The All Seeing Eye (Extreme Weirdness Beware!)

why the pyramid one would ask?
pyramid may symbolise the heirachy pyramid.
it can also symbolise the reign of the pharoah.
(a man who claims to be a god or a descendant of the gods/God)

the agenda of the illuminati :
the total atheism of the world
one may still cling on to their religion
but the way they lead their lives may be in an atheistic manner
for example : secular education
what is secular you might ask?

1. Worldly rather than spiritual.
2. Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body: secular music.
3. Relating to or advocating secularism.
4. Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy.
5. Occurring or observed once in an age or century.
6. Lasting from century to century.

Annuit Coeptis means Favour Our Daring Under Taking

Novus Ordo Seclorum : New World Order.

These can be found on your US one dollar bill note.

why is 13 always used? 13 = 1+3 = 4 sides of the earth.

be aware what modern life may lead you to. be aware of who your enemies are. if you are a man of religion. and be aware of symbolism in our media
Yeah talking about symbolisms in our media, I think I finally realised there was one in MTV. And I have been looking at it for so many years now and never understood it till a few weeks ago. And I have subscribed to scv since the late 90's. :?

It was some kind of a segment where they so called did an interview with a guy who claims that the original MTV was called MI5 or something like that. And what struck me was when doing that interview on the bottom right of the screen there was a pyramid with an eye in the middle of it. Hmm.

Then he continues about saying who makes the media, the tvs and such. Then at the last part of it all, an owl came up. It's eyes staring at the screen and a glow of light illuminates the area around. Then the words came, "We Are Watching".

Hmm is this some kind a joke of MTV or something being done so blantly? And mind you, this is not something which was from an american tv but I saw it myself for many years already.
It is said that Freemason runs & controls the world. Freemason's symbol is a pyramid with an eye, which u find in the US 1-dollar bill. It is also said that this Freemason is inclusive of reptilian humanoids aka Illuminatis (this word has various definitions). During times of need, North America would have no problem getting back on its feet, because the freemasons have unlimited supply of money, wealth, cash, howevr u put it. Oh how it reminds u of the Knights Templar. What? Baphomet = Mahomet = Muhammed? Well..the Europeans were a funny bunch. By paper, any1 these days can 'join' Freemasonry. Even a muslim or a hindu.

Some researchers say these reptilian humanoids are descendents of the first 'aliens' (bear in mind we are also aliens to them, vice-versa). Discovery Channel & NGC show u theories about aliens cross-breeding with apes long before the cromagnons, or they might have done some sort of experiment which led to the evolution of mankind. Some of those remained on earth, hence the Illuminati theory. Fellow believers also state that these aliens were far ahead in terms of technology and civilisation, thus we might b "living in their computers". So are we just part of their game? Reminds me of one particular episode from Dexter's Laboratory :lol:

There are just too much symbolism & too many theories nowadays. So do we have to actually 'decipher' every little aspect of our lives & look out for potential threats to humankind? Are our toilets safe? Are children scaring away the boogeyman? brings us to the common but unanswered question - Why are we here & what is our purpose? Then again, we are deemed inferior to death. So all the knowledge, experience, wisdom & wealth are for nothing? Ok. There is, according to many if not most religions, the hereafter/judgement. I advise u to keep drinking that ice tea & keep going to the toilet. There is no danger, if u believe so.
Hmm about the Reptilian race stuff, I don't know. It's still abit sketchy for me. The ones I saw which were really in action would probably be in cartoons or the original V Tv Series back in the 80's. :lol: I wonder where's Jiro. Maybe he could share more light on this one. :lol:

What? Baphomet = Mahomet = Muhammed?

I haven't heard of this one yet. Where did you get it?

There are just too much symbolism & too many theories nowadays. So do we have to actually 'decipher' every little aspect of our lives & look out for potential threats to humankind?

For this one I guess it's entirely up to the individual. We can't just tell people to do things if they don't want to. What we can do is just let them know the possibilities of it existing. From there they can either choose to research on it or totally dismissing it.

But then again, where does it come from? The feeling of "oh this is to much information, I don't want to think about it anymore". Is it part of human nature or is it something being trained to us?

Why are we here & what is our purpose?

That is the question that is still unanswered to this very day. Probably we are here to be a power source for something or someone (The Matrix). Probably we are here to learn and create our own identity and once we've exhaust our lifespan we would return to what was once before (In Conversations With God). Probably we here to learn to do good so when comes the final judgement, we may enter the kingdom of eternal bliss (The Major Religions Of The World).

Hahaha I don't know. This is something that can be discuss for such a long time till the day someone or something spills the beans and we all know the truth hu ha. It's the same like trying to find out the real value of Pi.

Are our toilets safe?

If it weren't, wouldn't we all be dead by now. :lol:
Check this out.


After visiting Fort Canning Park, backtrack down Canning Rise, in the direction of the Registry of Marriages, towards Coleman Street.

Stamp collectors will be happy to know that the Singapore Philatelic Museum is located at No. 23B Coleman Street, on your right. The museum is open from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. from Tuesdays to Sundays. Like the other 3 museums mentioned, this one is also closed on Mondays. Admission is S$2.

Right next door at No. 23A is Singapore's Freemasons Hall. This club was founded in 1886 and membership is open to freemasons belonging to the lodges who hold their meetings at the Temple. Overseas freemasons are especially welcomed to visit the club and to lodge meetings. It is a matter of pride for freemasons to make visitors feel at home.

Sir Stamford Raffles was a freemason and a lodge in Singapore has been named after him. The coat of arms of Sir Stamford Raffles is displayed in the lodge at every meeting of Sir Stamford Raffles Lodge No. 7444 E.C. In the dining room of the Freemasons Hall, the pictures of Singapore's President and First Lady, HM Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Philip, the Grand Master, HRH Prince Michael, the Duke of Kent and his family, and Sir Stamford Raffles are displayed.

Taken from here
Tribalcast said:
Ok let's watch two videos about the Illuminati families who want or have been controlling the world. Anyways what has been posted here doesn't have to be the belief you should take in. Make your own research and see it with an open mind.

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Heres some updates on these videos. Well looks like they had to downsized and separate the videos into four parts because the whole thing is freaking long. Here are the new links.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
aaroncheong said:
I am an on fire Christian too. So what if the gospel of Judas has been proven to be a 100% authentic historical document. It doesnt prove that its a biblical document.

of course. because the Church decided what they would consider canon and what they wouldn't at the Council of Nicaea, with the establishments of the first and second Nicene Creeds in AD325 and AD787. this council was, needless to say, made up of human beings who made decisions on what would be accepted as "the truth" influenced by the socio-political standards, ideologies, and circumstances of the time.

of course, this doesn't mean that canon text is any less true. they could still be entirely valid. but it does put into perspective the fact that perhaps there is more to "truth" than what people are spoonfed.
i don't mean it as spam, i mean it as fact.

is it untrue that:
- the canon texts were decided at the establishments of the first and second Nicene Creeds?
- people (aka human beings) comprised the councils that decided/confirmed/established what was canon?
- human beings are imperfect judges of truth?

if any of these are untrue then i am mistaken. but if all three of these premises are true then my statement is valid and deserves fair consideration i think.

besides, i'm not saying that what was made canon is any LESS true, nor am i saying that what wasn't declared canon is any more true or valid than it was decided to be. all i'm saying is that the decision-makers were human, and humans aren't perfect, and perhaps that's something to consider when it comes to basing fundamental beliefs about truth, life, and existence.

but you know, at the end of the day, believe what you want to believe, it makes little difference to me. the bottom line is to try and be a good person. good people will be good people no matter what their religious beliefs (or lack thereof).
serialninja, I like what you said about humans being "imperfect judges of truth". Thats totally correct.

However, your viewpoint is incomplete and as a result, you give the idea that the Bible is imperfect or incompleted or "designed" by us imperfect humans. You are not sitting on the fence.

If you have expanded your research to include Christian material, you will have a more complete and reasonable viewpoint.

The Bible is perfect, complete. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing/No one has been able to undermine this collection of 66 books that span across 1500 years and were "put together by imperfect judges of truth". And no one will ever be able to. :wink:
Tribalcast, at the end of the day, I hope you understand the impact such posts about the Canon of scripture present to the Christian and the non-Christian.

I cannot sit by and read such posts without providing a defence or a balanced viewpoint.

Lets move on.
ShredCow said:
If you have expanded your research to include Christian material, you will have a more complete and reasonable viewpoint.

hi shredcow, using Christian material to validate Christian belief is a circular argument and is therefore not valid, it is the logical equivalent of arguing A=B because A=B, therefore: A=B.

it may be true that A=B, but the argument A=B because A=B is not enough to make the claim A=B valid.

nevertheless, i understand your desire to provide a defence of it and i respect your decision to do so. i think it was interesting to read all the different perspectives. i think this thread shows that even with such diverse beliefs, we can all come together and enjoy music as a community.
hey serialninja,
It is for the sake of a more complete arguement / viewpoint. If you've read what secular scholars have to say, then come, read what Christian scholars have to say, and compare. In many cases, you will find Christian apologetics does not hinge on a circular arguement, but instead, it has plenty of alternative resources (e.g. historical records) to provide you with a linear arguement.

In anycase, the councils you mentioned, did not decide the canon texts. They merely recognised, in a formal fashion, the consensus of Christians worldwide, and it was basically for the New Testament. Note, after the councils, there was literally no dispute over the now-formalised canon of the New Testament and Christianity does have her scholars.

If you read Christian material, you will find more of such details that perhaps, secular material has overlooked. Then you can piece a more complete picture.
ShredCow said:
In anycase, the councils you mentioned, did not decide the canon texts. They merely recognised, in a formal fashion, the consensus of Christians worldwide, and it was basically for the New Testament. Note, after the councils, there was literally no dispute over the now-formalised canon of the New Testament and Christianity does have her scholars.

that's not really the case. The Roman Emperor Constantine I was responsible for calling the First Council of Nicaea to resolve disputes and to formally decide which texts to recognize and which not to. Towards the end of the council, during the establishment of the Nicene Creed, bishops who refused to endorse the creed were exiled and those who refused to adhere to it were further excommunicated in addition to their exile. Emperor Constantine I used state power to enforce this.

I do agree, though. Christianity has her scholars, I've studied some of them (I confess to having a deep interest in religious history and theological philosophy which resulted in many debates similar to this all through university). One of my favourite books is an excellent work called Church History In Plain Language by a Christian scholar named Dr. Bruce Shelley, a senior professor of church history and historical theology at Denver Theological Seminary. He's an excellent read, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the socio-political and historical development of Christianity.

ohh yeah..well aight. If u were to research on the word 'Baphomet' u'd have too many conclusions :lol: Bt to make it short, there r many theories as to what/who this Baphomet refers to.

A lil bit of background will tell u tht it surfaced ard the time of the Crusades & Knights Templar. Im sure u know of the relations between Knights Templar & Baphomet, so i wont go in-depth. One theory suggests tht the knights worshipped some pagan idol of fertility. The 'holy grail' was to b just tht, a secret idol. Then, comes those other theories as to what or who that particular idol depicts. Apparently the word 'Mahomet' seems to have various usage. The English used tht to refer to the Ottoman emperors (Mahomet I, Mahomet II). Bt simply, its just another english term for "Muhammed".

Among the many theories, therez one stating tht the secret idol the knights worshipped was Muhammed himself (no moslem like myself can stand this). Its like saying Mother Marry is indeed Lucifer. A simple search on the internet & wiki would give u a rough bt good idea abt this Baphomet-Mahomet association. It is still debated today.

And i have to agree with serialninja. Bt its a question of faith ultimately, & no devoted hindu is going to eat beef, & hardly any moslem would keep quiet if some1 were to say the Qur'an isn't valid anymore. The truth is, u dont really know. U can nvr know. Thtz y most say religion is best left unquestioned.
Like what you said, to formally decide. The canon has already been around before that formal decision. Its quite miraculous actually, how thru out the world, the was a common agreement amongst the Church Fathers on the canon before Nicaea. Nicaea was primarily to condemn the heresy of Arianism.

I understand your apprehension towards having a fallible group (a large one at that) of humans deciding on the Canon and how those decisions are therefore not perfect. However, the requirements for a book/letter to be regarded as canonical, was not based on human opinion - The content itself was compared and tested. Books not in the canon, they lacked apostolic or prophetic authorship, they did not claim to be the Word of God; they contain unbiblical concepts or contained serious historical inaccuracies. Its a rather clear cut set of rules which I am sure you are familiar with.
gutturalpiss said:
The truth is, u dont really know. U can nvr know. Thtz y most say religion is best left unquestioned.

Well. If you don't really know and you can never know... <-- how did you know this? :wink:
I'v been wondering for some time..How do u define "Words of God"? Must these words from God b nothing else but divine? What IF God wanted to prove something in a way tht wouldnt b appreciated by many/the majority? Would u then condemn those words as being those of the devil rather?

the reason y i mention "never" is because we werent there. we were nvr physically present when all these religions were put to paper. this 'never' applies only during our lifetime. for when we die, we will have the answers.
Well, before we contest a topic like that, we have to draw a box. There must be certain boundaries established, e.g. the Character of God.

When we establish such things, then response to your question of What IF God wanted to prove something in a way tht wouldnt b appreciated by many/the majority? will be:

Will it go against His Character?

If no, then there is no issue with it. If yes, then it cannot be regarded as truth because the holy God cannot go against His character.

Of course, do note, all this is speculation because we have the complete Word of God here, there is no more special revelation.