Where is the Best Place to chill for youngster and can smoke in peace?

okay ah .. honestly , u wanna smoke just smoke only , dont giv a crap. you dont look timid and not the typical young ah beng can already. Cause my cousin , who is somewhat gnagsterish , told me police always target those smoking but look dam scared and those typical young ah bengs.

yeah , im happy , i smoked quite a lot but cant get addicted to i social only.
bottom line , if u wanna smoke then just whack only lol.
it's totally untru that if u smoke once, u'll get addicted.. only if u itchy backside go n try n try n try, den u'll get addicted.. like me... hehehehehehe!
I started 21 years ago - regreted EVER pickin up the habit coz its so hard to quit now!

this thread is kinda redundant. ha

but at least it kept me entertained with the captivating replies for 5 mins. hahaha

well. smoking. personal choice. if you are above 18 that is. so yeah. you decide.
i dun detest smoking, neither do i support them..


i do know i HATE underaged smokers..esp those who ya-ya smoke like they own the world and blow smoke right in ur face when u walk right past them..

besides..these kids CANNOT smoke..the smoke a bit..spit so much..dun like the taste den dun smoke! simple as that.

for me..im juz a social smoker..can go on without ciggies for as long as i want.no sweat..

when smoking..i limit myself to at most 2 sticks..and i've been sticking to that limit since as far as i can remember.
smoking very useful in army lol that's what i discovered.. all smokers got good rapport between them.. then sit together talk cock while smoking kinda builds your social skills.

but sian, i don't smoke coz i don wan damage my health... so i breathe in all the 2nd hand smoke just to talk cock :p kinda got used to it now, just have to make sure i breathe less when at smoking point hah

wads so hard..juz dun breathe la..after awhile u will get used to not breathing at all.

trust me on this one..

few of my frens have tried it..they really didnt need to breathe after that.but they became really anti social..not talking..not moving..juz lie there so still.

*shrugs* :roll:

aye, singaporeans all must try try abit ah, the more you ask them not to, they MORE they want...wont give up untill they realise whats gonna happen in the long term, by then, its too late isnt it?...:) Personally i dun smoke, i dun like the smell, but once in a while abit of shisha...chat with frens, eating arabian pastries...now, thats fun..:)
smoke exhaust pipe ah. motorbike ones. thats way cooler than ciggs. summore theres no law regarding smoking exhaust pipes. it makes you die faster too, which makes it even more cooler and garang
Ya lah those spit spit spit then yaya papaya walk around think they one big cb.. Knn stupid idiots spit more get throat cancer faster..
if youre young its better not to smoke. but wait my reason being... you smoke as a means of escape... but the shit you face when youre in your teens is nothing compared to the crap you take when you're older. NS, and then studies after, and then working. nobody will give a damn about you and you will start having to give a damn about yourself. i dont smoke now because i didn't want it to be a dependency. the same goes for drinking. maybe drugs... but not sex, thats something we all need more
just smoke near ashtrays, and make sure you put your filters in the ashtray.
if you and your friends stay in a corner and puff away there, you guys gonna get alot of attention.