The Bassist's Effects Line Up

That's what the AGS switch is for on the Tone Hammer =P

But actually not realli, but there's something hidden in my pedal board to do that =P
Alright guys, will need your help here.

My current arrangement is like this:

Bass ->
Korg DT10
EHX Bass Big Muff
EBS Wah-One
Aquiler Tone Hammer
Mooger Fooger Bass Murf
Boss Bass Chorus
MXR Carbon Copy
Aphex Tone Hamer

If I want to add an octavor, where should I put it?
See, there are ppl that are more scary.

Actually I was thinking of doing the following now.

Replace the Ahpex with the Tone Hammer

The Tone Hammer acts as the end of chain preamp (Similar to the Bass Amp)

The Tone Hammer will be replaced with Tech 21 VTBass

Then I can move the Punch Factory to some place higher in the chain for proper compression jobs like before the distortion, be any preamps etc.
its scary but it's not unheard of. if i'm not mistaken marcus miller uses 2 sansamps...

always start off with crazy ideas and crazy dreams. then slowly, piece by piece, build your chain to achieve it. the end product will be truly incredible, and will have your mark all over it
But then, the recession is not helping any of our craziness.

Many people careful with their money now.

Many items in Buy and Sell are not selling or buying hahaha

Lets hope for Change!

Here's mine, haven't been changing or adding any pedals for quite sometime already.

Goatkeeper...ha ha..

Some good options :
Dr Scientist Tremolessence
Empress Tremolo
Cusack Tap-A-Whirl
Frantone Vibutron

I've not really tried most of them (beside the Tremolessence) so I'm recommending them based on reputation.
i havent tried any trem, though i do like ehx stuff (though not all of their stuff), and there is a video review of the stereo pulsar on bassplayer tv. that review didnt show much though. yeah so kind of a 'lukewarm' reply from me :mrgreen:
wah... i tried the empress and its quite good. also tried the valcoder, but i feel its limited in its function, although its size is ideal for my squeezy pedalboard. i traded my ring mod (which is the ultimate tremolo evar) for a tc nova delay... and now i feel something's missing. :(
I *heard* Empress trem is made by Cusack... 8) This was a while ago on TGP though, so I don't know if it's still the case. I like the Empress. Are you going to be using the Empress to its full potential? If you're just looking for a regular trem then there's no point shelling out so much for something that can do so much more. It's like buying a Ferrari to go to the market.
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hahha.. i don't mind getting a ferrari really. but yeah, i'm just getting a regular tremolo. and its gotta be small, tweaky, cheap and mojofied. that's not asking too much right????