SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)

Due to the size we may be using 2 barbeque pits. As such, 2 people min. are required to man the pits. Excluding those helping to prepare the food and stuffs.
Hahahah!!! That's the spirit!! got food committee.. Eh, got safety officer or not.??

I want to become one eh.. last time in NS I like to cover safety..

Take safety rover and all that

Sure fun.. Very lobo

I'm lookin forward to see u guys!!!
Roast my cowbell please, a more chunky sound if you know what I mean. Bouncers!!! Who'd wanna be bouncer!!! Incase gordon try to peep around...
Lmao... Just kidding. Don't think bouncers are needed. Just keep that spare B.C. Rich guitar at hand if anyone tries to steal our delicious food.

zone said:
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone

Keep em coming guys, by the way wat date is The Gathering? we shuld sumhow do a "Softies Gathering Gig"
sure culd be fun
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS

1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ...
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS

wah so many pppl... so many new friends n playmates......

May i knoe who is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF for this GATHERING???

when is the actual date for this gathering?

1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ...
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar
24. AsphaltMK
25. blackductape (depending on the date )
26. zone
27. endlessrain77
28. NoMiS
29. Hans_Zimmer :D