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One of the best analog delay (even according to Analogmike from Analogman)
With Panasonic MN3008 bucket brigade chips
Brand new.
If you search the reviews, its really the same sound as the original big box DMM
Asking S$350
sms 9 seven 8 I 8 8 O zero

From analogman website:
Analog Delay Chips
I have heard that the chips in Analog Delays are no longer available. What's up with that?
That is true, Panasonic was making them until about 1999, now the Panasonic chips are all discontinued. Panasonic told me that the BBD (Bucket brigade) chips were originally made for use in their own products - for reverb and echo in TV sets and other audio products like karaoke. Matsushita owns/makes Panasonic and hundreds of other brands. Now that they are using digital in all their products they no longer need the analog chips, and the other companies who were buying them do not buy enough to make it feasable to keep production going. These chips use about a thousand capacitors (i.e. 1024 in an SAD1024 or MN3007) and electronic switches in each one to pass the analog signal value through the "bucket brigade". Not high tech but a very specialized part. There are some Chinese low voltage BBD chips being made now and used in most mass produced and boutique analog delays. EH is still using the old chips for now in the deluxe memory man (now discontinued) and the XO version DMM. They use the new chips in the smaller pedals (memory boy/toy etc). In 2015, a new XVIVE Chinese version of the MN3005 chip became available (but not readily available, still waiting for ours a half year later). EHX is using these chips in the DMM TT1100 pedal now, while the previous same pedal was called DMM Tap Tempo and used NOS Japanese MN3005 chips.
We had some high delay time chips made for our Analog Man AR20DL and ARDX20 Analog Delays, see our analog delay page for more info.
What is a good Analog Delay?
There are some new analog delays I like now, the Maxon AD9, the EH Deluxe Memory man, the MXR Carbon Copy and our ARDX20. We sell all but the Maxon AD9 which is discontinued. They all sound great but the features are quite different, and the sound is a little different too. There is a new Ibanez AD-9 out now too but it's not as good as the old Ibanez AD-9 or others, see my Ibanez page Maxon section for more info.
There are two versions of the old Boss DM-2, the later ones were basically the same as the DM-3 with the 3205 chip. These are serial #182000 and above. So many DM2 pedals will sound the same as a DM3. Get the older one with the 3005 chip if you want the best sound. The 2015 DM2W WAZA is also available starting about 2015.
The AD9 and most Japanese analog delays are tuned for less noise, they chop off a lot of high end to reduce noise. So they are very warm and deep sounding but repeats of very high notes may be a little weak. The AD9 is similar to the old Boss DM-2 and even more similar to the DM-3 pedals. Our ARDX20 is similar but a little stronger and less dark. The EH has more high end and a little more white noise. But they all have filters (like a noise gate) that stop the noise when you stop playing. The Boss DM-2W Waza has two settings, for low high (Custom) delay time. In normal mode, it sounds a lot like our ARDX20 in tone and noise, but delay time is short (300mS). In Custom (long delay) mode, it goes up to over 800mS and has a very clear sound, not as dark, but has quite a lot more noise, about like an EHX DMM.
The EH has a slightly longer delay time, about 400mS-450mS instead of the 300mS that the other small delays have. That's about 2 to 3 repeats per second. For some reason the delay time is not usually 500mS, as it should be. We can tweak the DMM for a little more delay time before it starts getting noisy, we can get over 500mS with our delay time "slight tweak". The Deluxe Memory Man can get 100% wet (all delay) while the other Analog Delays will not, you always hear the dry signal. If you listened to the 100% wet sound you would hear how dull most of the Japanese pedals' delays are. The DMM also has a modulation knob, a little of that blended in makes it sound very cool and natural. The Chorus setting is a slow modulation, vibrato is a faster modulation. What modulation is, is slowing down and speeding up the delay time slightly. You can imitate that on any delay by gently turning the delay time knob up and down a bit. The EH also has an input level control and an indicator LED to show if you are overloading it. So it will work with a pretty wide range of input levels.
The Carbon Copy, AD9 and ARDX20 can run off batteries or a standard Boss type 9V adaptor. The EH is larger and uses a special 24V adaptor.
So you should be able to choose one based on the features and sound you need. See my Ibanez/Maxon page and EH page for more info on these.
Deluxe Memory Man info
The Japanese Panasonic MN30XX chips are the best ever made, a little better than the more recent (but also discontinued) Japanese MN32XX chips in the DM3, AD9 etc. and better than the BL32XX Chinese chips. These MN chips are all discontinued, only the Chinese chips are still made. Don't know how much longer EH will be able to make the memory man with the good old Japanese chips but they are still using them now in the XO series small die-cast Deluxe Memory man and they were used in all the classic large box DMM pedals.
3X05 = about 4000 delay stages, 3X08 = 2000 stages, 3X07 = 1000 stages.
In about early 2006 the DMM changed to relay true bypass switching, and four MN3008 chips instead of two MN3005 chips. HOWEVER... this new board has jumpers on it so you can run it on two chips OR four chips. I have seen quite a few of these in 2008 that came with the new (relay) board, but with two MN3005 chips. Very nice.
The DMM has either MN3008 chips (4 * 2000 = 8000 stages), or MN3005 (2 * 4000 = same 8000 stages) for the same delay time.
4000 stages is good for about 300mS at reasonable quality (AD9, AR20DL, etc) or 200mS at high quality (DMM).
1000 stages is more than enough for a chorus (we use new old stock MN3007 chips in our chorus). There were also 512 stage chips used fo chorus and flangers (best for a flanger).
To check if you have the new DMM version with the relay, turn it on and play, so you are hearing the delays (effect on). Then unplug the power from the back of the DMM. If it turns off and you hear your normal guitar sound, then it has a relay. If you hear nothing, then you don't have the relay. You can also tell as the stomp switch only has two wires on it if you have the relay.
EH is running very low on the MN3005 chips. Theoretically, the less delay chips you have, each with higher number of memory positions to add up to the same amount of memory, the better the sound. But in reality there is little sound difference between two 3005 chips and four 3008 chips. But there are twice as many calibration points to dial in if you have 4 chips. Some delays have EIGHT CHIPS (ad999?), that must be a nightmare to calibrate... I don't like the AD999 as much as the Ad900 as it has enclosed pots that can't be cleaned or replaced, and a very weird circuit- it sounds almost digital at low delay times. The Maxon AD900 was better to me, a normal analog delay circuit and we can mod those for true bypass and expression pedal control jacks.
In 2011, the Tap Tempo DMM was released. They had four NOS MN3005 chips in them for about 1100mS of delay time. It also added an expression control jack and an effects loop, and fully adjustable control over Rate and Depth of the modulation. It used a normal 9V power supply for ease of use. EHX thought they could make a bunch, but most of the MN3005 chips they bought turned out to be fakes, relabeled MN3008 chips, with half the delay time. So they came out with the 550-TT model in 2012, using four MN3008 chips for 550mS of delay time. The circuit seems to be about the same as the normal DMM with the addition of digital circuitry to control the pedal. So they sound about the same as any other DMM, with differences mostly due to calibration or tolerances. Some 550-TT pedals may appear to have MN3005 chips, but those are the relabeled fakes.
With Panasonic MN3008 bucket brigade chips
Brand new.
If you search the reviews, its really the same sound as the original big box DMM
Asking S$350
sms 9 seven 8 I 8 8 O zero

From analogman website:
Analog Delay Chips
I have heard that the chips in Analog Delays are no longer available. What's up with that?
That is true, Panasonic was making them until about 1999, now the Panasonic chips are all discontinued. Panasonic told me that the BBD (Bucket brigade) chips were originally made for use in their own products - for reverb and echo in TV sets and other audio products like karaoke. Matsushita owns/makes Panasonic and hundreds of other brands. Now that they are using digital in all their products they no longer need the analog chips, and the other companies who were buying them do not buy enough to make it feasable to keep production going. These chips use about a thousand capacitors (i.e. 1024 in an SAD1024 or MN3007) and electronic switches in each one to pass the analog signal value through the "bucket brigade". Not high tech but a very specialized part. There are some Chinese low voltage BBD chips being made now and used in most mass produced and boutique analog delays. EH is still using the old chips for now in the deluxe memory man (now discontinued) and the XO version DMM. They use the new chips in the smaller pedals (memory boy/toy etc). In 2015, a new XVIVE Chinese version of the MN3005 chip became available (but not readily available, still waiting for ours a half year later). EHX is using these chips in the DMM TT1100 pedal now, while the previous same pedal was called DMM Tap Tempo and used NOS Japanese MN3005 chips.
We had some high delay time chips made for our Analog Man AR20DL and ARDX20 Analog Delays, see our analog delay page for more info.
What is a good Analog Delay?
There are some new analog delays I like now, the Maxon AD9, the EH Deluxe Memory man, the MXR Carbon Copy and our ARDX20. We sell all but the Maxon AD9 which is discontinued. They all sound great but the features are quite different, and the sound is a little different too. There is a new Ibanez AD-9 out now too but it's not as good as the old Ibanez AD-9 or others, see my Ibanez page Maxon section for more info.
There are two versions of the old Boss DM-2, the later ones were basically the same as the DM-3 with the 3205 chip. These are serial #182000 and above. So many DM2 pedals will sound the same as a DM3. Get the older one with the 3005 chip if you want the best sound. The 2015 DM2W WAZA is also available starting about 2015.
The AD9 and most Japanese analog delays are tuned for less noise, they chop off a lot of high end to reduce noise. So they are very warm and deep sounding but repeats of very high notes may be a little weak. The AD9 is similar to the old Boss DM-2 and even more similar to the DM-3 pedals. Our ARDX20 is similar but a little stronger and less dark. The EH has more high end and a little more white noise. But they all have filters (like a noise gate) that stop the noise when you stop playing. The Boss DM-2W Waza has two settings, for low high (Custom) delay time. In normal mode, it sounds a lot like our ARDX20 in tone and noise, but delay time is short (300mS). In Custom (long delay) mode, it goes up to over 800mS and has a very clear sound, not as dark, but has quite a lot more noise, about like an EHX DMM.
The EH has a slightly longer delay time, about 400mS-450mS instead of the 300mS that the other small delays have. That's about 2 to 3 repeats per second. For some reason the delay time is not usually 500mS, as it should be. We can tweak the DMM for a little more delay time before it starts getting noisy, we can get over 500mS with our delay time "slight tweak". The Deluxe Memory Man can get 100% wet (all delay) while the other Analog Delays will not, you always hear the dry signal. If you listened to the 100% wet sound you would hear how dull most of the Japanese pedals' delays are. The DMM also has a modulation knob, a little of that blended in makes it sound very cool and natural. The Chorus setting is a slow modulation, vibrato is a faster modulation. What modulation is, is slowing down and speeding up the delay time slightly. You can imitate that on any delay by gently turning the delay time knob up and down a bit. The EH also has an input level control and an indicator LED to show if you are overloading it. So it will work with a pretty wide range of input levels.
The Carbon Copy, AD9 and ARDX20 can run off batteries or a standard Boss type 9V adaptor. The EH is larger and uses a special 24V adaptor.
So you should be able to choose one based on the features and sound you need. See my Ibanez/Maxon page and EH page for more info on these.
Deluxe Memory Man info
The Japanese Panasonic MN30XX chips are the best ever made, a little better than the more recent (but also discontinued) Japanese MN32XX chips in the DM3, AD9 etc. and better than the BL32XX Chinese chips. These MN chips are all discontinued, only the Chinese chips are still made. Don't know how much longer EH will be able to make the memory man with the good old Japanese chips but they are still using them now in the XO series small die-cast Deluxe Memory man and they were used in all the classic large box DMM pedals.
3X05 = about 4000 delay stages, 3X08 = 2000 stages, 3X07 = 1000 stages.
In about early 2006 the DMM changed to relay true bypass switching, and four MN3008 chips instead of two MN3005 chips. HOWEVER... this new board has jumpers on it so you can run it on two chips OR four chips. I have seen quite a few of these in 2008 that came with the new (relay) board, but with two MN3005 chips. Very nice.
The DMM has either MN3008 chips (4 * 2000 = 8000 stages), or MN3005 (2 * 4000 = same 8000 stages) for the same delay time.
4000 stages is good for about 300mS at reasonable quality (AD9, AR20DL, etc) or 200mS at high quality (DMM).
1000 stages is more than enough for a chorus (we use new old stock MN3007 chips in our chorus). There were also 512 stage chips used fo chorus and flangers (best for a flanger).
To check if you have the new DMM version with the relay, turn it on and play, so you are hearing the delays (effect on). Then unplug the power from the back of the DMM. If it turns off and you hear your normal guitar sound, then it has a relay. If you hear nothing, then you don't have the relay. You can also tell as the stomp switch only has two wires on it if you have the relay.
EH is running very low on the MN3005 chips. Theoretically, the less delay chips you have, each with higher number of memory positions to add up to the same amount of memory, the better the sound. But in reality there is little sound difference between two 3005 chips and four 3008 chips. But there are twice as many calibration points to dial in if you have 4 chips. Some delays have EIGHT CHIPS (ad999?), that must be a nightmare to calibrate... I don't like the AD999 as much as the Ad900 as it has enclosed pots that can't be cleaned or replaced, and a very weird circuit- it sounds almost digital at low delay times. The Maxon AD900 was better to me, a normal analog delay circuit and we can mod those for true bypass and expression pedal control jacks.
In 2011, the Tap Tempo DMM was released. They had four NOS MN3005 chips in them for about 1100mS of delay time. It also added an expression control jack and an effects loop, and fully adjustable control over Rate and Depth of the modulation. It used a normal 9V power supply for ease of use. EHX thought they could make a bunch, but most of the MN3005 chips they bought turned out to be fakes, relabeled MN3008 chips, with half the delay time. So they came out with the 550-TT model in 2012, using four MN3008 chips for 550mS of delay time. The circuit seems to be about the same as the normal DMM with the addition of digital circuitry to control the pedal. So they sound about the same as any other DMM, with differences mostly due to calibration or tolerances. Some 550-TT pedals may appear to have MN3005 chips, but those are the relabeled fakes.