You can, if you're being frivolous and flippant. I could recommend a whole range of boutique expensive never before heard of amps but there will be no strength in my opinion. That's like someone asking me whether for 60k a nissan or mazda sedan is better and i ask him to go get a ferrari - why? cos i KNOW its good - i've heard.
For a point of reference, sure you can recommend something you've never played, if there is something you can base your reccomendation on. If you've tried something similar or have SOME POINT OF REFERENCE, fine. If you're making a reccomendation purely on what you have read on a forum, fine, but be prepared not to have any weight attached to your opinion. Trainwrecks, wizards and komets are great amps too, i've heard.
So you've played a badcat, cool. Then maybe my previous post was unwarranted, please dont get your panties in a knot, you could have just said "yes". The fact that werent even certain what the amp make was just made me think you were namedropping for the sake of namedropping.
And btw, its got nothing to do with whether i like your suggestion. Reviews dont prove anything, other than being a reflection of opinion. oh, but if everbody thinks its good, then it must be good right? Il leave you to sort that one slowly.