SX 5 string. Rondo or dodgy China website

i emailed Kurt to ask about shipping costs, turns out that you just have to add the item to the cart and there's a cost calculator there. just put in the country and your postal code and you get a price. shipping seems to be by FedEx.

from the calculator, it looks like with one item, the shipping cost is USD70. for two, it's USD100. for three, it's USD125, and so on. so it looks like if we mass order we'll save some money if we split the shipping cost and whatever tax equally. also, the costs are not inclusive of a compulsary gig bag/case. they give you choices for that too.

how about it, guys?
Number of Basses/Shipping cost (USD!!!)/Cost per bass (USD!!!)

1/ 69.85/69.85/

2/ 99.96/49.98/

3/ 123.86/41.28666667/

4/ 177.47/44.3675/

5/ 209.39/41.878/

6/ 236.93/39.48833333/

7/ 260.59/37.22714286/

8/ 321.19/40.14875/

9/ 332.32/36.92444444/

10/ 378.11/37.811/

Continuing on from my last post, as you can see the cost doesn’t go down linearly. It works sorta like “cycles”, a start of a new “cycle” is when the cost of each bass goes up from the previous amount of basses.
Cycle A: 1-3 basses
Cycle B: 4-7 basses
Cycle C: 8-9 basses
Just to let you guys know the actual numbers. =)

And we will have to pay 7% GST as our order will 99.9% be over SGD$400. I’m not sure whether we have to pay any other costs eg.customs. Does anyone know the answer to that?
cool, thanks for pointing that out. i'm not familiar with the shipping procedures and stuff, so i don't know about any other charges.

so, i think it looks something like this:

Total Cost = Bass + Bag/Case + Shipping + 7%GST + (possibly customs?)
so much meh? or maybe it's because you're ordering one of the more expensive 5-strings...anyway here's what i calculated, let's say i'm ordering one that costs USD120.

Total Cost = Bass (USD120) + Bag/Case (USD20) + Shipping (USD70) + 7%GST($22)

that comes down to $337. i don't know about any other charges, so it might be higher.

seems like alot? don't forget that this is for one person only, paying for all the shipping costs himself. so it will go even lower, cuz leonq showed that we might get to save on shipping by ordering several at once.

something tells me we'll never know all the costs until we're done ordering. :???:
I have been pretty busy lately, sorry guys. Got to wait til end of next month before I have the time/money for this.
Alright guys, I'll start taking orders in May. Between 20th to 25th. If you want you can start PMing me what yall want.

I will probably require a 100% payment upfront(I'm not rich). You guys can take down my IC number just in case I elope with my secret lover to Malaysia with all your money.

I can probably pay the shipping cost for yall first. Exchange rates will be what's on POSB's website with a tiny bit of buffer just in case.
Sorry to sidetrack a bit. are those SX basses that good. >_> Why are you guys setting eyes on them? No offence! Nothing personal!
I think i am very shallow but looking at the prices of these SX basses and comparing with those REALLY good basses, say a Fender MIA J bass. The prices are like world apart. So end of the day, these SX basses are worth how much they are paid for? Am i right to say that?
i think they are value for money. lots of other people seem to think so too. of course, you wouldn't be expecting a MIA Fender from an SX. it's just cheap, and it does it's job exceptionally well as compared to other basses in it's price range. and since it's a Fender clone, it's also a good modding platform.

damn it the bass i was looking at just went out of stock.

btw are you guys aware that SX may be changing their headstock soon? apparently it might be changed to some kind of generic Ibanez guitar/Peavy kind of headstock. don't like it. they might be waiting for their basses to sell out, and their next batch might feature the new headstock.
from what i've heard, it should sound like a P-bass stock. but of course, the pickups, electronics, bridge etc could be improved on, so it's probably quite possible to get there with some mods. start with the pickups.
it is my belief that when you talk about more expensive gear, the more expensive it gets, the more and more subtle the 'improvement' in tone will be.

so it isn't necessary that a bass that costs 10 times more will be 10 times 'better'. the returns to the price paid are diminishing