Super orange drops.....yeah!!!!

Yeah Soft hasn't changed. Why does kid still sound so insulting btw? there are about 50 active users on this site give of take and at least 70% of them are below 20.

Oh and yeah I did misread it as the RX8, The Audi is way cooler than the Z4, too bad 95% of us here can't afford one.
Erm... I think you read it as "RX8" rather than "R8"?

Yes, living with what you have in your guitar isn't a bad thing. and one could definately do FAR WORSE than begin with an R8. But my point is that one SHOULD know what you have, and then make an informed and educated decision if that's good enough for you.

Corporations don't mislead people. There are laws against that. People think they're mislead because they don't bother to take the time to know enough, and cry foul when they're proven otherwise.

P.S. I do know what MacDonald's puts in their food. I supply it to them. ;)

But corporations mislead people all the time. If that LP forum thing is right then doesn't that mean I was mislead by the Gibson Guitar Corp to believe that I had bumble bee caps in my guitar when they're not actually bumble bee caps?
Besides unsaturated fat and refried potatoes, what do they put in their food?
But corporations mislead people all the time. If that LP forum thing is right then doesn't that mean I was mislead by the Gibson Guitar Corp to believe that I had bumble bee caps in my guitar when they're not actually bumble bee caps?
Besides unsaturated fat and refried potatoes, what do they put in their food?

"Bumblebees" are not trademarked. No one actually can claim that the Gibson is not what it is. Gibson didn't say it was the original bumblebees.

No misleading here. As Sub said, it's more misrepresentation, which is not illegal.

The difference is that Gibson makes no claim, and anyone with the right attitude and research will discover the truth. Misleading is when you intentionally hide it, and prevent others from discovering the truth.

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