soft said:
my stand has always been, "Music cannot be forced"
True.. music can't be forced...but who's to say the music we hear on radio isn't being forced on us...sponsors dictate the time slots and perhaps the kind of music thats played, if the sponsor is a skateboard company, you are likely to hear more punk rock/ hardcore for example...
Right now there is a disadvantage for local musicians...we need to even that out..there is still no clear channel for our musicians to be heard by the masses...the key thing here is not just us fans...but for Singaporeans in general to accept local music...
Let's be frank...sites like your and mine may help things in a small way but it takes a lot more to make a dent in the local mindset...and again I stress we are aiming the bulk of singaporeans out there...
Just look at it this way...there is no reason for a 35 year old to like U2 and not enjoy music by say Concave Scream for example...but that person has to hear Concave Scream on a good rotation for him to like it or better still not like least its a decision made soundly...and not on a blind assumption that all local music sucks hence it must suck...this is what we are trying to get away from...
There is just no way for small local labels or bands to compete with the big guys...
And don get me wrong...quality is still is and will always be of high priority and I believe once radio airplay is kicked in...quality control will immediatly kick in...standards will be properly set...bands will realise they can't just record ill prepared demos for example...cause if you want your music played on air, it needs to be good, meet a standard...
And once the singaporean masses hear it, they can be convinced we have songs and music we can call our own, would like to buy for our own...but they need to be sold on the idea and the best way here is by radio....