The Bassist's Effects Line Up

The Triple Drive is under their custom pedals. I'm guessing that they could tweak it for bass. Have you tried emailing them? Never tried any of their pedals. Only heard/read about the Bass Boar.

My humble board
sold the hartke vxl :( now i need to look for an onboard pre for my downsize board :( now my tone lacking that ooommpphhhh...

i blend the MT-2 that i have and it sounds really br00tal, maybe that is the type of fuzz i need and it sits in the drawer for a long time. dunno how well it sits in the band environment.
guys what filter do u recommend getting?

i was thinking of the new EHX enigma , or a tonefactor 442(Bottomfeedr).

but both are quite hard to find i guess
many mixed opinions on the enigma. in the first place, the original Qtron wasn't too hot on bass.

but you can be sure about the groove regulator. or if you wish to splash a bit more cash, the barge grinder
anyone know if i can get a looper/blender for A/B/C + dry. that i can blend between a/b/c and dry signal or at least a between A/B + dry blend.

the ls-2 cannot seems to fit my requirement anymore.
hey lordie, i need something like that as well. actually I prefer to be able to control all 3.
But that's just me, i like to be in control of the settings.