What does singapore music need?

wangdexian said:
Right, Mr. Leading Expert. :lol:

Shouldn't you be studying for your Os, dexian??? :P
Speaking of Os, they should include more diverse music subjects, instead of the boring ABRSM (forgive me if I got it wrong) music subjects. It could boost the music industry as a whole, yeah!
With regards to quality of local music, i think recording quality plays a huge part dont you think? Aside from musicians being upgraded, i think sound engineers, producers etc etc have to move up as well.
Yeah, that's true... It's sad, since the media industry is monopolised... And expertise in that area is scarce... It's like a see-saw, I guess. Based on supply and demand.

But then again, that could be solved if some big-shot producer from US or Japan listens to your stuff and loves it...
definitely media support and local support.
this one of the major reasons why local music is not thriving.
great bands in spore have come up with albums but there is no support.
but im very happy to see tings like sch of rock which shows great media support.
shld hv more of these
:rock: :rock: :supz: :supz: :smt068 :smt070
In the words of Rush;

Closer To The Heart (Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee and Neil Peart)

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mold a new reality
Closer to the heart
Closer to the heart
The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
They forge their creativity
Closer to the heart
Closer to the heart

Philosophers and ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the heart
Closer to the heart
You can be the captain
I will draw the chart
Sailing into destiny
Closer to the heart
While I am suspect of the big hoo haa that is School of Rock...my suggestion is to have some sort of legislation that forces local radio station to include a percentage of local music played every hour on the hour...sad to say but we got to train Singaporeans as in the masses to appreciate local music...

Singaporeans are such, they will accept something once backed into a corner so to say...its kind of like the ERP gantry thing...initially people will try to find ways to weasel out of it but in the end you will find you have no choice but to go through the gantries and very soon its part and parcel of life....

Except in terms of music singaporeans just might find themselves enjoying it....
Well, S'poreans are defeatists. That's a cold hard fact staring at your faces man.

Play professional soccer?? No way, standards are poor, pay sucks ass.

What about acting? Again, same as above.

Art? Worse than the 2 above. Pay is highly subjective, non-negotiable at all.

Music? Slightly better than art.

Entrepreneurism? What to do, what to do, what to do... Bah.

That's the kind of mindset in S'pore, really. That's why you don't see many successful entrepreneurs, musicians, film directors, actors etc from Singapore. Everybody's contented with pushing pencils, mouthwash in the eyes, 9 to 5 work everyday. But corporate HR policy is very cruel, and you will be PWNED!
jumbofret, having a positive outlook will be a good start to better the local music industry. if we all say it sucks and don't do anything about it, chances are it will continue to be that way.

this topic has been poping up every 6 months. and every year, i have students doing their project/paper on it also. but the funny thing is, how come it is still not going anywhere?

my stand has always been, "Music cannot be forced"

If nobody likes the music you produced, you cannot force them to like it by forcing the radio/tv/newspaper to promote it.

If your music is nice, people will ask around, search the internet, go to record store to find it.

Lastly, who think their music is of international standard, please let raise your hands. i am looking for you.
wangdexian said:
A band, that isn't afraid to do whatever they like.

Yeah there some bands here who practically don't give a rat's ass what people think. You can find alot of that in Lion City DIY Forum/Website/Scene. For examples bands like Worms and Yogyakarta. Want something really different check those guys out. :?
I am afraid you misunderstood my stance, James. After all, this is just an online forum, and this thread is "What does Singapore music need?", right?

Yes, I understand that having a positive outlook will be a good start, be it in the local music or acting industry. But they usually become bitter in the end.

I NEVER "say it sucks and don't do anything about it", or ever support such a notion. From my earlier posts, I said there must be more support, coming from the consumers and the record labels, concert organizers etc. There are ways, yes, but they need to look at the more successful music industries out there. And find both efficient and effective solutions. And deal with the mindset plaguing this island.

"If your music is nice, people will ask around, search the internet, go to record store to find it." So 60s!! :D

The global music industry is worth millions, fyi. Who would HMV or Tower Record rather promote? Ashlee Simpson or the talented local band?
Dilbert you

Hey Jumbo
In the 60's, I dont think we were allowed internet access yet.
From a person that plays music, it sure is hard climbing into the next league of things. From an engineer's side, when I hear a good band, recording is a breeze. I dont have to suddenly turn on the compressor, the band does its own dynamics and balance. The result is so freakin sweet.
I dont think we can really afford oversea's super high end rates, we can barely pay the studios here enough hours to record and yet we demand a magician's touch.
Anyways, tired of prima donna bands, just be humble and play lah huh? And then maybe you will become the Pied Piper leading us rats.
We lack......


I mean how many ppl out there actually own a CD by a local band?
Many are not even willing to listen to lacal music thinking that it wont measure up to overseas standerds.Most ppl cant even name a local band!
People cant accept singapore's own music beacause they NEVER heard it.And even if the meadia here was saturated with local music many might not accept it willingly at first beacuse they may think that "our" music is some what "lower class". Same reason why everyone ( at least the teenagers) thinks that US or european bands are better than asian bands


If the masses cant here local music how can they come to accept it?
Everyone is so used to certain bands plyed on the radio now that they dont know of other bands. Such as non-mainstream bands or underground bands that dont get the media's attention.For example certain people think that just beacuse a certain band is not on MTV its not good enough. With this in mind they tend to ave a bias to oversea bands which are featured repetedly.Some music also needs to be listened to a few times for it to grow on you and sadly with singapore's unsupportive media they never get that chance.

oh and my name is Petrina if you want to know......
local bands

I own more than one local band CD. I lurve Humpback Oak. Concave scream drove the message of lonliness and depression into me. Urban Karma became a new form of percussive music I have never come across until PUYA.

Do u own one at least Petrina?

Jumbo : mindset? How else would we know if a band is good or not without listening to it? Sign language? Just a gorgeous VJay telling us this band is so solid that she totally digs it with holding it to her chest gets us to buy records??.... I have been swindled by my own company I tell you. And the recording process part wasnt referring to you i am sorry should have been more clear.
There's this local band that invented Vedic metal! What's its name? They fare better overseas than here, hmm I would like to buy their CD soon...
soft said:
my stand has always been, "Music cannot be forced"

True.. music can't be forced...but who's to say the music we hear on radio isn't being forced on us...sponsors dictate the time slots and perhaps the kind of music thats played, if the sponsor is a skateboard company, you are likely to hear more punk rock/ hardcore for example...

Right now there is a disadvantage for local musicians...we need to even that out..there is still no clear channel for our musicians to be heard by the masses...the key thing here is not just us fans...but for Singaporeans in general to accept local music...

Let's be frank...sites like your and mine may help things in a small way but it takes a lot more to make a dent in the local mindset...and again I stress we are aiming the bulk of singaporeans out there...
Just look at it this way...there is no reason for a 35 year old to like U2 and not enjoy music by say Concave Scream for example...but that person has to hear Concave Scream on a good rotation for him to like it or better still not like it...at least its a decision made soundly...and not on a blind assumption that all local music sucks hence it must suck...this is what we are trying to get away from...

There is just no way for small local labels or bands to compete with the big guys...

And don get me wrong...quality is still is and will always be of high priority and I believe once radio airplay is kicked in...quality control will immediatly kick in...standards will be properly set...bands will realise they can't just record ill prepared demos for example...cause if you want your music played on air, it needs to be good, meet a standard...

And once the singaporean masses hear it, they can be convinced we have songs and music we can call our own, would like to buy for our own...but they need to be sold on the idea and the best way here is by radio....

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