SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)

1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS
29. Nuevosg ( depend on date ) serving ns...
30. aielen
31. ronin
32. parasite_eve
i'd love to take part. sorry, i've totally been out of action the past two weeks but i'm back now and i hope i managed to catch this thread in time.

when and where, and how much is it per person?

i'll ask the rest of the guys from West Grand Boulevard if they're interested too. it'd be nice to chill out with and get to know the rest of the music community.

1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS
29. Nuevosg ( depend on date ) serving ns...
30. aielen
31. ronin
32. parasite_eve
33. sab (i want to be the audience!!haha!!)

Hey it'd be so cool man.. we can have the chance to meet new people, especially music on-go-ers like us.. hehe :supz:
So this will be a single day, Barbeque and beach event? Shall we make this at east coast? We will need 2 pits though. (32+ ppl)
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS
29. Nuevosg ( depend on date ) serving ns...
30. aielen
31. ronin
32. parasite_eve
33. sab (i want to be the audience!!haha!!)
34. WiZaRd ( I aso wan to joinnnnn!!! I'm SUPER DUPER FRIENDLY!!)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS
29. Nuevosg ( depend on date ) serving ns...
30. aielen
31. ronin
32. parasite_eve
33. sab (i want to be the audience!!haha!!)
34. WiZaRd ( I aso wan to joinnnnn!!! I'm SUPER DUPER FRIENDLY!!)
35. Mr_X
Alright lets hear from the SOFTies,

Would you like a 1 day BBQ? or thon overnight?

What games would you like to play?

What food would you want to try/cook? (Halal food)

Would it be fine if its at east coast?

And lastly, more suggestions... Speak your mind...
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS
29. Nuevosg ( depend on date ) serving ns...
30. aielen
31. ronin
32. parasite_eve
33. sab (i want to be the audience!!haha!!)
34. WiZaRd ( I aso wan to joinnnnn!!! I'm SUPER DUPER FRIENDLY!!)
35. Mr_X
36. siva ( great chance to meet u all great musicians out there !! )
Beef would be a little hard to grill, therefore chicken and fish.
Overnight can be arranged by ourselves but for the first outing lets keep it a single day trip.
Yup therefore the food will be chicken, fish, nuggets and stuff like that :D Think western grilled/BBQ stuffs.

Any objections there?
So after 3 days, roughly about 30 over names.
So roughly a rough estimate of about 20 person gona turn up.
and about 8-9 gona stay over. A pretty realistic estimate dont ya think ?

Then i think one chalet would be enuf lah. Drumsets and everything, I dont think will have space... perhaps a DD-55 would be good enuf? hahaha. anybody got one?

Food selectionwise of cos will consider Halal or not, as to beef or not beef, aiyah the person who eats discern himself lah. Can eat then eat lah cannot then dont lah. Anyway, no need to assign who cook what also. It plain logic, you hungry -> you want to eat -> you cook for yourself.. no point cook abunch of hotdogs and leave it to get cold on the table.

so i guess the date wise will be a one night thing.
prolly a Saturday. If everyone is okie with the setting, then i'll start to source for Location and pricing already. and most importantly timing.
Pardon, seekz, but we may or may not book a chalet depending on the others, if they are willing to fork out cash, then we may, if they wish to keep the budget low, We'll just bring tents and sleeping bags for the 10- to stay over.

As for the food, Its not for the people to discern whether halal or nt halal, beef or nt beef. The fact that they are cooked together already defeats the purpose. Therefore we have to standardise the food.

As for the cooks, I think we should stick to a few designated food handlers who know proper cooking procedures so as to keep the food fresh and cooked properly. We dun want stomach upsets do we?

More suggestions and inputs would be welcome...
Well the original plan was a CHALET isnt it ?
if not how to bring drumsets and practise amps ?

and of cos have to fork out a lil if you wana participate what.
Food aint free. even if its a bbq pit, it aint free either. if its tents and sleeping bags... does it mean if i dont have one i have to sleep on the floor/grass? or some straw mat? or if not who's gona bring extra for me?

As for the food, Its not for the people to discern whether halal or nt halal, beef or nt beef. The fact that they are cooked together already defeats the purpose. Therefore we have to standardise the food

I dont really understand what you're saying. Food definitely has to be halal.
If you cant eat beef, then stay away from it. We dont wana play mummies and daddies to tell you wat you can or cannot eat.
Yeap original plan was chalet.
Worried about the budget though.
Whats the budget for chalet and BBQ gonna look like?

As for food, yeah I meant it all to be halal, as for beef, its better if we separate or completely omit it. This is to be safe and considerate.

Drumsets/Practice Amps and stuff may nt be confirmed, depending if we have a chalet or not. If we are going to have a BBQ instead, I guess acoustic guitars will do.

Remember, this is just the first outing. There might be more in the future, Bigger ones.
thats why i ask for interested parties to state their interest.See how many ppl wana come then plan lor.

right now my guess is prolly only 20+ will turn up.

budget wise is not confirm, thats why i said i'll go check out the different location and different prices....