Where is the Best Place to chill for youngster and can smoke in peace?

alah we singapore not japan.. hahaha

surya imho is very2 nice to smoke after ur stomach is full.. the sweet taste blends in together well... but no kick...

the MOST KICK I HAD SMOKING A CIGGARETTE was when my friend bought this brand called DJI SAM SOE from indonesia... the stick is very thick, long and has no filter...

we shared one stick with 3 people, lasted us 30 minutes... and after one puff, u go skyrocket high... but the tar content can kill you... i think 50-70mg of tar per ciggarette!!!

but good things can only last for awhile.. hahaha so that was the only best ciggs i've tasted so far... indonesian clove ciggarette's the way to go :D

oh yah to those underage smokers, don't smoke lah.... i even saw kids in PRIMARY SCHOOL uniform smoking marlboro... contra summore.. haiyaaa.. kids nowadays...

oh to add, my friend got caught buying undercover stuff... damn malu moment for him man... plus it costs 230 to bail... TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY DOLLARS FOR ONE BLOODY PACKET!

wah that money can buy lots of gears man..
yeah... so kids, it takes a cooler kid to say no to smoking than to say yes....

so to those who said no to smoking, train up.. go to the gym, work those muscles and in the years to come, ur buff bold and bitchin... while your smoker friend is weak, pale, and definately not bitchin... hahaha

no offence to smokers lol...
i think why people (me) continued smoking is coz after first puff ... its like .. EH not that bad WHAT ! that kinda thing ? so maybe all that ANTI-SMOKING is doing more crap than good... p.s dunhill frost rocks :D
It is all in the mind. Usually people who smokes are in the high stress level group. When they cannot control their stress, taking a puff seems like a way to release stress for them. This is really just temporary. After a while you will need another puff. It becomes a cycle, cannot control stress -> puff.

But the problem is, this puff will hurt them in the long run. So, years later, their stress level will be higher because of their health problem.

We just need to decide for ourselves if we really need to smoke? Can we afford to smoke? Would you like it if your parents/siblings/children are smoking too?

Best is to eliminate the reason why you want to smoke. Too much stress? Want to look cool? Peer pressure? Too much money? Revenge on family member?
Want kicks, smoke camel lah.. Want cheap, smoke beadie or ang hun lah.. Btw cigar where got kick one?
yeah that one stupid.... well i know some places where u can smoke and relex in peace....

only open to those just finished o levels, smokes and have lobang to work at office in sia-ec... :D
i think why people (me) continued smoking is coz after first puff ... its like .. EH not that bad WHAT ! that kinda thing ? so maybe all that ANTI-SMOKING is doing more crap than good... p.s dunhill frost rocks :D

Eh, are you kidding?
Not that bad? You sound like those kids who smoke to look cool. It's not like there was anything ever wrong with the temporary pleasure smoking gives you, it's quite the opposite.

No offense to smokers, there's nothing morally wrong with smoking, but I really pity all those teenagers who just give in to smoking because of the "status" they will receive from their friends.
No offense to smokers, there's nothing morally wrong with smoking, but I really pity all those teenagers who just give in to smoking because of the "status" they will receive from their friends.
Agree. The "status" can be.....

(i) to look cool or hip
(ii) to be accepted by peers/friends/gangs
(iii) to feel more grown-up and self-assured
(iv) to rebel against adults/society by doing the "opposite"
smoking affects hearing of music. so when u tune your instruments to the sound you want with a 'polluted' head, your sound sounds like s**t.

have u ever heard a mix done by smooker?
horrible! haha

just thoughts...