what do you guys think about pre-marital sex

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"you just need to be hit once to understand the reason why you should wait. " talkin' about that I almost ran over a stupid sch girl just yesterday. horned her like hell but still took her own sweet time crossing the road and gf scolded me "why horn? it's just a small girl." and I said "that's the last lesson she's ever gonna get till the next driver who's not careful."

so does premaritial sex topic link to unwanted pregnancy?
just thought I wanna put my ¢ worth in this. most of us are "media(tv)-programmed" that unwanted pregnancy = bad. but on the other side of some other couple's lives (now married) who've been through this (I got to know a young parent lately) apparently, it just came to me that, maybe sometimes in love, it takes an unwanted pregnancy to work out for the rest of your life?

this is sort of music unrelated. but i hope my post at least lights a bulb to those who has a different opinion to have a thinker about it.

90¢ worth.
conclusion(from the red lights thing and the sex thing): singaporeans need to be taught everything... every last thing.
ahkiatt ahh...

not really. every single person in the world needs basic sex education.

either thro hearsay, own research or thro "proper" channel.
its like skate boarding ...no balance you fall ....on yer face !
Guess ...what ...then the whole world to be blamed.
So b4 a cocky(opposite of humor...but beer drinkin horse is funny...period) remark is made ...please do consider the advice of those who been "hit crossing the red light"....please.
Sex is an act of love....not mere pleasure and satisfaction...as u see on MTV.
So go figure what love is before the act...it will save you lots of pain !! :D
edder said:
ahkiatt ahh...

not really. every single person in the world needs basic sex education.

either thro hearsay, own research or thro "proper" channel.

yea la basic need.from parents or school or even friends. but then in late primary school to secondary school and perhaps beyond. we're taught yearly about this sex ed. it's like government can see that we have no control or something... i'm not sure la...
I don't think it's about whether we can control ourselves, it's about empowering young people with the knowledge they need to stay safe. it's better teenagers get the correct information from a reliable source rather than wrong information that gives them weird ideas like holding hands can get you pregnant.
i just feel that too much knowledge may... may lead to rebellion. and lack of respect to those who offer the information.
ixora05 said:
rather than wrong information that gives them weird ideas like holding hands can get you pregnant.

oh yea and eating pineapples can help you 'abort' the baby?

i think at this point of time, everyone is educated enough to know how it works.. and its consequences. Doing it or not is more of a moral question. some feel its ok , some think its a sin.
saying everyone is educated enough to know how it works and the consequences is a little bit of a generalisation. if you notice, sexuality education in schools is not just about the facts, but also helping students to consider carefully issues related to their sexuality, such as when they are ready and such. It's both giving people the facts as well as helping them to decide when they're ready. it's a personal moral choice, and if they choose to have premarital sex, it's their choice. at least if they do, they're informed, prepared and protected.
This thread is getting nowhere. Since I'm expecting (and foreseeing) possible locking of this thread as it is going nowhere, I'm going to have my last say.

Like I said before, the only "protection" is not to do it. The so-called protection everybody hangs their faith so much upon gives a false sense of security. At it's best, 7 out of 10 times you're going to end up getting somebody pregnant (or getting pregnant yourself). This is at the BEST. Real world situation, you may be looking at something around 50/50. If anybody wants to take chances, it's their call. I'm not even talking about HIV or STD here, which really means if you get it (HIV), you only have 10 years more to live.

We wait till 18 to get our driving license - when we get it, it's so much worth it rather than risk getting arrested (or worse). Life is always about waiting. So what's waiting for a few more years, till you get married? The wait is so much more worth the while (and I think I have the credibility to say this, as a married man with 2 sons). The consequences of not waiting is nowhere near it.

I've had my last say. This will be my last post in this thread...
gsonique said:
Sex is an act of love....not mere pleasure and satisfaction...as u see on MTV.
Long, long, long, very long time ago the existence of sex for pleasure was nothing too shocking - provided it remained a personal matter. Only after human beings got civilised did they start getting conservative abt it.

Even then, high rollers of those days such as Kings used to keep mistresses for that sole purpose - sex & pleasure. Although early Abrahamic religions forbid practising sex just for such purpose, it had no impact at all other than on the humble. If u go back again to the Pagan times, u can find indications of sex as a form of spiritual art. Those times, people were open about it as much as now, but it was all in the name of love. I myself doubt what 'Love' meant then.

Today, it seems like we're nearing doomsday. People are behaving like the uncivilised animals we used to be. Sex is not wrong. Neither is it bad (ohhh hell yeahhh!). It is ok to be open about it. It is also ok to be conservative about it. BUT, it is not ok to treat it like a handshake. You can love sex, but u cant make it a requirement to live.

Sure, i would marry some1 who isnt a virgin, but if i found out she was a bloody roller back in her ripe days, & she still got that personality in her (potential to b unfaithful), relationship is out of the question. Why it is important to stay away from it before marriage has already been mentioned a number of times. U will get bored. U tend to feel u need a change of partner. Now if u change ur partner, wont ur wife be sad? No, ur wife's a pornstar? Ur an idiot. But yes, u may want to choose a woman/man who's good in bed. Bad sex leads to bad faith, which leads to divorce. Try to be of good morals. Girls, it doesnt matter if u arnt married. Just make sure it doesnt become a necessity. For the guys, have some respect for urself. Reserve some of the special feelings for ur future wife. Dont b cheap.
Cheez said:
The so-called protection everybody hangs their faith so much upon gives a false sense of security. At it's best, 7 out of 10 times you're going to end up getting somebody pregnant (or getting pregnant yourself). This is at the BEST. Real world situation, you may be looking at something around 50/50.

I'm assuming the protection u are referring to are condoms. Are these based on actual facts and if so would you be able to point to the said facts? Because I never seen those kind of low numbers before.

Oh wait, that was your last post in this thread. Nevermind then.
nono he's right about the 70% protection rate thing. it's on the back of the condom box, I think. remember my teacher telling us this and the entire class laughing. Although used correctly together with spermicide the odds are actually closer to like 90%, especially when you add female diaphragm or the Pill.
but who uses those anyway... just add on to the cost. so back to the figures... it's at best(meanin with the best condom) 1.2% chance.
DoubleBlade said:
Premarital sex? I shall write an essay on it now.... :lol:

I believe that the law of diminishing returns ....

eh wrong lah!
its the law of diminishing marginal utility, not returns. You dont get increasing opportunity costs from having more sex.

i think its called desensitising in non-economics terms.
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