The Bassist's Effects Line Up

The Groove Regulator is awesome and way cheaper than the Grinder. Grinder is full featured though if that's what you want.
by splash the cash i meant it in a way such as, if you don't know what to do with the money you got and you have space for a huge ass but supposedly high quality pedal.

so you want A+blend / B+blend / C+blend ?

maybe still can, all you need is a 3 loop looper, followed by a dry blend pedal. so the looper goes into for example loop A of the LS-2, loop B of the LS-2 is empty. then you can have dry blend with either A/B/C, depending on which is switched by the looper.

too much of the word 'loop' makes it sound confusing. but you get the idea lah
if you want to blend A, B, C and DRY at the same time, you could use a pair of rolls' to give you 4 parallel channels in your chain; one to split the input signal into 4 and another to mix them back together. i've seen it being done on TB forums. maybe you can simulate complicated multiple-amp rigs of one of those bassists with too much endorsement, such as dirk lance. but this way it might not be switchable, unless you add a few gadgets here and there in the chain. complicated but it would be cheaper than a one-stop solution and it will make your chain look damn pro

the splliting and blending of signal need active buffer circuit to maintain the signal strength always at 1.

With those passive 1 in 4 out mixer thingy, what i have encountered was hiss/noise issue and some obvious degradation of the highs.

To split signal evenly without the degradation, each parallel path needs its own buffer circuit.
by splash the cash i meant it in a way such as, if you don't know what to do with the money you got and you have space for a huge ass but supposedly high quality pedal.

so you want A+blend / B+blend / C+blend ?

maybe still can, all you need is a 3 loop looper, followed by a dry blend pedal. so the looper goes into for example loop A of the LS-2, loop B of the LS-2 is empty. then you can have dry blend with either A/B/C, depending on which is switched by the looper.

too much of the word 'loop' makes it sound confusing. but you get the idea lah
yeah i guess a 3 looper pedal + ls-2 seems to be a good idea!! but i wanted to downsize my board not upsize ;p

but i do got a setting that needs A+B+dry blend. so that might be quite a juggle.
This might sound a little dumb, but is there anywhere in the east that I can try an MXR octave dlx? Am curious about it vs the Octabass which I have at the moment
i would put it last. that way it can act as a killswitch. the real 'effects' can get crazy sometimes.

unfortunately no updates from me. downsizing indefinitely.
if i had the money i would trade my chorus for a POG and a delay. or maybe just the POG. if i really had the money i would keep the chorus.

but i think it's about time i spent some money on the bass rather than the board/rig
Hey guys,

I'm having a dillema at the moment.
Do you think a wireless system for bass is needed?
I play in gigs once/twice a month and we play posthardcore stuff ( loads of headbanging and whatnot)
Do you guys think its needed to have a wireless system?
I've been looking at the Relay G30 which is currently on sale at CM for $361.

Please help me solve this dillema(:
Thanks so much.