The Bassist's Effects Line Up

it's true that the multicomp can make your sound fuller since it's a compressor. however, given your setup, i don't think it will work. the reason is that the multicomp is a very transparent compressor, the maximum compression ratio is only 5:1 if i remember correctly. i've seen guys who use ONLY a multicomp, and that's cool, but i once (sob..) had a massive chain and the multicomp was getting overwhelmed by the other effects. i also felt it was not effective as a limiter.

you can use an octaver. something clean and polyphonic, like the microPOG, so that you can run a wet signal through it and it wont screw up. that way while the guitarist solos you can do an octave above for example and it fills up the sound. up to your creativity, but that's just how i'd do it. a dirty analog octaver is also possible but i would run a clean signal into it rather than wet.

but maybe depends on your genre. if let's say you are playing in a 70s hard rock band then maybe a bass overdrive like the catalinbread SFT or sansamp vt bass can thicken your sound.
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HI Shinobi,

Many thanks for the advise.
I havent tried any octaver yet, btw,. we tune D# to help thicken us a bit and I have the ehx blogger as an overdrive,. will the octaver kinda muddy up my sound?

Hi rottenramone,

The bass balls is a cool filter,. but it colors the sound even to the lowest setting,.. any other pedals in mind?

HI jbarker,

I went to blackwoods tocheck and try the akai, but they dun have,. any ideas where i can try it out?

Many thanks all for your help,..
Soft great great place to know and learn a lot of stuff,..
Are you using the Knockout and the Bass RC at the same time?

To be honest I'd recommend a Bass Muff over the Blogger, but that may just be personal preference. It's also hard to resist when you have a demo video like this:

Also, the Akai Unibass has been discontinued for several years already ;) sorry about that.
unibass is discontinued if im not mistaken, you will have to search for it 2nd hand and pay quite a high price for it.

as for muddying up your sound it depends. if by 'muddying up' you mean too much lows and low mids, if u are using an octave up and down pedal, this might happen if you blend too much octave down with the dry. but if you only blend octave up + dry, i dont think it will be muddy. but it may not suit your style of music, so it depends.

the akai unibass not only does octaves, but i think it can do a 5th above. so it would sound like a chord, if im not wrong

you already have a chorus but maybe u can look into delays and reverbs for something slightly different
Thanks Shinobi,

I use the echo, which is very transparent and cheap! (25$)

im thinking of taking off the ehx attack eq and replacing it with something else,.
something really useful and not once in a blue-moon pedal use. (like the bassball)

something to thicken or shape up my sound,. I use to have the hartke bass attack,. nice pedal, but sold it off.
the bassballs is pretty good in filling up space. perhaps u wanna toy around with it during jamming

i've never had any luck getting a good sound from the bassballs in a band setting, no matter what I do.

I get croaky nice filter sound when solo, but when in a band with 2 other distorted guitars, nothing can be heard :(
Wonder if anybody tried a beta aivin pedal? Looks interesting for its price range.

I don't have pics for my board yet but i have a PitchFactor, VT bass , MXR BASSDI , Bass Big Muff ,Ashdown Filter , Bogdan Mephisto , Line6 M13 haha :P

i love me my ODs

bro your m13 can blend dirty and clean channel in those scenes? thinking of the m9
Thanks Shinobi,

I use the echo, which is very transparent and cheap! (25$)

im thinking of taking off the ehx attack eq and replacing it with something else,.
something really useful and not once in a blue-moon pedal use. (like the bassball)

something to thicken or shape up my sound,. I use to have the hartke bass attack,. nice pedal, but sold it off.
hmm maybe a sansamp VT? but the thing is you already have the bass RC booster plus you bass is active. i used to own an ibanez srx, extremely hot.

your chain covers quite alot of ground. maybe a flanger phaser. i used to own the ehx stereo electric mistress (i used to own alot of things) and i like it. it has this 'filter matrix' mode which can be useful. it basically freezes the flanger at a certain point in its oscillation. crap explanation, sorry :P

if not just get more fuzzes lah. devi ever has so many different kinds of fuzz. i've ever used the dark boost and karaoke party. pretty decent although a bit simple
bro your m13 can blend dirty and clean channel in those scenes? thinking of the m9

it can most of the effects have this Mix or Drive blend kinda setting. most of the overdriven channel effects have EQs and stuff its pretty cool but is big ass and heavy to haul around :P
i like the term "my main board" as if to suggest there's a secondary board, backup board, light board.... :mrgreen:

actually i do have a smaller grab-and-go board (NYC Lunchbox) which I took apart to lend to my brother and a larger Trailer Trash that I'm in the midst of setting up so I my case the use of main board seems appropriate...
hmm.. i mean i need to run 2 channels into 1. like my current set-up. i am looking for a board that i can use for both guitar and bass, my current board is only for my bass :(

the specs for pod x3 is decent with the ability to bi-amping like pod farm. anyone has experience with the live x3? good on bass?
actually i do have a smaller grab-and-go board (NYC Lunchbox) which I took apart to lend to my brother and a larger Trailer Trash that I'm in the midst of setting up so I my case the use of main board seems appropriate...
i only have one board but maybe i could give people that impression if i referred to my only board as my MAIN BOARD... but then i just downsized to a pt mini so i guess its no longer possible
got a new custom blender with a top mounted in/out and a side send/return.


experimented in blending a fuzz and an OD and a dry signal ;p
