The Bassist's Effects Line Up

i'm not a huge fan of the multicomp; expensive and the quality is there, but it doesn't really do anything and is something you can live without. much like dimitar berbatov.

eh bro you rock lah! i love that statement.

i used to be crazy over the multicomp but the price really set me back. i sold off my MXR SuperComp way back because it's wayyyy to coloured.

i'm GAS-ing for your Maxon now. Tried to look for it on Ishibashi but they didn't have it. I saw some really really old Yamaha and Ibanez compressors though. Maybe i'll be crazy enough to try it and let you guys know how it goes. HAHA!
sorry its the cp-9 pro+... the nine series choruses are cs-9 and pac-9

i've never used the oc-2. the tracking isn't that great on lower notes but i got the om at a good price. it's a good octave down octaver because it gives you alot of control over the octave down tone
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i been enjoying quite "noise free, hum free" for a long time but recently, last week when i engage the Hematoma, it hums like a lovelovelovelovelove in the chain. i A+B the dirty channel and clean. i did not change anything it was the same as before until recently any idea what happened? Chain it with Canare+flatheads.


1.service the hematoma? where? how much?
2. or is the power supply?
3. or time for me to GAS a new pedal *grinz*
i think power supply. cos the hematoma is a drive pedal, any noise in the power will be amplified. sometimes the noise comes from the wall socket so LL. but you can still GAS if you want to......
i think power supply. cos the hematoma is a drive pedal, any noise in the power will be amplified. sometimes the noise comes from the wall socket so LL. but you can still GAS if you want to......
i have a suspicious it comes from a wall socket. does a PP2+ solves this? or i am at the mercy of the venue sometimes clean power sometimes bad?
i used to have a fueltank jr but it was for a very short time...

if the wall socket is noisy then i don't think you can do much... sometimes at some venues, the bass will pick up noise from the surroundings. but can try an minimise the problem lah, like try to use a different socket for the amp and the fx if possible

maxon cs-9pro just arrived. sold the cs-550 sometime last week. pretty much the same thing actually, the cs-9 is not worth the price difference. but for me it's a different story lah... the cp-9 and cs-9 are for keeps.

the arger c+ is good, tone is killer. but it was packed poorly when it was shipped and suffered paint chips. also, the nut used to secure the input jack was crap and i had to change it. i'm quite unhappy about these things. it also seems like arger is alot busier now than they used to be. i'm probably not gonna order anything from arger in the forseeable future.

ehx OM is good but i'm saving to upgrade to a microPOG.

also saving for a maxon ad-9pro, unless the ehx memory boy or tc nova repeater can change my mind.
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Pedal Board

My Pedaltrain Mini set-up:


Keeley 2-Knob Compressor->MXR Bass Blowtorch (Korg Pitchblack signal feed from alternate output) ->EBS Microbass II

All connected via Canare GS-4s with Neutrik Heads. Thinking of adding two octavers, or a multi-octaver pedal into the rig.

Not really. I know Pino Palladino uses two BOSS octavers. I was thinking maybe a Digitech whammy or mini POG. Otherwise, two multi-plexers.
get the MXR and an OC-2, and do a A/B comparison and a review please.:mrgreen:

edit: just saw your post. you mean microPOG, right?

get the MXR and an OC-2, and do a A/B comparison and a review please.:mrgreen:

Sounds like a plan. Haha, except I feel sian that I have to go through all the moolah burning to find my perfect pedal. Been through that with my fuzzes and it COST me big-time man.

Let round 2 begin.
wasn't there an A/B comparison done on Talkbass? the guy prefered the OC-2 if I rem correctly.

been curious about the MXR. the demo sounded really good.
wasn't there an A/B comparison done on Talkbass? the guy prefered the OC-2 if I rem correctly.

been curious about the MXR. the demo sounded really good.

The El Grande was really impressive too, until I got it shipped in (I got it before it was in Singapore). Major disappointment.

And b33r, yea, MicroPOG.