Tube Amps

Valbee? The Speaker too small sia. Haha. Probably considering this as well:


So far no one has said anything about Marshalls yet? :roll: :?:

This thread might be helpful if anyone is also looking for what I'm looking.
I tried the Carvin 16w before at Music Ensemble. It's damn loud at 16w, and barely acceptable at 5w. Really clean to bluesy sounding.

For Marshalls, edo is selling his JCM800 head... hehehe. but way off your budget and no cab.
haha... lol ... seriously if u want good tone and small wattage.. get a black cat.. prob cost u a leg and a arm.. but its worth the price.. haha.. can't remember if i got the name correctly =) so yea ..
carvin 16 is good for home. Nt really loud enough for gigging but if you mic up should be fine.

nice amp
Metalcaesar said:
haha... lol ... seriously if u want good tone and small wattage.. get a black cat.. prob cost u a leg and a arm.. but its worth the price.. haha.. can't remember if i got the name correctly =) so yea ..

Have you actually played a bad cat amp? Because it doesnt make sense for you to recommend something you've never tried.
One could recommend on hearsay and reviews... I don't see an issue with that. Up to the buyer to do his homework then.
so u can't introduce a guy to buy a mesa boogie because u haven played it ??? doesn't make sense right ?? dude.. read enough reviews to prove its a BLurdy good amp... =) anyway... if u dun like the suggestion i made then forget it..

shredcow .. thanks for the opinion..

ps i have tried a bad cat amp before =)
You can, if you're being frivolous and flippant. I could recommend a whole range of boutique expensive never before heard of amps but there will be no strength in my opinion. That's like someone asking me whether for 60k a nissan or mazda sedan is better and i ask him to go get a ferrari - why? cos i KNOW its good - i've heard.

For a point of reference, sure you can recommend something you've never played, if there is something you can base your reccomendation on. If you've tried something similar or have SOME POINT OF REFERENCE, fine. If you're making a reccomendation purely on what you have read on a forum, fine, but be prepared not to have any weight attached to your opinion. Trainwrecks, wizards and komets are great amps too, i've heard.

So you've played a badcat, cool. Then maybe my previous post was unwarranted, please dont get your panties in a knot, you could have just said "yes". The fact that werent even certain what the amp make was just made me think you were namedropping for the sake of namedropping.

And btw, its got nothing to do with whether i like your suggestion. Reviews dont prove anything, other than being a reflection of opinion. oh, but if everbody thinks its good, then it must be good right? Il leave you to sort that one slowly.
OK! i'm on it!

1) Where can I buy it?
2) How much?
3) Got reviews?
4) Got discount?
5) How does it compare to the Bogner Uberschall?

20 marks each. Please answer all questions.
Hi all,

I do own a tube amp by Guitar Workshop. Its based on a Fender Tweed model of the 1960s or 1970s. Comes with celestion speakers and a fat tube sound I like. It sounds pretty cool. You could check it out. Its about $350 I think.