What if some stranger asked you for cash..

I think this is fast becoming frequent in Sg these days, I've encountered some before and just give up my loose change.

I remembered one time, while walking along SMRT building towards Raffles City, there's this simple dressed young girl (probably around 20 years of age) made eye contact with me, I smiled and she went up to me asking, "Sorry Abang, can help or not?"

Wah, there she spilled her sad story about supporting siblings in Malaysia and she came here looking for a job but out of luck trying etcetera... etcetera...

So I dug into my pants and scrape my coin compartment clean and handed a whole bunch of loose change to her (approx $6 plus minus). she took it, turn around and left. No 'thank you' and what not. I shouted at her 'a thank you would be nice!' before continuing my way to Raffles City. Damn, there goes my McDonalds Meal Lunch money. *laughs*

Anyway on the other end of the spectrum, I do encounter individuals gracious enough to thank me sincerely, like there's once i gave around $2 in loose change to a 30 year old man in order for him to get home since he's out of transport money. he thanked me profusely.

come to think about it, I think we tend to give to those who asked for loose change more than buying 3 for $1 tissue paper from Aunties.
Not much encounters for me..

Once had this construction worker dude walk up to me. He looked at me and looked at my wallet in hand, then said 1 dollar for coffee 1 dollar take bus home.

I just gave him 1 dollar for his bus ride home. I didnt have any other coins besides that single golden coin. No thank you also. Just walk away.
I encountered alot of times at Bugis area/ Geylang area. One such incident,this uncle forgot that he asked me before a few months back, and he came towards me and said the same story again to me. I ignored him, and he scolded me for being STINGY! Cause the first time, i already helped him.

One more is at Vivocity bus stop, asking for 10 dollars to take bus. HAHA!

In any case, if your out to help people, karma will help you back.
I met this guy at AMK Hub and he approached me saying he needs money to find a job, crapping out some story that he has no family and he just came out from prison. Some malay guy who spoke very good english. He showed me his hands saying he has already been asking people for money. He has quite alot of one dollar coins. He just asked me if I had spare change.

I gave him about 2dolllars plus worth of coins. While I opened up my wallet and dug the coins out he saw a 10 dollar note and he said "hey you have 10 dollars can you give that to me, I really need it". I told him that money's for my own consumption, and I need it for lunch. Then he said "But you have that ATM card. Can you withdraw 50dollars or something for me? All these cash are all I have now". I just gave him a stern NO.

I passed him all the coins and said this is all I can give and good luck with finding a job. I walked away. I was alone and it was like 9am so AMK hub wasn't very crowded. He chased me, begging me, grabbing onto my sleeve and everything. I swear I got scared.

I ignored him and once he grabbed my shoulder, I shrugged him off and ran. Thank God he didnt give chase. What a douche man. No thank you all demands.
I think you could actually make a police report on that case.Asking for $50 and then forceful physical contact with the victim he's trying to extort?Probably a few months in jail.
dude that is too much,
like some bollywood movie scene.. jaiho! :mrgreen:

lets analyze, wonder what made them resort to beg for money?
what have become of our homeland? security? job cuts? economic crisis? :confused:
Actually I find that some of these people are just lazy/not bothered/unwilling to get a job.So they resort to the quick & easy way out - begging for money.Rather shameless...you lose face,but you get quick cash.
that is a point, being human.. ok but what if they tried to find work?
still cant get a decent job or maybe its true, prison break & nobody wants to hire them?
living in a modern society with many many many bills to pay, house mortgage, matrimony etc. etc. :)
I encountered alot of times at Bugis area/ Geylang area.

OIE RAMAN! What are you doing at Geylang ah? HEHEHEHEH!

woah, Dudelove dude, that's some scary stuff sia. I dunno what I'd do if i experience that kinda thing.
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lucky u ran away coz i think it was quite stupid for him to say that.. first he saw ur 10 bucks, then saw ur atm card and asked for 50 bucks... its really ridiculous.. maybe this old trick is coming back to us coz seriously sometimes this kinda things work... we just have to be vigilant.. lol.. usually i only give my spare change to those who is in need of money but humble in away.. not those who would chase u...
I met this guy at AMK Hub and he approached me saying he needs money to find a job, crapping out some story that he has no family and he just came out from prison. Some malay guy who spoke very good english. He showed me his hands saying he has already been asking people for money. He has quite alot of one dollar coins. He just asked me if I had spare change.

I gave him about 2dolllars plus worth of coins. While I opened up my wallet and dug the coins out he saw a 10 dollar note and he said "hey you have 10 dollars can you give that to me, I really need it". I told him that money's for my own consumption, and I need it for lunch. Then he said "But you have that ATM card. Can you withdraw 50dollars or something for me? All these cash are all I have now". I just gave him a stern NO.

I passed him all the coins and said this is all I can give and good luck with finding a job. I walked away. I was alone and it was like 9am so AMK hub wasn't very crowded. He chased me, begging me, grabbing onto my sleeve and everything. I swear I got scared.

I ignored him and once he grabbed my shoulder, I shrugged him off and ran. Thank God he didnt give chase. What a douche man. No thank you all demands.

was he rather decently built?? if he was i think i kenna the same guy!! :p

luckily i was in a bad mood that day and all that CoB going on in my mp3 wasn't helping much. if he'd try anything funny (since i refused to give him a cent) i'd have had him clobbered with my school bag...plus my tennis racquet :p

i mean wth?? he was having a pack of ciggies in his hand some more!! i swear even prostitutes got more honour than these @ssholes!!
I thought of reporting to the police, but I just didn't have time. I was honestly worried and frightened at that time and it was one of the rare times I was actually running away from something.

I've encountered such people before. I've had one uncle at a coffee shop ask me for money to eat. I didn't give him any cash, I just asked him what he wanted to eat and I bought it for him, didn't want him to spend it on something else, just worried he was lying. I'm usually quite cool about this kinda stuff, heck, I've even resorted to begging from strangers before, like when I board the bus and find out my ez link card is empty and I have no coins. Just this experience really made me think twice about even listening to their "stories".
He had some really cheap and like self drawn tattoos. Yeah not a bad build. Not skinny thats for sure.

yea dood its the same guy!! lol. asked me for $10 then said i was heartless when i said i dont have that kind cash. wtf?? $10 leh!! and he smelt of alcohol some more. how to believe him when he got money to buy cig and alcohol but no money to buy food?? apparently he's gonna be heading back to prison soon if he's gonna stay like this
Haha I've encountered a few in Bedok. But I heard from a friend that some of these people are actually trying to get money to feed their addiction. Yeah, drugs.

Well who knows? Hmm...
yea dood its the same guy!! lol. asked me for $10 then said i was heartless when i said i dont have that kind cash. wtf?? $10 leh!! and he smelt of alcohol some more. how to believe him when he got money to buy cig and alcohol but no money to buy food?? apparently he's gonna be heading back to prison soon if he's gonna stay like this

I don't remember him having cigarrettes or smelling like alcohol. Hahha at least he didn't chase you! Yeah he also said don't be so heartless, you don't need 10dollars to eat food right? I'm glad I didn't give him that 10! Anyway I'm damn sure, even if I gave him that 10, he'd tell me to go withdraw more money. 10 not enough.
Well, you guys definitely have more experiences than me. I'm subsober there. Once, I was walking along chinatown in the evening after picking up some cds, a man in late twenties just approached me and ask me for some money to buy dinner. Seeing him in normal tees and berms, I just gave him $5 and walked away. At least, he did thank me for it. Not too bad.

Then the other time, also in chinatown, when 2 friends and myself were chatting at a voideck, a man in forties just asked my friend (who was wearing shirt and jeans; better dressed than me) if he can help him with $25, saying it's for some emergency but did not say what the emergency is. My friend told him a flat no, i can't help you and that man walked away LL. From what you guys say, this is really becoming quite a problem. :(
Haha I've encountered a few in Bedok. But I heard from a friend that some of these people are actually trying to get money to feed their addiction. Yeah, drugs.

Well who knows? Hmm...

Man if they said we are heartless for not giving them cash, we'd be worse if we gave them so they could go smoke some weed