What if some stranger asked you for cash..

I swear the beggars in Shanghai are more pro than Singaporean ones. They usually work in pairs; a "blind and crippled" ah ma with a kid "helping" her, or a disabled kid (think Slumdog Millionaire) begging for money on the streets. It's real man.. I've seen those poor village kids with arm or leg chopped off probably by gangsters and forced to beg along the streets in China. It was really bad a few years back but I've heard that the government has since been trying to catch these crooks in recent times.

There was one time when I saw this very old ah ma packing cardboard boxes near my place and she looked really worn out so I gave her $10. At least she was trying to make a living and not like those idiots who tell you some rubbish sob story for some dough. Honestly, I'd rather give those aunties $1 for tissue paper than those "beggars" that smell of cigs and alcohol.

@ Redhill Hawker Center

I had the same experience. A 30+ lady in general office wear came up to me whilst I was having morning breakfast with my teen daughter, asked me for $2 to buy food.

I told that I will help her to buy the food - all she needed to do was tell me what she wanted to eat. She said she will buy it on her own. I told her that I will only help to buy the food that she needed. She walked away after that.

It was strange. There were a dozen customers sitting at tables but she approached us. I told my daughter that that was perhaps we are not the regulars there.
Ok this is out of topic :

What do you guys think of the Yellow Ribbon Project thing. Having ex prisoner selling some toys/pens at town area.

Once we were seated down, this dude came over. Talk to us to buy the stuff he's selling. Showed her wife and baby photo. And I rejected the offer, he walk off with that stern look and not saying thank you or wtv//
bro, that day not your day man! I kena one at kembangan mrt. he asked for $2, i told him no $. Then he asked for some coins, I said no as well. And he thanked me and walked off. he spoke very well and was nicely dressed. All in all, I WON'T GIVE. Once in a long while we sure encounter such ppl.

once a fairly drunk man came by me and my gf at east coast. asked for money to take bus, holding a beer bottle in one hand. he said he only wanted money to take bus nothing more, indicating the beer he had was all he wanted. but no money to go home. haha. i was seriously out of coins so i apologised and said no. he went on saying to my gf she unlucky to have no-money guy like me. i was like "ooo...kay....".
i dun reli like to give to others who have legs tat can walk,eyes tat can look and hands tat are usable.
i was approached a few times by healthy looking 'beggars' and i told them to get a job.
dun give a fcuk if they are happy or not.

those who i reli give are those blind buskers,reli2 reli2 old aunties/uncles, crippled ones etc...
there are OLD aunties/uncles trying to earn by collecting cans or selling tissue papers.
i reli pity them... and always wonder where the hell are their kids.

if they can cari makan small2,why cant the healthy fine looking beggars?
Actually i gave quite a few times already,dont know why...some are school children...some are teens...and also some look like homeless elderly...there was once this little boy approach me,said he selling ice cream straight from factory for 10 bucks,if he sell he get to keep 2 bucks or so and he needed to buy books for sch...i was afraid the ice cream melamine or something so i just gave him 10 bucks and wished him well...
so u did u eat the ice cream? anyway would u suspect there was melamine if it was packaged in a haagen daz box?
Well, there was once I was in Jurong East MRT after sending my girlfriend back home.

It was late(almost midnight) and an old man was busy counting his coins near the ticketing machines. He then approached me and asked if I had any coins to spare him because he had to catch the last train home.

I looked at him and felt he was really sincere and had no coins, so I gave him all my coins which were around 1.50 in total. He thanked me profusely and I guessed I had done something helpful.

Maybe I was wrong, but it was only 1.50 and if the old man really got stuck in Jurong East, I wouldn't have felt any better either.
There's once this old chinese aunt in green top, short white hair too, around Tampines MRT station, but can be seen up to Tampines Regional Library and further down to Orchard (the Ngee Ann City. Paragon, mandarin hotel junction there). Woah? 3 places? Yes I saw her, the same old aunt at 3 different places..

The one I saw her at Tampines was back in 2007, she begged me for $2.. I was still schooling and I don't really like the way she intrude my privacy by coming so near to me and demand for 2bucks. So no..

Then in the Tamp Regional Library, she asked me, I don't think she recognized me. So she begged for spare money for urgent matters, what it was I can't rmb. I insisted on no, and she hops to another target with no thank you..

Then at Orchard early this year, I met her again! Omg and this time (I think she forgotten me again), she asked me for $10 and if not can give her $5??? Wth..No and I walked away...lol
so u did u eat the ice cream? anyway would u suspect there was melamine if it was packaged in a haagen daz box?
ok it was more that i was walking quite a distant on my way home and the ice cream dont look too good so i just gave the boy 10 bucks towards his "education fund" and carried on my way;did not take any ice cream offered.
I've given people money from time to time, not more than 1 - 2 bucks. It's ok, if they are really in need then it's good that my money is going to a worthy cause, if not then karma will get them and they'll fall on the train tracks and die or something. It's a win-win situation.
Well, there was once I was in Jurong East MRT after sending my girlfriend back home.

It was late(almost midnight) and an old man was busy counting his coins near the ticketing machines. He then approached me and asked if I had any coins to spare him because he had to catch the last train home.

I looked at him and felt he was really sincere and had no coins, so I gave him all my coins which were around 1.50 in total. He thanked me profusely and I guessed I had done something helpful.

Maybe I was wrong, but it was only 1.50 and if the old man really got stuck in Jurong East, I wouldn't have felt any better either.
yep totally agree with that concept.

i mean it does borders on principles for some people but personally i feel if its not too much of an amount,i'd rather not have the benefit of a doubt.

cause if you were really desperately in need of little change;
eg when you were primary sch lost your way or an old uncle a little bit senile want to go back and forgot he did not bring enough,
and you decided to ask around hoping people would help,
i'd imagined it would be a fantastic super duper feeling if a stranger offers help to you just like that.
I've given people money from time to time, not more than 1 - 2 bucks. It's ok, if they are really in need then it's good that my money is going to a worthy cause, if not then karma will get them and they'll fall on the train tracks and die or something. It's a win-win situation.
lolz nice one
i rmb on at tampines bus interchange area there was this fat guy who asked me and my friends for spare cash to take a bus home.i didnt giv him anything coz i was unsure bt my friend caved. Well, a few minutes later we saw him continuing to ask ppl for money....

Regardless,i dun think i would really giv random ppl money simply because i cnt confirm if they truthful.Of coz if i knw those arent lies i would be more than happy to help bt i really have a problem with ppl lying n cheating me of my money.Maybe its an ego issue??? Really hate ppl gettting the better of me....
There once a uncle ask me,how to walk to ang mo kio from town.I told him u cant walk there by foot cause its quite far and must take the train to go there since its from town,then he say oohh..must take train ah..aiyahh no money one can lend me 3 dollar?..and the next thing i say to him..u want $3?dont worry i think from here there's a possible way to go to ang mo kio,just walk strait and turn left from takasimaya and i just walk off :).His face was like Epic fail:)
There once a uncle ask me,how to walk to ang mo kio from town.I told him u cant walk there by foot cause its quite far and must take the train to go there since its from town,then he say oohh..must take train ah..aiyahh no money one can lend me 3 dollar?..and the next thing i say to him..u want $3?dont worry i think from here there's a possible way to go to ang mo kio,just walk strait and turn left from takasimaya and i just walk off :).His face was like Epic fail:)

Just a quick 1, did u met him outside raffles hospital?
if it was me i'll give any loose change i had and ask for a few sticks of ciggarettes from the fellow.HAHAHA It's a trade that way.HAHAHA