SX 5 string. Rondo or dodgy China website

The whole deal about SX is that for 200 bucks. You get a neck and body and spare parts that work fairly well together after a set up. If you decide to keep the neck and body, swap out the rest of the parts and upgrade them. Spend perhaps an additional 500 bucks getting all the special parts you want. And voila! You got a custom made bass that can rival a MIA's playability and potentially kick the MIA's butt in the tone department. All for half the price of an MIA. And you get branded parts. And you get to experiment with building a bass.
so it isn't necessary that a bass that costs 10 times more will be 10 times 'better'. the returns to the price paid are diminishing

this i second. and third, and fourth. i own one, hence. what one gets from SX is the best within that price range, and it certainly gives other "top brands" a run for their money. we must not stereotype just cos a certain brand is "made in china" or "entry-level" brand.
Hmm, how about Kgarage? are they as ' value for money ' as SX? Cause my friend recommended me a kgarage bass which can be found at TYMC. it costs only $300 which ash body and maple neck if im not wrong. However the tone cannot fight with the edwards i tried at guitar77, and the edwards cost $900. You know.........
i've never heard of KGarage, but since it can be found locally, you should go try it out and get it if you like it.

but with that kind of money, might as well save up more and get a Squier or something.
I see i see. Hmm, another question. Do you think its worth it if i get a bass, say SX, with the proper wood and not some jiak ba lang unknown wood. And slowly mod it to get a STOCK fender sound. say if i keep the neck and body? Cause being a student, it will take me forever to save up to get a MIA fender bass. And im thinking of this alternative cause it seems more practical to me cause i can slowly save up for the mods.
wow i would love to get one of those SXes. just getting it for the solid Ash body n the lovely neck with maple block inlays.
SX claims that their basses are made of alder, some with ash. not some crap like plywood. to answer your question, you could probably get close with some good pickups, electronics etc. go take a look around talkbass, there are lots of cases where people mod their SXes and some get really nice results.
Im eyeing on the kgarage at TYMC, if it is still there. It is said to have a ash body and maple neck. SAID to have ah. Tested it before. Really love the finishing and block inlays. and it costs only $300! For a student its still quite a lot ah. haha. So im thinking of getting that and mod it. Thinking if its worth all the money that is gonna be put into modding.
I once had the SX starter pack bass. I changed the pups to quarter pounders and slapped in some new d-addarios strings and Im already more than surprised how much improvement was made. And all that for less then 500 bucks.
i know, and the bass i was looking at is currently out of stock. quite likely that the new batch produced will feature the new one. :(

did i mention i don't like it?
aiya think of it this way..

high end guitars use that kinda headstock, tom anderson, suhr for example:
