The All Seeing Eye (Extreme Weirdness Beware!)

aaroncheong said:
I am an on fire Christian too. So what if the gospel of Judas has been proven to be a 100% authentic historical document. It doesnt prove that its a biblical document.

Define "biblical document".
aaron is probably saying that the GoJ is not part of the Canon that is the Bible. Its just a document from biblical times. Nothing more. These kinds of documents have been around for centuries, nothing new.
Well the canon is made up of a compilation of several gospels each one from Jesus's followers. So for example, a teacher has seven pupils, all of whom wrote their own article. Does the teacher take and mark six articles or does he take all seven?

If Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, whom are Jesus's close buddies whose gospels form the canonical scriptures, why isn't Judas who is Jesus closer buddies, whose gospels isn't included?
I'm sorry but I think you don't understand how the Canon was formed. There are more requirements than that which you mentioned, and the point you mentioned is not exactly right. Thats not really a factor in determining the canonocity (spelling is wacked) of a book.

In anycase. Who told you that Judas' wrote the g.o.J? That 1, single article from 200 A.D., which was never mentioned within the Bible Itself? Its authenticity is known, its is a valid coptic document from biblical times. So? Its the same case as so many other "lost books of the Bible". They never meet up to the standards required to be considered in the Canon of Scripture. Its really nothing new, this g.o.J., things like this have been going on since biblical times.
bass74 said:
Tribalcast: Cool, I recommend the 'Communion with God' book. It's like a summary of the first few 'Conversations with God' books. Changed my life and thinking.

theblueark: I think everyone has their own truth, or are looking for it ;) Wish more people would open their minds and think though.

Umm well I actually borrowed that book from my friend and have yet to return it. I did searched at shop that's selling second books but mostly they have Dan Brown's stuff. Or am I not searching hard enough?

I would like to have all 3 collections of Conversations With God and also the Communion With God. So where can I get one?
khai_stereotype said:
History is written by the victorious and truimphant.

The faith neglects one's ability to think and see.

you are one hell of a researcher. i've been thinking about this alot. and all your videos are quite concrete maybe we shud meet one day and talk about this all day. haha.

all religious books(bible,quran,torah) to me are somesort of a history book. if tells us about the past, the prophets,the people and etc. and all the religious books are rather one-sided whereas the religion is the good one.

and so again,
"History is written by the victorious and truimphant"

so guys, this is what i believe.
so dont flame me.

So Khai, what are your views towards Singapore History books?
Gotta have lots of disclaimer statements below our statements eh tribal? ;)

We need coffee, and 6 hours of free time lah. Not a forum space! :D
It was merely an example.

Anyways, the standards are made by the early Church that as I assumed would know, differed in thoughts which resulted in many books being left out of the final compilation.

How is it that these standards and requirements can be accepted as valid when there's biasness in their choice?

I'm not being an ass or anything but its just something I'm always curious about.
Well, your curiousity can be cured with good study of the things you claim to be baised or "old fashioned"/irrelavant. :)

The Canon was not formed thru some simple, twiddle dee do, draw lots, or argue over days and nights, or protest till you get it, etc etc... Its definately not what you think it is. :)

I shall refrain from spoiling you, but please, do research on it. How the Bible was complied.
ShredCow said:
We need coffee, and 6 hours of free time lah. Not a forum space! :D

Hahah did James pm you to say that I'm wasting bandwidth? :lol: Ok sorry that was lame. But anyways I like this thread. At least I get to see the non-musical side of this forum and it's users. No seriously did James pm you? :?
No he didn't pm me man.

Actually, i'm not in favour of such threads (not pointing at you specifically) in general. It detracts from SOFT as a music forum. On the main forum page, its Kopi-tiam Anything related to music. But James is the man, if he wants it this way, oh well.
I thought maybe the forum could discuss something little different other then music which is most of time whereas this is a music forum. :P Probably I'm interested in how some of you think. And so far this thread has been a good food for my mind, like for an example seeing different perspectives.

I did mentioned in another thread where I asked about if anyone has actually learned anything from this forum other than music. And will this forum forever be a music forum.

Overall it's good to see a fair share of skepticism and open minded thinking.
Hi tribalcast,

I've seen those books at Kinokuniya in Taka. I'm pretty sure that they can be found elsewhere also; not sure abt second hand bookstores. Enjoy reading them! Hope they make a positive impact on your life like it did mine.
about how the 4 gospels in d bible are chosen...
well..according to my bible class teacher

matthew mark luke and john are books dat met the requirements of the council when dey were deciding wat books to put inside the for Gospel of was a book dat didn't meet the requirements and therefore did not manage to get yea...dat's how u get matthew mark luke and john in ur bible
let me chime in on this interesting discussion,

for those who are interested in conspiracy theories, there's a book written by an american professor Carrol Quigley called "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the world in our time" which spills the beans on the super elite of the world who are trying to run the show from behind the scenes. The book was immediately taken off the bookshelves and went out of print after publication presumably by the power elite.

check it out. :wink: