The Bassist's Effects Line Up

What's a wicked bass fuzz btw? Nothing too expensive like the wooly mammoth..

How bout Big Muff Pi for bass? Seems cheap and good.. :mrgreen:
i haven't tried the bass big muff, but the little big muff kicks a$$. i also recommend them devi ever bass fuzzes. they have a couple. that kinda fuzz is insane.
devi ever is good for good 'ol fuzz. i've used the karaoke party before, really liked it, let it go. now i have the dark boost.

i used to have an LBM as well. i liked it though it was not very versatile, as the sustain (drive) knob only sounded nice on bass at lower levels, and it is not active bass friendly. speaking of muffs and muff clones in general, i feel that they dont really cut through and are a little compressed and not very defined, but good nonetheless.

the electronix messdrive+ seems pretty decent.

if the zvex's at the $500 mark is too expensive, would the $300 mark still be too high? :mrgreen:
$300 is a pretty good price for a second-hand mammoth. if you can find one for that price, you should get it.

there's always the Malekko B:Assmaster if you are looking for a versatile fuzz. if you are looking for a Muff clone, I'd recommend the Sanford & Sonny Bluebeard Fuzz.
the arger capricorn does gated fuzz very well for me... there's also the arger capricorn+ which includes a blendable mosfet boost

very very little on this pedal in terms of reviews or clips. but it's on the list of grgryx from is a good place to go check out some fuzzes..the Tentacle Fuzz (the one that grygrx is working with Mario from Robot Factory on) seems interesting...
saw the bass blogger review online and i kind of like the sound coming from the drive.
subtle and not to overwhelming.
going off to try it at blackwoods today.

has anyone used the bass muff pi yet?
the review at seems to be very appealing.
i used to owned the bass muff pi and sell it off after a mth, could not cut thru the mix in both recording and jam sessions.

but its a good pedal to own 1 if you are not playing brutal death like me ;p. nowadays i just blend my distorted signal and my clean signal together to cut thru. it works well in recording tho. nowadays trying to get my hands on a custom A/B blender pedal or something like the LS-2 with less tone suck ;p
to me, the muff design doesn't cut it (literally) for me because the sound is very compressed. all you get is a wall of noise. unless shoegaze rock is your thing...

you could probably go for devi ever's bass fuzz or perhaps the aenima. depending on what you like.

within the past month or so there have been polish l'ove pedals on sale, and i think the swollen pickle or something. i think it was a swollen pickle clone or pickle pie or something, i really liked the clips of that one. i think it was jbarker or frenchtoast selling it.
ahh yes that's the one. it's a swollen pickle clone if im not mistaken. but not merely a swollen pickle...

a WAY HUGE swollen pickle!
i think it was a swollen pickle clone or pickle pie or something, i really liked the clips of that one. i think it was jbarker or frenchtoast selling it.

Eh... both of us, actually. Mine was the first version without the blend knob — the fuzz sounds like it sits on top of your signal instead of, well, blending with it. More fundamental in the signal. Was a good pedal, but I still like my Woolly Mammoth. The Pickle Pie was a bit uncontrollable (Fuzz Factory-style) because the signal from my bass was so hot, and for some reason the Mammoth handled it better so... Zvex wins :)
just got myself a LS-2, itchy to try out some blendng. the sound engineer that did the blending when i did CN recording last few weeks ago was brilliant, i wanna see if i can re-create that tone.
just got myself a LS-2, itchy to try out some blendng. the sound engineer that did the blending when i did CN recording last few weeks ago was brilliant, i wanna see if i can re-create that tone.

I find the the LS-2 pedal noisy

whenever I use the LS-2 I normally turn up the volume before the pedal then cut in the LS-2 knobs.

the LS-2 boosting (past 12 o clock) can hear noise.
i didn't have noise issues when i used the LS-2. it's probably the most useful pedal boss has created :p

i sold it in the end because i didn't like the fact that it was cut/boost. most of the time i would set one channel (clean) to unity, while i would boost the other channel (fuzz) a little bit. not only that, i would normally set my fuzz to unity as well. so that's a triple job.

that brings about the 2nd problem, which isnt really a problem but a preference- i always have one channel on clean.

oh and... well... i find that the buffer sucks

i've had some nightmare moments on stage which i wont want to go into. but that's boss for you.

i've since replaced it with a barge vb-jr :mrgreen: :mrgreen: