What if some stranger asked you for cash..


New member
So while i was walking home around 12 at night, this guy asked me for some cash after i crossed the road. Before that he said he asked this two teens that didn't have cash on them. So he painted this sad story saying he had to go over to his father's house and all. Then i was like can't you just take a cab and when you reach there ask your father for cash to pay? He was like my father doesn't have cash. Then he was going to show me his pay check of 60 bucks and coincidentally he was getting his pay the very next day. So i listened to him till the point that he said he needed 10 bucks and that he would pay the next day. And all these while, i didn't notice the lighted cigarette in his fingers..

I told him, isn't it expensive to take a cab now. He asked for 2-3 bucks. After which he asked for 1.80 to take bus. After that i just walked off saying i couldn't just gave him cash just like that. He then shouted that i was selfish while i was walking away. Meh, continued listening to my Lamb of God after that. lol if he tried to rob me i would have chased him and beat the lovelovelovelove out of him man..

But still i wouldn't have given him any cash just because he had a cigarette in his fingers..

So what are your views? and what would you have done instead?
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Completely understandable IMO, some guy asked me for some money too once, just gave him 1.50 and buzzed off
i would have given him all my coins (and i think i have like around 2 bucks worth of it) if not for the lighted cigarette he was holding. man at least show some sincerity.
I met people like this before and I believed most of them are out to con people. Once, I gave money to a girl who said she need money to buy food for her younger siblings. When I turned my back, she asked money again from a few passer by, using the same story. Just ignore them. ;)
I met people like this before and I believed most of them are out to con people. Once, I gave money to a girl who said she need money to buy food for her younger siblings. When I turned my back, she asked money again from a few passer by, using the same story. Just ignore them. ;)

maybe you didnt give enough money lol
yeah maybe she wanted to have MEGA big mac but your cash she could only afford a happy meal? that sort of thing :D
usually when i see this kind of people, i normally pour out all my 5 cent coins and give them because i wanna help people. :rolleyes:
once a fairly drunk man came by me and my gf at east coast. asked for money to take bus, holding a beer bottle in one hand. he said he only wanted money to take bus nothing more, indicating the beer he had was all he wanted. but no money to go home. haha. i was seriously out of coins so i apologised and said no. he went on saying to my gf she unlucky to have no-money guy like me. i was like "ooo...kay....".
once a fairly drunk man came by me and my gf at east coast. asked for money to take bus, holding a beer bottle in one hand. he said he only wanted money to take bus nothing more, indicating the beer he had was all he wanted. but no money to go home. haha. i was seriously out of coins so i apologised and said no. he went on saying to my gf she unlucky to have no-money guy like me. i was like "ooo...kay....".

if asking around for money don't work, my next guess they will resort to steal or even worst commit robbery

my last $10 went to a couple, same scenario they had a long sad story, one mishap after another

i was going, damn.. they make good movie/drama serial script writers!

my parents always told me not to give >$2 as im still a student without income.

however, on one occasion, i was outside a foodcourt when someone asked me for money to eat. he was decently dressed ( not a beggar). but i decided to be nice and pass him some of my loose change (about $2-3).
he dint even say thanks. he just took my coins and walked away.
while walking away, i noticed that he was counting the coins.
after counting the amount i gave to him, he walked back to me and said, "err boy, foodcourt now so expensive, give more leh."

it wasnt in a sincere tone, nor demanding tone.
but $2+ was definitely enough to get himself a decent chickenrice.

there was another incident at some botak jones outlet.

i was having my meal when an able man walked up to me and demanded money.
initially, i thought i forgot to pay for my ice milo. but when i realised he was demanding money from me, i definitely did not give a single cent.

sigh, 'beggers' these days dont seem to beg, they seem to demand.

they're not like those old aunties you see selling tissiue.
if these aunties make the effort to sell tissue,(even at ridic prices), i dont see why some people can demand for money.

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recently, i was followed by this guy for almost half an hour jus because i gave him $2. coz he ask me for $5. -.- i was at orchard.
he got lose track of me at the traffic light when there were so many people crossing. thank god. i was -.- -ing all the way
oh yes. what i do first is i give a cold stare. then they will say "sorry if you don't have it's ok i will ask someone else". then i will feel bad. then i will just give $1 or so. then they will go off.

i have lost a lot of money this way :(
I've not encountered this much in Singapore, once or twice. But many times overseas. Once in Australia, a man asked for money to buy a train ticket so he could "get home". I offered to walk him to the train station to buy the ticket for him, of which he refused.

In China, I had a couple with a kid who said they just arrived from another province and had no money to have dinner. I was having dinner at a road-side stall, so I invited them to sit down and bought them dinner.

They come in all forms, and usually there are ways to "help" them directly. You can tell they are fakes if they refused. But in the event if one cannot tell, I usually give a little. I have friends who knew all the fakes and befriended them. They no longer asks my friend when they saw him, but appreciated that they were not "looked down" upon.

There are outright cheats. These I ignore. One guy came to me telling me about how his mom got an accident and lost her eye etc -this was in another country. Because that guy was from Singapore (spoke Singaporean accent and Hokkien, knew the names of all the roads in Singapore etc), I believed him and gave him some money. A few months later, I saw him again at the airport, asking other people for money using different stories. He obviously forgotten me and approached me asking me. I asked him how was his mom. His eyes grew really large, stared at me, and ran away quickly without saying another word.
I kena before also. At Marsiling where I live... There was this guy who claimed to have come from Malaysia and needs to get to someone's house (he was speaking in Chinese, and that's not my strong point so perhaps I got some info wrong) and that he had dropped his purse into the big longkang.

In the end I gave him $5, because he really sounded so desperate, but after that I quickly disappeared. Problem is that some people are really good actors, so you'll never know who is sincere and who is insincere.

Ah well.. At least it cost me only $5 this time. It could be worse.

FML. :mrgreen:
one guy came to me telling me about how his mom got an accident and lost her eye etc -this was in another country. Because that guy was from singapore (spoke singaporean accent and hokkien, knew the names of all the roads in singapore etc), i believed him and gave him some money. A few months later, i saw him again at the airport, asking other people for money using different stories. He obviously forgotten me and approached me asking me. I asked him how was his mom. His eyes grew really large, stared at me, and ran away quickly without saying another word.
