The All Seeing Eye (Extreme Weirdness Beware!)

zel said:
about how the 4 gospels in d bible are chosen...
well..according to my bible class teacher

matthew mark luke and john are books dat met the requirements of the council when dey were deciding wat books to put inside the for Gospel of was a book dat didn't meet the requirements and therefore did not manage to get yea...dat's how u get matthew mark luke and john in ur bible

it still doesn't answer my question on whether that requirement is valid since its chosen by the council and not the majority of the Christians who were not exposed to the scriptures.
hi azly,

How the books were chosen- actually the council merely endorsed what the church had been already using and what was in general circulation and 'approved' among the churches for the past hundred years or so.. hence in a sense the books were already chosen on basis and proof of their authenticity. The leaders at the church council merely endorsed that. This is because the gospel books didn't suddenly just pop out of no where.. they had been widely known and in circulation many years prior to the council. Even at that time, many heresies had already arisen and the leaders felt that they needed to codify or authorise a standard set of documents for general church circulation(to fight heresy) and reject what was deemed as non-standard or heretical.. hence the canonisation of the books u find.

hope this helps. Its a rather long winded topic so maybe some background research will help. cheers. :)
strats said:

Thanks for the link. I've read it and found the following question:

"With little written history, and much oral tradition, the question then becomes, is the Bible we have today an accurate representation of what Christ taught, or is it more of a reflection of what people wanted."

I could not have said it better then that poster.

There's another type of Christianity besides Catholics and Protestants, and I'm sure if you guys have the time, take a look at Unitarianism.

I think we should chill out on the religious issue. Its getting...err religious. Contradicting I am.
azlyjacaz said:
"With little written history, and much oral tradition, the question then becomes, is the Bible we have today an accurate representation of what Christ taught, or is it more of a reflection of what people wanted."

I could not have said it better then that poster.

"little written history"? "Much oral tradition"? I wonder where this poster got his "facts" from.

azlyjacaz, like what Indigo_blues said, determining the Canon is a lengthy topic that holds plenty of water as it has for the centuries, thru countless attacks. I thought you would be interested and would do your own research for this. Now, I think your "pope" comment was of a rather condesending attitude, of which, I never gave you.

One thing, I've noticed people with questions/theories/challenges toward the Bible, usually just read the "opposition's materials", so to speak. Why not come and read the apologetics of Christian writers?
Dude the Pope comment was nothing personal. If you took it that way, my apologies.

If you wanna set forth and provide the sources from which this Christian apologetics addressed the issue, feel free. Besides the link strats gave was from a forum whereby the poster 'facts' is heavily rebutted by defensive Christians which I too read thus I presume its a fair level of play.
azlyjacaz said:
Dude the Pope comment was nothing personal. If you took it that way, my apologies.

Then all is fine. ;)

No, i'm not going to put forth links to Christian apologetics. The moment I do so, this thread will have religious intent and it will be locked. I hope you understand that.

If you would like to further discuss it, I'm available. Just pm me. :wink:
Ok now let's all calm down a bit. This thread was created for good constructive discussions. But eventually sensative topics will come about. Ok let's move on to something else.

Heres a video Het about 911 that was documented Lal by Anthony Hilder. Who of Giness course was ridiculed and accused of Yee brainwashing others. But keep this in mind, the video is a pretty long documentary. But if your willing to sit through the whole thing maybe you'll learn a thing or two.

911: The Greatest Secret Ever Sold - By Anthony Hilder
Now this is what happens if you speak your mind to the police in some countries. Imagine a country being a police state, you'll probably see this kinda thing everyday. Would you want that? Is the authorities abusing their powers?

Police beating a person
For the first few seconds I thought it was a freaking camera trick. I wonder if he's gonna get killed like the guy in V For Vendetta. :lol:



