilet . the more you smoke , the shorter you live , faster you die , more space for me in singapore , so smoke away and die hahahahhaha quick . burn your money away on sticks . try lepaking under the voideck too , then you'll be a true blue lowlife
I think the best place place to chill will be Changi Airport Terminal 2. There are many cafes that you can hang out and just chill.

SMOKING IS NOT COOL. How can it be cool when it burns your lungs? .........Sorry if I offended anyone here, but it is a fact :)
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It'll be messed up if you died early and never TRIED all of this. ;-P

In this time of age there have been so many cases of unnatural deaths and many of which happen to fiddly fit people.

Live life to the fullest. Just dont look back and regret.

look out for those wearing lanyards.. i think most jamming studio allow what(unless air conditioned).. especially simei one.
go to japan la lol , the vending machine sell cigratte's .. somemore thier cigrattes are better than our's.

yeah wayy better sia.

Got so much more brands.

Hope,lark,pianissimo,camel different varieties(SG onli have the no filter one),caster,pukapuka,rose,capri,dunhill,KOOL,and many more brands tt i cannot rmb

Wth. I wan live in japannnn.

BTW my friend went japan fer hol.Woot he bringing back 1 pack of KOOL BOOST fer me. yay.

Info on kool boost : http://www.kilian-nakamura.com/blog...your-menthol-kool-boost-powerball-cigarettes/
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To the threadstater: dood, you're 15 years old. Grow some pubes and concentrate on your studies. why the hell do you need to smoke.

If you prolly continue like this, i see you working menial jobs in your adulthood. Dood, smoking does nothing but lovelovelovelove your health and your studies.

I dont think your parents spent all that money on you to turn out as a delinquent. Its not too late to quit.

Sorry, im very agains underage smoking.
i hate it when people smoke and blow the smoke at people walking past. esp those ahbengs who think they are so cool committing slow suicide. just feel like taking out my deodorant to spray at them. they can blow smoke at me why cant i fight fire with fire.

anyway i have a friend who is dam against smoking and will say things like "knn la walk down orchard road life shorten by 15 years" loudly when he sees someone smoking near him. rofl.
I smoke only when I'm around people I barely know (eg. first time jamming, first time classmates) because it kinda relieves the 'tension' between us. I'm bad at striking up conversations but the cigarette makes the nervousness go away. Sorta like an ice-breaker if you would put it that way.

But that was, more than a year ago!! I'm smoke-free now!
aiya...dont smoke 1st. save all the money. den when u turn 18...buy alot of cigarettes..den can call me ill leech em cigarettes off u. hehe. im not against the idea of underaged-smoking coz i myself started when i was 15. well alot of ppl start b4 theyre legal daa. just dont start doin ganja after smoking ah kiddo. smoke cigarettes only ah..haha.