zel said:about how the 4 gospels in d bible are chosen...
well..according to my bible class teacher
matthew mark luke and john are books dat met the requirements of the council when dey were deciding wat books to put inside the bible..as for Gospel of Judas...it was a book dat didn't meet the requirements and therefore did not manage to get in...so yea...dat's how u get matthew mark luke and john in ur bible
strats said:here's more things for you to think about aj
azlyjacaz said:"With little written history, and much oral tradition, the question then becomes, is the Bible we have today an accurate representation of what Christ taught, or is it more of a reflection of what people wanted."
I could not have said it better then that poster.
azlyjacaz said:Dude the Pope comment was nothing personal. If you took it that way, my apologies.