Where is Subversion?

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from my understanding it means something like "LITERALLY"

"it is not a bonus per se, the government is merely giving us money that belongs to us in the first place"

but if your english really CMI u can use the link i provided
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more examples

"a car is not a weapon per se, but in the hands of an irresponsible driver it can be deadly"

"the men who started the australian bush fires are not murderers per se, but their actions led directly to the deaths of several people"

"this is not a musicians' forum per se, it is idle chatter under the pretence of music"
Hmm kinda out of topic. Anyway, "per se" means by, of, for, or in itself; intrinsically. It does not mean "intially" or "not exclusively" ;) A dictionary will do you a great help.

Yeah thats right. And I will still be confused by it's usage.
I must say that this thread is heading towards a direction that is way unrelated to the original title, similar to the "Band Battle" thread per se. :mrgreen:

My guess is he's on Reservist as well. Now is the active period for NSmen to get called up for ICTs. Mine coming soon as well... :(
Per se is so often misused nowadays. Even sub isn't using it correctly all the time.

It does mean "by itself", but the context it is in must mean that it the word before it can mean a different thing if it is not by itself.

Drunk driving is illegal per se.
- Drunk driving is illegal by itself.
- Meaning, no matter whether you get into any accident, it is illegal to drink and drive. True in many countries. As long as an officer catches you over the limit you have broken the law.

Drunk driving is not illegal per se.
- Drunk driving is not illegal by itself.
- Meaning, as long as you don't get into an accident, it is not illegal to drink and drive. Also true in certain countries. An officer can catch you over the limit, but you have not gotten into an accident, so have not broken any laws.

It is wrong to use per se like so:
That cup is on my table per se.
- That cup is on my table by itself.
orly. Haha ok la, working now, dun want to make pedals anymore. Workshop troublesome to maintain, making my room untidy. Got a couple of swirl casings I painted a while back, maybe just put something into them and sell off as my last pieces of work.

Haven't come in here in ages.
aaah per se (pronounced as per say) means by itself.

eg: tone doesnt come from the guitar per se. other factors affect it.

yeah where is he? i want updates!!
thanks shinobi & all for the explainations... =)
any england teacher here can help correct us, per se?

ict depends on hi or low key, my 1st ict mission impossible direct made in taiwan..
served in the guards unit, i miss the jungle everytime fgl mention abt the jungle.. lol
I was just at Beez today, even he said that Sub didn't answer his call, and he doesn't know Sub's whereabouts.

Hope Sub's holding on, we all wish him all the best.
Hi all

He just sms me back a few mins ago. He has issues to take care of and he'll be back in action in time to come.

Wishing him well and hope to see him soon. :)
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