Where is the Best Place to chill for youngster and can smoke in peace?

A I mean not A LOT of non- singaporeans will look into here. Some non-singaporeans who visit this forum may live here so they won't mind.

never underestimate soft.com.sg...

like what bro inversion bro said, even if theres good answer, it will really spoilt market and in the end, no where to play.

words spread fast, if theres good answer where to chill and smoke for underage, someone who seen this thread might itchy backside, go pao tou, then LL, kena jialat. Like that how?

wanna do something thats a bit crooked, also must see the road, dont just walk straight into the wall. If the wall cant be moved, then dont lang gah into it or try to demolish it. Just turn right walk few steps and detour!
Well, smoking underage is definately not COOL imo.

Honestly speaking, smoking wont do you ANY good. It destroys your lungs. Gives you bad breath. Wrecks your life upside down. Wastes money. Wastes time.
i grew up my teenage years with friends around me who smoke

i didnt confirm to peer pressure.

(anyway they didnt even pressure me)

friends of mine who smoke refuse to let me try (even if i want to).
hahahahaha, it's times like these that i'm glad i live in malaysia..... not that i smoke or anything but down here no one gives 2 shits if ur underage and smoke. heck, theyd even sell u cigarettes if ur underage.

but look at the bright side, at least u guys will live longer. no point smoking.

well in my case, i'm completely fucked seeing as 90% of my friends smoke and im probably gonna die before them cos of all their second hand smoke even though i don't smoke ....
Actually I thought that smoking was so UNcool but the first time I tried it, I'm hooked to it. Any ideas how to quit? Been trying to quit for a long time but can't.
^ Be addicted to gear acquisition ... visit soft more often and thus generate more GAS... ..money for gear no money for cigs :)
just go some jamming place lepak make frens wif e owner who knows he will offer u some sticks. If u smoke at jamming place no one will pao to. Coz all those who paoto won't even dare go near a jamming place coz they r NERDS!!!!!!!!!


GEt wat I mean
hahaha..hmm..being in where under 16 or 18 before 11pm MUST REACH HOME<<hmm, i think it should be outside your house

it can be the stairs..( im a NightLife kid) love going to school and make friends know what are they facing>>>HATE Study Academy>>> Love only MUSIC <<

hmm..smoking??? 1 very true reply
if you dare to Smoke .. then Dare to break those F ** rules<<
Wana Quit???

hmm..keep yourself grounded

it's all in your mind.. weather you wana do or not

it's all about CHOICE<<<
Ten years later, it'll be where's the best place to get plastic surgery, cos smoking makes you age faster.:p
Twenty years later, where's the best place to get medical treatment, cos smoking has many health related illnesses.:eek:
Am I the only one who finds the point of this thread funny as hell?

You wanna smoke underage, then you gar gar prepare yourself to get caught, unless you're planning on hiding in your room all day with a Hello Kitty ashtray, and your parents don't give a shit about the house looking like it's on fire. It's as simple as that.
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Interesting thread.
Will the day come when someone asks ......
"How to steal a guitar without getting caught?"
Can anyone truly find peace(unless your conscience is gone)flouting the law or doing something you know is wrong?
Is smoking still cool nowadays? Isn't it cooler to use the money saved from buying packs to get an ipod to "show off" to your friends? Or maybe get one of those materialistic items you want?