i believe that guy has done something some of us wanted to say one way or another.

well. its just a forum we can choose what we want to support and not.

but then bro.. directing it to specific names it isnt the way.

i hope all the bands involved in this can take it as a learning point.
haizzz, why these sorta threads kept coming up here lately :cry:

how about all the groups of angsty band members and friends come together, print brochure"Why we shud not support gigs with selling minimum tics and having to pay back if never sell enough" and start giving around in town when theres gigs, blah blah blah etc to raise awareness?

Afterall, talk and talk here, angsty still angsty, bang ballz still bang ballz having to pay coz cant sell enough tickets :lol:
huh he didnt specified which organiser it was, did he?
even if he did , theres nothing wrong as long its 100% absolute truth?
we dont have to be too kind to them.
People write in to the straits times forum to complain about specific organisations, companies, almost everyday. i dont see anything wrong about it.

if its your party thats to be blamed, learn your from your mistake then
and people will forgive and forget.

or change the name and try again

you should not

1. post in red
2. post in bold
3. start a thread which topic is already discussed in another hot thread

please edit accordingly. respect the forum, the users and yourself.

what is your name and which band are you from? if you are good, i can arrange for you to play at Hard Rock Cafe and even PAY you and your band for the effort.
wow, i'll pay just to play at Hard Rock Cafe' man! (that is if im that good la), but seriously, i would pay to play at HRC as long as i dont have to sell tickets. *nods*
HEY stop all this crap lah its a business right they doin. Evry business has to make a profit wat..........AIYO. MAybe SOme one should open a tread of suggestion to the organiser but e suggestion mus be logical n making money ah...............
i dont think the matter here is weather they are making money or not.

i think that the meat here is that the organiser is exploiting and making money at the expense of the band that plays in their gigs.

thats what i think
All e band who sign hav to read the term n condition right............i bet e orginiser will ask u guys 2 times whether u can sell ** amount of tiket. hey NO PAIN NO GAIN !!!!!!!! get it. 8)


This topic has been done to death. Sigh.

To new bands: If you don't want to pay to play, don't pay and don't play. Simple enough. If it means you don't play any gigs, so be it. It's better you direct your energy and money into practising.

These are priceless words so write them down: Don't think about gigs for now. Write some good songs. Practise until you're damn sure you know what you're doing. Save up. Record the songs. Distribute your demo to venues, promoters, put in up on MySpace, whatever. If people like your music, gigs will come your way. But till then, practise. Practise. Practise. Practise. I can't say it enough. Because when a gig does come your way, you wanna make sure you rock so well, they want you to play again.

And please, you wanna get paid to perform? Then be professional and turn up on time. Being a paid performer comes with responsibilities. You wanna make sure you're worth every single cent the organiser pays you. Punctuality is a very basic requirement.

Sorry if I sound harsh. I'm pretty sure I'm being constructive though.
the organiser did state the terms and condition to play in his gig and to honour it. it is already fair and bands shld take note of that. then why in the first place this guy is complaining if he wants to perform. alamak.....
** To those bands who never Gig with them, heres the procedure they do **
1)Get the bands to come down for briefing etc etc.
2)The organizer will talk to the bands one by one.
3)Tell the band members the Slots.
4)Make the band to Sign the contract. (Read it thru!)
5)They give you tickets to sell. (they make you count them)
6)Once you signed the contract, Look at their faces, They have this sense of relief.

So yeah, Don't anyhow sign. Im just telling to those new bands. Next time if kena Pay for unsold tickets. Don't Complain here.

oh oh!

to me_you, I truly understand how and what u feeling now.

I've been in ur shoes b4.

I dun post anymore crude comments bout them(the organizers).

They wont even bother bout this. They just want money.


To new bands who just wanna go GIGing. If you think you can sell tickets and finish them all. Go Ahead.

If not, the organizers will be nasty and SUE you. Ya I Mean it. THEY WILL SUE YOU. Im not scaring anyone here. But thats what i've been thru.

Don't sign any documents for your future sake. :)

but seriously why in the first place must one complain??? the organiser will state the required amount of tickets the band has to sell. if they cannot accept it, then dont play. bands sign up, then cannot sell tickets, then come to soft make an account and complain like a pussy. cant he just tell the organiser instead of whining here? damn pussy whipped. next time, dont start a band. just stay home and watch live videos on youtube. nothing is free in this world.... D'OH!
It takes two hands to clap. So don't dwell too much on it.

The organziers have to make their profits. If not, they would not have the resources to organize the gigs.

But the other point of view is the organizers are not exposing the musicians by expecting the bands to pay. The bands are hardly rich and they just want some exposure. By asking them to pay, it just doesn't make any sense.

But think.

The music scene in Singapore isn't exactly that glamorous or outstanding. Gigs organizers won't expect to pay bands to perform and still earn profits as people buy tickets from the doors or eslewhere. This is Singapore, not any places around the world.

Everyone is just cooped up in their bloody busy and stressful lives.

So, instead of commenting, we all should probably figure a way out to settle this peacefully and hopefully it would just turn out right for both parties!
after further research,

venue rental = approx $800 (400 deposit, 400 after the event)
money that the organizers get(taken from me_you's calculation) = $3600
profit after event = $2800

hmm $2800??? that is a large sum of money.. and to say that the money is used to cover up costs, it wouldn't be reliable, isn't it? so wat is this money being used for? for future gigs??

if so,

(taken frm the calculations above)
profit after event = $5600??? hmm..

can sumone explain?

would it be very difficult for the organizers to give the bands a reward(at least a $40 for a 5piece band, would make $8 for each, and altogether would juz spend $480 for all 12 bands and organizers still have $2320 for their own expenses) juz as a "thank you" to the bands for putting their effort.. or is all that they can think of is abt making money and not to widen the local music scene??

but then again, i can't always blame the organizers..
i totally agree with fictionaire_gse abt practising and recording demos.. or mayb new bands can also try and organize their own gig, and feel wat it's like to promote ur event and the difficulties u get on the way..
i hope wat i've given is for a good cause and also an eye opener for everyone(esp organizers like Xtreme).. :)
Thats what im thinking too. Where the money goes to?

To cover the cost of Unsold drinks?
To cover for the Staff's salary?
To enjoy?
For the next 'big' event held at the same venue?

threadposter, i see you v smart, why dont you go be the organiser?

dont talk as if its very easy to organise a gig.

i think roy(xtreme music) has done a good job.

wait till you be in his shoes worrying about whether he's gonna run into deficit for the event or not.
wooo! i love when everyone's fighting for the organiser's side whether they are the dark side of the force or the good side.. hahaha. hay88, y say like tat? dun be uh..

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