The best way to stop liking a person

dear threadstarter. I feel you are insecure about yourself. what makes you think you won't get to "be with her"? Are you that ugly/crazy/rude/etc? If not, then just ask her. What is so wrong in trying? So what if you argue about work, you don't dare to argue about the bigger things in life? So what she's always busy with work? you need patience with love, are you that impatient?

And please you are asking for people's advice, what I'm seeing is you're slagging people off, but that's my opinion, and some people have the right to have an opinion. with that good luck, cus love, or the lack thereof, is a very topsy turvy path.
no malice intended,
but a forum is for general discussion, and i doubt that soft has 1 SOLE purpose which is purely music.
i believe its getting musicians together to talk about anything/everything and hence there's a sports subforum and a music kopi-tiam where people post almost anything under the sun, from latest news to personal observations.

if you feel a thread is annoying to you, exercise your right, which everyone is entitled to and not view the thread.
won't that make this place more peaceful?
To stop liking that person, You need to like another person.

Not true man.

I know this sounds really bad, but start focusing on their flaws. That's what i've been doing. It's not easy, but it'll take time. After awhile, you'll start to look back and say to yourself "Wtf was i thinking back then?!?!". If you still don't get over her, then maybe it's about time you dropped a hint? Hahaha.
i'm telling him that he doesn't need any excuse to ask anyone out for a casual date.. just need some courage just go ahead and ask.. and he lambasts me and talks some cock about character, brains etc.. which obviously if he had he wouldn't have to come here to ask.. then we have random people coming in, talking more cock, when they don't have any clue.

TS up to you lar. you can continue to talk cock in this thread but in the end you still won't ask her out. if you want people to help you then you gotta face up to reality, don't make excuses for yourself so that you won't have to make the choice of asking someone out. what's the point of you asking for advice then slag people off for it like another softie mentioned?
i thought
so why can't soft be a place for his needs on r/s problems. like he said, musicians are humans arent they?
tsktsktsk dont be so superficial. lighten up. cos WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE, WE GOT WHATCHA NEED!
Wrong place to get your advice anyway. Half of the people replying here probably spend every valentines day with both their hands...

Playing guitar/bass/drums/piano.

not true for me this yr, this yr valentine's day I collect ang pao, that one more important than play guitar/ piano etc. guitar/ piano anyday also can play ang pao only once a yr can collect.
as said by the master himself, dont forget death cab for cutie!

eh.. i still cant play as smoothly as you leh... teach me........

go to the jungle and learn and be one with the forest.
then you'll be the shredder you always wanted to be!

Hi TS,

I think your story makes a nice love song. To think that love songs make the charts almost like everytime, it only goes to show that a lot of musicians are very sentimental people.

Anyway, my own thoughts to your dilemma; Your rationalisation that the both of you might never hit it off as a couple is very pragmatic. Maybe you might want to just continue to like her as far your feelings would take you. reason being, even if you try, chances are you'll still be reminded of her. However, what you can do is perhaps transform that feeling from a purely emotive 'liking' for reason that you only know to a sense of respect of her as a human being with traits that you admire. It is like going from a very dark room to a bright one, the glare from the first few seconds can be blinding, but once your eyes adjust to the brightness, you would see better and appreciate what you see. Of course, going back into darkness is an option, but be prepared to face the blinding light whenever you try again to step out.
Lmao, This thread is a prime example of how degenerative our society has become nowadays. Waste of bandwidth imo, sorry TS.