The Bassist's Effects Line Up

the 'release' function as it's called is quite useful. i use it as a set-and-forget function. i like the high quality buffer on the thing. i think this one draws a bit of current.

i am gas-ing for a maxon cp9 pro+. i've read some reviews that sound almost too good to be true. i mean, some people claim it's the best. i just wanted to find out for myself.

i think i can save a bit by shipping it from ishibashi. maxon is generally cheaper in japan. exchange rates at the moment are kind.

and i generally just like to buy stuff lah. you know how it is when some guy breaks up with his chio gf and then goes for another girl... something like that lah. i guess i am an effects player. am i making sense
hi guys im currently looking for an envelope filter with a budget of $150. any recommendations? currently looking at the EHX micro q-tron
yea thankfully. haha

so i think i will be going for budget effects that sound good. :D

any suggestions for drive and compressors like that??

the mxr super comp is pretty affordable but how does it fair??
i am digging the demeter... suites well, transparent enuff and goes damn well with over the top overdrive.
5SW= you seem to be on top of things as far as drive/fuzz is concerned :o

i have tried neither but from the descriptions and specifications i would expect totally different results between the tentacle love and the assmaster.

lordie= i havent quite found the balance when using fuzz and compression at the same time. maybe because either (or both) my fuzz and/or compression settings compress the tone too much. but i solve that by bypassing one when the other is engaged :mrgreen:

my (notable) experiences with compression are the dynacomp, multicomp, barge rc-3 and now the maxon cp9 pro+. the maxon wins easily but the barge gets a special mention for its amazing price to performance ratio and top-notch build quality.

i'm not a huge fan of the multicomp; expensive and the quality is there, but it doesn't really do anything and is something you can live without. much like dimitar berbatov.

the maxon is an end-all for me, unless perhaps something multi-band, affordable and integrates into my setup easily comes up.

hi guys im currently looking for an envelope filter with a budget of $150. any recommendations? currently looking at the EHX micro q-tron

if only there was someone selling an envelope filter that is built to bass specs for cheap
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b33r : like shinobi mentioned, they are very different fuzzes. The B:Assmaster is more biting sounding fuzz. a bit more brittle IMO. I absolutely love the Tentacle Love. Very full sounding fuzz. You can have variations with different setting on the Hook & Saw sides.

lordie : The X2 is really good. Very transparent. Haven't have issues with intereference with the Plus.

Shinobi : Thanks. That's what happens when you spend too much time on Talkbass :). Damn GAS.
best quote ever! lol!! :) although the multicomp was the best I could get in local shops a few years ago when I was shopping for a comp.... compared to what the other overpriced greedy retailer was quoting at that time.
nothing wrong with the multicomp, but it is still considered a subtle compressor. it's good if you play clean or few/subtle effects. but if you use LOTS of effects, the subtleness of the compressor will be lost in the chain.

anyway enough discussion, time for pics

latest board:

arger c+ > ehx octave multiplexer > maxon cs-550 > maxon cp9 pro+ > korg pitchblack

since about 2 months ago everything has changed except the korg. still (and always) experimenting but im quite pleased with the results so far.

nothing coming in at the moment. when i have spare change i will upgrade the cs-550 to a cs-9 and the OM to a microPOG
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the flames are reflective and i used flash + shorter exposure time so it doesnt show up in photos easily... but it is clearly visible actually