Good reply nuokturnaldecadence.
I have been playing with various bands live for several years now, and have been paid only twice. But the organiser did keep to their promise, and even bought us food and drinks! So many of the major bands here play for free, introducing new songs etc.

My gripe is this. I have been to quite a few auditions etc for shows before. Why does it not happen now. I used to sell tickets, never forced, but did to friends and others so that there is a crowd. We werenever told that we have had to pay back for unsold tickets. That is not fair.

and any band that does not come on time for soundcheck, too bad. Play with what you can on stage. There are some bans whom I dont think have much jamming experience and I have seen them at gigs performing. Now what kind of standard is that. Its no wonder that most of the time at gigs now, people meet up for meeting up sake or just to watch their friends play.

I miss the old Substation days..........
So, besides CAVEvents who replied my 2 innocent DGO questions.

No one is interested to reply ar?

So does it mean everyone should safeguard our own personal interests first and foremost?
me_you has a point ....and don't be typical like =ban !!

face the issue a man !! 8O

I think its time to do gigs again .... too many weasel's doin gigs nowadays !!!!
bro agingyouth,

here are my innocent answers

1) u have the rite to cut off the 'pay' if the band is late for the u r so call employing them.

but... i'm not so sure abt wat if 1 member cant turn up or late. maybe they r stuck in an urgent matter(which might be true). whereas some do abuse tat and giv stupid reasons for their lateness. but wat if they tell u in advance? not last minute kinda thing

2) yes.not soundchecking and damages. wat they play or use on stage is their me, if i damage anitink which i use on stage,i have to pay for it.

for those who dun do soundcheck... i'm not sure if i have the rite to say tis-they should be sensible enuf to noe their sound level wif the band. estimate la.. if 1 can balance it in the studios,why not on stage rite. but if they damage it, the cost is theirs.

my opinions bro...
ok peace
Yes i think your two points are very valid. Bands are liable to be puntucal and pay for damaging any equipment(providing they are in good shape in the first place). Bands need is liable to be responsible to the organziers and vice versa. But i dont think it works that way right now.
This topic getting hot. But all the angryness and hatred is within this forum.


try Stomp Or LOL. jk jk
Hoo hoo, it's an old friend, bro BiasJames bro... Where did you disappear to?

Out of the 30+ shows we've put together, we did not pay the bands for 4 shows. In any scenarios possible, we'd try to pay all our bands.

Thank you, LobinHoot and wyldeboon for your replies.

wyldeboon, yes, if they let us know in advance, anything can be worked out lah. But there's always a line to be drawn.

LobinHoot, it seems that the anger is directed from one perspective at this point of time from the performers to the promoters. Too bad I missed out bro saito bro's DGO summit. They were probably bitching about bands that night too...

Ah well...

bro gsonique bro, when siah? Must send us the e-flyers!

i was talking to members of taiwanese grrl punk band BB Bomb last night and they have the exact same problems in Taiwan where bands must pay the live house a fee, sell tickets, and get a huge percentage cutoff from their takings.

Same goes for KL, Hong Kong and China. It's global y'all!
its all about creating the atmosphere ....we perform best when given the boost ...dig !!

Thats what we did with early sub gig's and the CORE gigs at bugis !!

Remember subC at china Square ???? We had good endorsement from companies then so we paid the bands pretty well !!
I read thru all the posts up till this point. ... How come this topic's placed in "gigs & concerts"?

And yes, bands die die must be of a certain standard before considering playing at any gig. I don't mind a couple of mistakes & imperfections during performances, I support bands that have great potential. This being said, there have been a couple of times where I could only say "WTH" at the crap I'm listening to at a gig.

And of cos, if you're a band member, if you show up unreasonably late, damage other people's equipment, of cos you have to suffer the consequences lah.

Organisers have the right to state their terms for a gig. If you don't like it, DON'T SIGN UP.

What I observe is that there are 2 groups forming here.. Newer folks to the scene (and unaccustomed to it) vs the older seasoned people who've been around...
gsonique:how is that my fren ....enlighten me !!!

Well, I'd only heard that you got 'pak' band and of cuz, you are another dodgy pedal moddhistan/ maker along with my bro edder bro... Haven't tried out the blend pedal at bro Pathein bro's place yet though. Was interested but...

Gotch discount?
say you have 20 tickets to sell, 5 people in your band, each person just has to sell 4 tickets. is it that hard? have you got no friends?

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