SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)

chalet or bbq are both ok with me.. although i prefer bbq more.

the food have to standardnise yeah.. cause to buddhist.. they cant eat the food even it just touches the beef.. so what happens if u used the tools to handle the beef to touch the chicken?

i eat everything though :lol:

yeah.. a few food handlers is good.. otherwise its realli messed up having everyone to que up for to cook their own.
Aha! rather than i scurry around looking for places, why not throw it to the floor!

Anybody know of any lobang ? or Promotion for Chalets ?
if got plz PM me !!! hahahah (well i'll look for it myself too in the mean time)
And post me stuff on foods you guys wana eat :D ... Also.. Activities manager.. Whos up for it... Ice breaking, introductory games and stuff.
i dont play games leh.. these icebreaking stuffs not for me.. thats why i nv join those orientations in school..

chicken.. fish... nuggets... sausages.. chicken wings.. woo
Vaiyen said:
a copious amount of alcohol is the best ice-breaker.

On a separate note, alcohol may nt be allowed due to some of the participant's religeous beliefs. So if ya guys wanan drink, keep it till after 5pm (when most has gone home) or don't let me see it :D.
some suggestions:
1) wanna try satay? probably 20-25cents for uncooked sticks. you can order ketupat together. since they also come with cucumber and onions, these can kinda take care of the salad part. also the ketupat is something like rice, thus filling.
2) otak otak sticks? these can be eaten with bread, thus again filling enough to last through the nite. growing boys and girls need energy food to jam rite?
these 2 above mentioned items no need seasonings, so less leceh.
3) of course the usual chicken wings and various chicken parts.
4) usual finger food stuff, eg. nuggets, hotdogs, etc.
5) salads or fruits. these can be prepared at home.
6) can also consider getting the indian or muslim food stall to fry mee-goreng or bee-hoon.
5) don't forget marshmallows?!! :D
6) for drinks, if can get those drink containers, can make own drinks cheaper, cos it's just a bottle or two of syrup water and ice. otherwise getting pre-packed yeohiapseng kinds are more expensive though less troublesome.
one last thing to mention, since the surroundings are gonna be less than bright, if you serve fish, is it ok because of the bones?
is there a saying that drunk musicians play better or create better songs? what's up with the alcohol stuff. but hell yeah~! those stuff are great~!
while drinking alcohol before 5pm is pretty pathetic (although i've done it myself on more than a few occasions), to need a rule that states we can't drink till after 5pm is silly and unnecessary. i'm sure those who drink won't shove alcohol down non-drinkers' throats, and i'm sure those with religious objections to alcohol are mature enough not to impose their objections on others, especially on neutral public ground such as a beach.

drinking is like smoking. non-smokers say "no" when they're offered cigs and keep away from the smokey areas so they don't smell disgusting. but just because some of us don't like smoking doesn't mean we should ban smoking or tell them they can only smoke after 5pm. that's absurd.

if you don't want to see people drink, close your eyes. ;) if we're on neutral property, i won't hide behind a tree while i drink just because someone else objects to alcohol. :)
How can there be no alcohol ?
Its a gathering of musical souls... not a religious meeting.

For me I'll be true to myself. I'll let the Beer flow from a tap.
Its sheer prove of God's Love for us. wahahaha.

But seriously... You have to know that things work both ways.
Rather than we dont dish out the alcohol. Why cant religiously pious people stay away from it themselves?

You're not gona tell me next that you dont wana see people dishing out poker cards playing Tai Tee, cos of religious implications arent you?

Come on, ease up man... its really meant to be a "get together and make merry" event.

I feel that taking Beef off the menu and having all halal food is rather respectful and considerate already. Come on ease up... focus on the fun factor.
and as for ice breaking games.... uh... i think... uh... its abit too weird to have it lah... I think any kind soul with a PS, or an XBOX to bring over will suffice. and you know. Acoustic jams, and maybe a cheap soccer ball...
you know. great for ice breaking wat. oh yeah. i mentioned before.. TaiTee..
maybe a few of you guys can bring a few of your favourite CDs to share with the rest of us. more than enuf things to do.
Might as well we ransacked a Cash Converter and kapok all their stuff!!!

Hey guys, just wanna to say something..

Its better to start simple but fun..

Love U all..

Therefore. Smoking / Alcohol will not be prohibited.

Food will be without beef, halal too.

As for fun. Bring balls, people, lotsa balls.
Then bring acoustic stuffs along. Bring whatever fun stuffs you guys want. We will be playing soccer or other ball sports so don't bring your $1k Soloman shoes :D.

Venue and place, to confirm with SeeKz.

Menu preparation and cooking will be handled by spikes and me

Feel free to give your inputs on fun, games, food and activities alike.
duskalways said:
some suggestions:

Very good suggestion.

Food will consist of Meats, Salads and fruits.

I will seriously consider the Satay. I know a good supplier that makes my mouth water just thinking of it.
Chicken wings and drumsticks. Chicken Nuggets and Fish fingers (no bones). Sausages, Fishballs. As for the Bee hoon and fried rice, we can cook ourselves or buy. But it will definitely be provided somehow.

Now for fruits and salads. SOFTies should have no problem in the bathroom,ya? Watermelons, Oranges and Papaya. Basic fruits, nothing hard to eat like durians, pineapples and stuff.

Vegetables? I can help steam broccoli and other vegetables for other health enthusiastic softies :D

As for drinks, we'll buy those Pet bottles of coke, green tea, etc.

And marshmallows are compulsory :D