Super orange drops.....yeah!!!!

Yeah there's a difference. But still hard to differentiate.

Yeah... I think it's still down to personal preference. I for one don't like the bees. I yanked the fake ones out of my R7BB and threw in RS Polyproplene (same as Orange Drop) Guitar Caps. I haven't been bothered enough to go and spend the coin on real bees, but perhaps one day I might, if I can be lucky enough to find a nice R9 at a nice price. That one might be worth looking into then.
heh, you guys wanna special cap? Go try this... gonna make geetarers feel special coz using a cap not commonly used in geetaring...

It's nice to be ignorant... Stay that way...

Nah don't say that. I don't see why it's such a big fuss over the caps. Wait till you see what Macdonalds puts in their food or what kinda shit we dump into our waters here in the oil industry, and I'm talking the front lines of the oil industry not back ashore. All corporations mislead people, I gave up caring.

But nonetheless thanks for the info, useful but I doubt I'll do anything about my guitar. It's a nice R8, hot rodded and everything and I don't see why I should spend anymore money swaping this and that out. Sounds good to me, that's what matters eh?
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I know a few, I don't know if you can consider me a kid but I play one. An R8 is a nice car but it is a Mazda. Drive a Z4 and I'd be impressed.

Erm... I think you read it as "RX8" rather than "R8"?

Yes, living with what you have in your guitar isn't a bad thing. and one could definately do FAR WORSE than begin with an R8. But my point is that one SHOULD know what you have, and then make an informed and educated decision if that's good enough for you.

Corporations don't mislead people. There are laws against that. People think they're mislead because they don't bother to take the time to know enough, and cry foul when they're proven otherwise.

P.S. I do know what MacDonald's puts in their food. I supply it to them. ;)
lol for real? What is it about those double cheeseburgers for $2. They are never enough. I eat about three at a go and then have a 70 cents cone. then head over to starbucks for a drink. sheeesh. turns out to be pretty expensive.
I know a few, I don't know if you can consider me a kid but I play one. An R8 is a nice car but it is a Mazda. Drive a Z4 and I'd be impressed.

do u have to diss my car? wait til u see what food puts into my macdonalds and........
But nonetheless thanks for the info, useful but I doubt I'll do anything about my car. It's a nice R8, hot rodded and everything and I don't see why I should spend anymore money swaping this and that out. drives well for me, that's what matters eh?
lol for real? What is it about those double cheeseburgers for $2. They are never enough. I eat about three at a go and then have a 70 cents cone. then head over to starbucks for a drink. sheeesh. turns out to be pretty expensive.

That's serving size lah... nothing to do with me. They spec their supplies very specifically. I think they intentionally make it smaller so you'll buy more. Hahaha...
I used this before.

I couldn't tell any difference since it was with EMGs.

hehe, if got any person trying this out in the forum here, sure has to be you i guess.

try out with passive one leh.

anyway, iam not against the idea of changing cap and do recognise the effect of having different cap meant for tone changing the signal characteristic. But the way that most bring the idea across is usually of "bigger, better, power" kinda, without much neutral tone and comparison in general, thus leading to having some form of bias.

Unfortunately, for some, reading those just kinda gave impression of having changed something, its supposed to be better, without understanding why is it better.