Style Comparisons... JAM TIME!!!


New member
Hey all,
I got bored this morning, and figured it would be nice to have a kind of style comparison, in a jam style.

No no.. its not going to be like you take 10 secs, i take the next 10 secs... this time, its the FULL TRACK.

Singapore has many guitarists/musicians, and everyone does things differently... so yeah... I thought it would be interesting to see what each of us can come up with. And steal those ideas... muahahaha!

Here is the backing track* (1 backing only!)

For those participating in the jam, please list your scales used and influences (if any) plus, upload a couple of yousendit links will you? ;)

*Jam track courtesy of KX (hay88) who thinks he got it from Blackmoo
Hey purplehaze... welcome to lead playing. :)

You have been playing lead for 6 mths but I do hear a good dose of maturity in the playing there! Keep it going... what you lack is just the technical abilities, which will come about with practice, no sweat. I love the way you gave the piece some space to breath... or were you figuring out what to play? ;)

Hmmmm... i like the tone, very thick. :) But i think it might be a touch too much gain? Dynamics will have a problem coming out.

Also, you need vibrato man! :) Vibrato defines a human player...
Thank you for the comment, I used to play a lot of notes before till my friend told me to let it have some space to breathe . I am using a 1990 korean made ES 335 copy with stock pick up and a pod version 2 , I will keep on pracctising.

thank you
hi all..
here is my take..simple just follow the flow
there are mistakes as usually..

its the first take no add enhancement done..its raw material..
feel free to comment or advise..

basic pentatonic scale and some passing by notes..
its kinda experamental...

thats all folks..
pls refer to the link by Shredcow later for the piece.
Re: Style Comparisons... JAM TIME!!! :)

What a lovely chord progression, Daniel...I'll surely give it a try when I have the time!
Thanks killinghall, go for it! :)

Hey Penguin, I tried to d/l your wav file but it FAILED. UGH. And so... go and look for this software, dBpowerAMP Music Converter, google it. Its Free and it converts stuff nicely. :)
Ah this backing I originally got from Dhalif! Hahaha. Eh give me a few days. Work kinda upset my practice schedule and I'm beginning to play like Hung. So yea coming up soon.
im a noob, so may i ask what scale is it in? i started learning minor scales recently. i was thinking, is it A minor?

wanna try out. thanks.