The best way to stop liking a person

if your point is so that she will dont like you and fade away from your life, then sms her your inner deppermost feelings :P

then no need worry so much alr. HAHA

Haha, i confessed to one and immediately got rejected, then now nvr tok liao.

I think now is to make sure i hit it off with the girl first, then start going out and doing something to keep the attraction going lol.

BUTTTT!!!! I always tongue tied, How do i make sure i can make her enjoy her time with me?
All I can say is, you're probably from Poly.

1) Don't ever sms your inner deepermost feelings to the girl in hopes that she will accept you or anything. Biggest mistake ever.

I would suggest you ask her if she wants to watch movie or anything. But try to get closer to her first through stuff like MSN etc. But don't act super interested in her. Act indifferent. I realise that there are 2 guys in life - Guys who go out and just be thick skin and talk/ask girls out and guys who are more of the nice guy persona. I fall in the latter, so maybe I'm not the best person to talk about this, but I do have "some" experience. Think about it, if you ask at least you can get your answer earlier, if you don't, you'll never know and you'll be regretting your past.

Yeah theres two kinds of guys in this world, one is the jerk who can make attraction with almost any girl, they consist of the whole 10% of male population. Wheres the remaining 90% are struggling to get a girl. They are the nice gentlemen.

I am the 90%, so guys make sure you are not a gentlemen, don be too nice and act very behaved. It will not get you any where in attraction worldd

So i am asking for more attraction tactics the 10% jerk uses
Yeah theres two kinds of guys in this world, one is the jerk who can make attraction with almost any girl, they consist of the whole 10% of male population.

nope, wrong. being able to make attraction to almost any girl =/= jerk, thats too harsh man :P

ever read about the ladder theory? dont get too close as a friend with the girl you like or you will find it hard to jump ladder :P

and i have to disagree. how i got attached was cos i was too nice and act too behaved. ultimately depends on yourself and the girl you like.
the tatics of those jerk? I know it very well.

They are just being themselves and think more with small head then big head.

Haha, embarrassed moments are very adventurous, cos you are doing something which people rarely do

for these, i have to agree with you. Coz i never really understand bout getting girls from needing to use internet as guide. Perhaps its that when i was younger, there werent internet then and in order to get girls, we use our mind more and talk till night become day and love become lust.
All I can say is - start screwing around and bring out the bad boy in you...

Then your love interest will sit up and take notice of the real stud who's been attracting and doing all the girls and believe me, most probably you'll get what you want in the end. Or need. There's a higher chance she'll like you.

Better still, most likely after you've done all the girls and know your real prowess, you'll forget about her.

Personally i feel the 'nice guy' approach still works, just as long as you know how to not 'reply' her at times and appear to her that you have your own life and that your life still goes on without her.
anyway pertaining to your problem, since she's your group member and you don't want any awkwardness goin around, i persoanlly feel the only way you can cast away any soft emotions for her is to either find her flaws or fall in love with another gal. Whatever it is like most of them said, you're 20, you're young, you're gonna meet tons of girls in life, she's just gonna be one of them.
good luck bro

best way to stop liking a girl-

imagine them sitting on the toilet bowl, with a really cramped face, imagine them shitting the biggest piece of shit u've ever seen in ur life, and the stinkiest one too..

it works for me..
i always have this idea that hot girls dont shit,they always smell good..

stupid, but it works!
Hope I'm not too late. How I stop liking a person with regards to having a crush on someone... I simply remind myself that they probably would reject me anyway. It helps, seriously! At least for me.
Originally Posted By Kimura:

Brutha you're 20, you've got the world waiting for you. Along the way you'll meet new people. probably fall in& out of love more times than there are time signature changes in a Zappa song.

LMAO! That's a good one Kimura! I rolled on the floor laughing very loudy after seeing this!


It's really difficult to forget her as you begin to like her. This is what I called "Love At First Sight". Then slowly the feeling gets stronger........ becoming uncontrollable.

I used to face the same thing. It happened to me when I was back in Secondary School days....

What I did to forget her?

I will just spend time on my hobby which is drumming & flying kite. Didn't have time & space to really even think abt her. Why? I got engrossed with drumming & kites of course.

This works for me & maybe you might want to try out.
How I stopped is just avoid contact + hang out with friends, play games at home, tire yourself out and sleep late so you won't think of her just before you turn in for the night.

I might be speaking the obvious, rofl.
best way to stop liking a girl-

imagine them sitting on the toilet bowl, with a really cramped face, imagine them shitting the biggest piece of shit u've ever seen in ur life, and the stinkiest one too..

it works for me..
i always have this idea that hot girls dont shit,they always smell good..

stupid, but it works!

rofl reminds me of one collegehumor video i watched about 'Girl do not fart'
ok ppl - fgl aka Dr Luv's here ...... so

TS - U sound infatuated with her ... wanna lose the feeling? Just imagine if you and her were to go steady - & then you kena QUEEN CONTROL all the way ..... no freedom, no hanging out with friends, no time for music , no time for anything but her, her, her,her, her , her ....

strap on a guitar, plug it in, turn up the amp and rock it out!
ok ppl - fgl aka Dr Luv's here ...... so

TS - U sound infatuated with her ... wanna lose the feeling? Just imagine if you and her were to go steady - & then you kena QUEEN CONTROL all the way ..... no freedom, no hanging out with friends, no time for music , no time for anything but her, her, her,her, her , her ....

strap on a guitar, plug it in, turn up the amp and rock it out!

Ok sounds unique, i will not want to see her face whole day, i will puke:P
TS : the best way to stop liking a girl is to start hating her. pick on all her flaws, then realise she's not that perfect and there's even better women out there.

but that aside, usually threads like this gets deleted/locked cos it's relationship related. matters of the heart gets sensitive easily in forums.
if your point is so that she will dont like you and fade away from your life, then sms her your inner deppermost feelings :P

then no need worry so much alr. HAHA

Now that you've said it, it does make sense. But I don't get people who say that "Oh i like this person but it won't work out etc". Life is too short to be bothered about such bullshit.

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