The All Seeing Eye (Extreme Weirdness Beware!)

Ok let's watch two videos about the Illuminati families who want or have been controlling the world. Anyways what has been posted here doesn't have to be the belief you should take in. Make your own research and see it with an open mind.

Video Part 1

Video Part 2
Tribalcast said:
Ok let's watch two videos about the Illuminati families who want or have been controlling the world. Anyways what has been posted here doesn't have to be the belief you should take in. Make your own research and see it with an open mind.

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Yup, dont take anything people say at face value; do your own research and then decide what you want to believe in ;)

Thanks for the vids man. THis is getting more creepy...
This is really just... speculation. Origins of cults anyone?

Its like this thru out all time. Whats being presented here is not anything new.

Da Vinci Code? Its pure historical fiction. And the masses, the layman like you & I, get pulled in and brainwashed. Any historian will tell you outright how much fiction is in that book.

Its so easy to mislead ppl. Just offer an alternate history story thats wrong but seemingly close to the truth. Masses will follow.
ShredCow said:
Any historian will tell you outright how much fiction is in that book.

Yes again, never take anything at face value and that also includes the history that has been thought to us all these time. Try to at least take a step back and look how it's being done. The history that we learn from are always from the side of the victors or winners and very seldom from the side that was conquered. And the next question will be, how well do you trust the historians themselves. Do you simply believe at what they say because they have the title of a Historian?

If a lie were to be done big enough, long will eventually become the truth.
Tribalcast said:
The history that we learn from are always from the side of the victors or winners and very seldom from the side that was conquered. And the next question will be, how well do you trust the historians themselves. Do you simply believe at what they say because they have the title of a Historian?

If a lie were to be done big enough, long will eventually become the truth.

Isn't this directly lifted from Dan Brown's book? ;)

Lets put it this way.

I would NOT put my trust in a novel.

But rather in what has time & again been recorded and tested and compared amongst the rabble of History.

Take for example, the case of the so called, "gospel" of Judas. A writer in the Straits Times forum today puts it across very aptly. The weight that has been placed on its "importance" has been, well, too much. How this g.o.J. was recovered is shady and there is only 1 piece of history to show its existance. When compared to the Books of the Bible, which have been compared from the Dead Sea Scrolls to scrolls that where a thousand years before (and many more scrolls), and were all 99.9% the same, this g.o.J has been overrated.

In a nutshell, I don't see how Dan Brown's novel stands, in any way, as a book of serious history. Its a novel. A good read. Thats it. If you wish to read into what he writes, you will be living a fantasy.
ShredCow said:
Isn't this directly lifted from Dan Brown's book? ;)

No I got that line from a book called Conversations With God: Book 2 which was written by Neale Donald Walsch. The Da Vinci Code was never intended to be a book of history. To me it potrayed a story of possibilities and it was written by a man who knew how to make a thrilling story. And in this case it involves the Vatican and Opus Dei.

But that doesn't mean I believed him. And no worries I'm not living in a fantasy either. I choose to believe in possibilities and also in a process of not taking anything at face value. Because sometimes when living in a nutshell it restricts your believes and you'll never know what's beyond it.
Tribalcast said:
I choose to believe in possibilities and also in a process of not taking anything at face value. Because sometimes when living in a nutshell it restricts your believes and you'll never know what's beyond it.

Well. Good. Just choose posibilities that are posibilities. Somethings, just take it at face value because there's simply nothing between the lines.
ShredCow said:
Well. Good. Just choose posibilities that are posibilities. Somethings, just take it at face value because there's simply nothing between the lines.

Ok reading from your other post, I find that you tend to shoot down views or thoughts that so called go against or beyond the beliefs of the "norm". But that's ok I respect that. Because that thinking is uniquely yours, but that doesn’t mean it has to be mine or any other who chooses to think what they want.

Of course being born into a belief or being thought of it from young, you will eventually develop a strong foundation for that belief. And throughout the years that belief will however be the truth that you have grown to accept. Then suddenly one day an outside source of information comes in and intertwines with your beliefs. Surely you will not accept it at face value cause that information may go against what you’ve grown to know and accept. But how would you know that new information is totally wrong when your not so sure yourself?

I admit that I’m nowhere near of proving these posts on conspiracies to be a fact. But at least putting it here and letting other users to view it makes us more informed that the average couch potato. But how would you know that all these might just be misinformation? Then it’s best to search anywhere that’s possible to prove otherwise. Self research. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative, at least it’s coming from a different angles. And once again be much more nearer to the truth.

You know ShredCow I would like to see you contributing some stuff to this thread. You know information coming from the norm side. At least we could make a comparison of some sort?
sycododo said:
what/who is the Panchen Lama?

Hmm I haven't read finish on the Panchen Lama, but from the info the kid is like only 13 years old. But I'm not sure if that is before or after he got house-arrested somewhere in China. He somehow has a very high rank in Tibet which is right after the Dalai Lama.

Here are more links and info about the Panchen Lama:

Wikipedia Source

Canada Tibet Comittee

sycododo said:
The american notes are so interesting.
Folding it in some ways can show about 9/11.
Then there's the all seeing eye on it.

Yeah folding it into an airplane shows the Twin Towers burning. In a way the Illuminati is indirectly laughing at us? :lol: And not to mention the Eye Of Horus on the bill and Annuit Coeptus Novos Ordo Seclorum which translates as Announcing the year of the New World Order.
Bohemian Grove, some say high-ranking officials go there for a holiday camp and some say they go there every year like around the second last week of June or July to do a mock human sacrifice the called 'cremation of care'. These high-ranking officials include George Bush, Bush Senior, Tony Blair and most of the US and British politicians.

So far I've watched the Behomian Grove videos from a very far angle and never really see the actual faces of the members. But the rituals do look kinda creepy and they do look like something that crawled out of a Hollywood movie.

Here are some links:

Bohemian Grove Photo Montage
Bill O'Reilly Spins Away From Bohemian Grove Questions

Well for this video, I don't know why it's not loading but yeah it's about John Conner asking some questions to Sean Hannity of Fox News (the guy who has a fiery "debate" on the crazy lady)

The Video
Tribalcast said:
You know ShredCow I would like to see you contributing some stuff to this thread. You know information coming from the norm side. At least we could make a comparison of some sort?

:) I'm a Christian. I guess some should know where my beliefs, my value system and my mindset will stem from. You will then see my Standard, which is a Christian Standard, and everything will measure against that Standard, thats my norm.

That is why I "shoot down views or thoughts that so called go against or beyond the beliefs of the "norm". " because it is nothing like the norm I know and hold steadfastly to. Its good to see how you take it as a different point of thinking/view as how you put it.

Where I am coming from aside, I'm more concerned about the information posted here. I think everything you have shown must be taken with a fistful of salt. You say self research, but to the uninitiated younger couch potato, he'll just go online, bump into a few websites, there it is! Thats his research. A few websites. Then again... how many would even "bother" to do research? :P
ShredCow said:
Then again... how many would even "bother" to do research? :P

Well that's entirely up to them, I can't force them to do anything. Freedom of mind freedom of choice. For me I'll try my best to post as much related links as possible. If the links or evidence is sufficient then good, if not then I'll keep going at it. If other users can contribute then more the better. If their too lazy to do anything then that's their problem.

Sometimes life is just to amazing to look at it at one angle.

Ok moving on. :D
errr...have u all watched discovery channel yet?

there was one program about dragons...
and dey found some dragon bones and showed their evolution and stuff

plus also tonite...tis sunday nite...dere is a show on discovery channel called secret bible week...showing all those conspiracies and stuff....i recommend u all to watch...i know i am...since i'm interested in these conspiracy stuff...
zel said:
errr...have u all watched discovery channel yet?

there was one program about dragons...
and dey found some dragon bones and showed their evolution and stuff

plus also tonite...tis sunday nite...dere is a show on discovery channel called secret bible week...showing all those conspiracies and stuff....i recommend u all to watch...i know i am...since i'm interested in these conspiracy stuff...

Hey is this week about a guy who rises up to power and engraving the number 666 on people's head? Ok does that sound cheesy or what?