Just a little unhappy complaint from a bitchy customer...


New member
Hey all!

Yes, this is another bitching long post on a music store's service (Music Theme). It has been settled to an extent (just me deciding to walk out and swearing to never return, because its the last straw), but I'd post it here for future reference... getting it off my chest. A detailed "point form" in chronological it would be in. =D

Any questions don't be afraid to PM me. Regarding inconsistencies in what I have written or any other problem.

- Installed some crap circuit mod thing into my telecaster that didn't help tone much, let alone ruin the tone.
- Both volume pot and tone pot got mysteriously short-circuited in this installation, rendering them useless.
- Some wires were bare and that "tech" that installed it used scotch tape. I chose to not pursue that matter any further because I volunteered to have him install this mod.
- The tech offered to replace both pots for free but i declined (PM me if curious on details)

Thursday (27th Sept '12)
- Sent my telecaster to music theme for electronics repair.
- Talked to the tech and told him, as well as a sales staff, that I want a 5-way pickup selector, plus a single volume knob on my tone knob position (removing the tone knob entirely)
- Talked to him about how I want to wire my pickups, he said it was possible.
- Receipt written, sales staff went to pick a volume knob and a 5 way switch, I didn't check, he should know his stuff anyways...
- Told to collect it Friday (28th sept) afternoon.

Friday (28th Sept '12)
- Got a call from a younger man from Music Theme, not the annoying old man, the younger man who explained with full detail why the job couldn't be done, and gave me options as to how we can continue. Excellent and thumbs up.
- I decided to stick to my original 3-way pickup selector (note: MY pickup selector, not some other one), and the volume knob at the tone knob spot. The man on the phone claimed he understood what I was talking about,
- Decided to go with a friend on Saturday (29th sept) instead to collect the guitar.

Saturday (29th Sept '12) *interesting bit*
- Walked in to a crowded Music Theme, decided to look at guitars instead as all the staff (save that annoying old man) were all busy handling customers.
- Waved hi to the tech when he saw me, to show that I'm here, he waved back, but was busy with his white customer. fine.
- In the 20 seconds that I walked into the store, look at the Fender Telecasters, then wave at the tech, the old man consistently insisted that he should be the one helping me, even when I told him that I'm there to see the tech to test my guitar to see if it works, but the old man insisted on my receipt. fine.
- A girl asked the old man to try an acoustic guitar, and he let her. He placed her in front of the guitar amplifiers. fine.
- He grabbed my guitar behind a pile of guitars lying on it, knocked it against his Cajuns, before passing it to me. fine.
- Proceeded to ask the girl in front of the amps to move a bit to the side, placing me awkwardly next to her. fine.
- I plugged it in, then played with the two knobs present on the guitar (i was expecting only one). Not sure of which is the volume, and which is the dud. found out which was which, and it turns out it was wrong. fine.
- The girl on the acoustic guitar is playing as loud as the amplifier at this moment, strumming with all her might. fine.
- Before I can do a close inspection, the old man appears in front of me, rushing me to be done, saying "just see if sound comes out, that means its fine." which is honestly retarded but once again, fine.
- Didn't manage to HEAR the guitar because of the girl's mighty playing, just noticed that SOUND came from the amp... fine.
- I stand up, unplug, and proceed to pay. The tech then comes close enough to ask "SO HOW IS IT?"
- I told him whats wrong naturally, cause he asked. Then he proceeds to give me the most PITYFUL and UNREALISTIC reasoning...
The wire isn't long enough to reach to that part of the guitar
- The volume knob wasn't located on the bridge of the guitar or on the neck pickup... it was where the telecaster tone knob used to be... if the wire could reach the tone knob before, how could it not reach the new resident volume knob now? fine.
- I pay, and go home.

Epilogue (29th Sept, 2011... as I am typing now)
- The guitar wasn't grounded... thus the buzzing is louder than the guitar notes itself.
- The knob is broken in half because the pot that the sales staff gave me was a solid shaft, while my knobs were meant for split shaft... and the tech went to force the knob into the shaft, resulting in the break.
- The pot is very scratchy, despite being "new" and "high quality" Ernie Balls.
- The 3-way switch on the guitar, isn't my original 3-way. Its a weird one that gets stuck in weird positions and doesn't transit between pickups nicely
- the middle position sound is terrible, almost inaudible.

- And so, what did I learn from this? Go to a legit tech to do legit work. I went to TY Music after that to check on the 5-way switching i wanted and they told me I had to get a super-switch... Those guys at TY Music know what they're doing and they know what is up. The other music store... not so much.
- I will not go back to "settle things straight", I believe that if they don't bother getting the job done right the first time, why would they bother to fix it the second time? In fact, if I go back, they'll be doing a job grudgingly (possibly...)

And thus my bitching session is now over. Thanks for reading! Sorry for the long post!
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Just checked my guitar up close. Guess what?

All the pickguard screws are missing. Somebody took it...

Unprofessional really.
Sad to hear wat happened. For me, tymc has n will always be the only guys handling my guitars. Recently I bought a used right-handed 8-stringer at a dang good price n, being a lefty, I decided to let tymc handle the major jobs:

re-rout all tone/volume knobs/selector switches to the other side of the guitar by carving a new control cavity with shielding done at the same time; new emg81s wont fit into the existing cavities so CK expertly made them wider for a perfect fit. Kudos to tymc for a job well done. Another tymc happy customer, to say the least. :-)
I recently bought an electric guitar from music theme. There's a buzzing one the open b string. The problem is with the lockin nut, it was badly made. I was thinking of going back to music theme to have it replaced or fixed (I assume I don't have to pay right? Since I bought the guitar from there which already had this existing problem). Now im having doubts on whether I should just bring it to guitar connection to fix instead.
I recently bought an electric guitar from music theme. There's a buzzing one the open b string. The problem is with the lockin nut, it was badly made. I was thinking of going back to music theme to have it replaced or fixed (I assume I don't have to pay right? Since I bought the guitar from there which already had this existing problem). Now im having doubts on whether I should just bring it to guitar connection to fix instead.

My guitar was bought from that place too, go to somewhere else you feel 100% sure of.
Seriously man, TYmusic is the ONLY place in peninsular where I'll trust my guitars with man. They sell their stuff at a reasonable price and the staff are genuinely helpful and don't seem like they're trying to rip you off at every oppurtunity.

Im not in anyway affiliated with them, but its time they get due recognition. !
Seriously man, TYmusic is the ONLY place in peninsular where I'll trust my guitars with man. They sell their stuff at a reasonable price and the staff are genuinely helpful and don't seem like they're trying to rip you off at every oppurtunity.

Im not in anyway affiliated with them, but its time they get due recognition. !

Agreed. Neither am I affiliated to them; juz a major shoutout regarding tymc's excellent service.. :-)
UPDATE: Sent it to TY Music first thing after they opened this morning. total rewire + replacement of the pickguard screws that got stolen. I know the "theft" was recent because i tried squeezing my picks into the pickguard a day before i sent it to the "repair".

i say theft due to the fact that its taken without me being informed, and not returned. I didn't ask for them to fix anything having to do with the pickguard or neck pickup, i don't see why they need to remove the pickguard screws.
pwhoah thanks for the headsup. I've only ever bought stuff from them, some parts and pedals. for more major setups and repairs have only been to guitar connection (which i'm partial to) and standard value (which i like very much). Gonna be trying out TYMC thanks to your good recommendations

the really sad reply about 'wire not long enough to reach there' is tragic. I've actually installed a guitar without a tone knob before, not entirely sure why it 'can't be done'. also middle part being 'no sound' is also just sad. it's not that difficult to wire a lever 3 way switch.

my advise is, buy a soldering iron and learn to do some of it yourself. after all, with all the 'fixes' you've put in and going to two seperate shops later, it's probably cost you about half the price of your guitar already
Hey bro doggieshaman, I am currently considering that, but I have a major exam in this period now so I felt leaving them do everything (and quick too) would be the "wisest" decision. Good things come to those who wait :)
FINAL UPDATE: Gotten back my guitar from TY this afternoon, caused them a bit of trouble due to miscommunication on my part, and I apologize.

Lesson learnt, go to TY/Beez/Mike@SV/Sound Alchemy/Malcolm or any other respected and highly recommended tech.

I'm not saying that bad techs will ALWAYS screw you over, and chances should be given. But then again, shit will happen.